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Getting started with public Qizmos - Foolproof :)

When you startup qwcl, I recommend to connect to a public Qizmo proxy.
Public Qizmos have excellent serverbrowser and fps improving options,
which will make your life much easier, once you have taken your time to learn the menu system

Here is an example of how to get connected to a public qizmo located in UK and how to use it:
(It may be a good idea to save this document as a text file...)

In your console (the quake console) type this:
/connect (then press enter)

Upon succesfull connection, you will be presented with the image of a sky texture and a menu.
You will need to type the command: .menu bind (and remember the dot in front of menu)

A dot is used by proxys to distinguish proxy commands from chat/normal client commands
Make it a habit to issue normal client commands starting with "/" (without quotes)
example: "/show_fps 1"
Proxy commands should be started with "."
example: ".menu"

Assuming you have typed ".menu bind", you can browse the menu with the arrowkeys
The menu can be toggled on/off with the ".menu" command
It's a good idea to bind this to a key, for example [M]
Type this: bind m "say .menu" (then press enter) - now M key will toggle the menu on/off
To select a particular option in the menu, press return (or enter)
Now, select the serverbrowser in the menu
then use the arrowkeys (sideways) to find [sources]
select "barrysworld" as source, then use the arrowkeys (sideways) to find [ping]
then scroll down to "update sources" and press enter
When you get the message "Done", scroll down to "start pinging" and press enter
(this will update the server information)
Then scroll sideways to [list] (still un the serverbrowser submenu) and select a server
- preferably one at barrysworld, since these will give you best connection speed (lowest ping)
press enter, and scroll to "connect" - then press enter, and you will be connected to the server.
When you want to leave the server, select another server in the menu (remember it's bound to m)
alternatively type ".disconnect" (remember the dot!)
This will bring you back to Qizmo and the sky image..

You can save your config on the public qizmo by going to the main menu:
- scroll back to [control]/[ctrl] and select "back" until you get to "main menu"
now find the submenu "config manager" and select save "yourname.cfg"
next time you connect to qizmo, it will remember your last saved config, based on your name

When you are done playing around, type "/disconnect" - this will disconnect you from qizmo itself
then type "/quit", press enter, type "y", press enter again, and qwcl will exit to wb :)

I have made a script called newbie.cfg, which connects you to above mentioned qizmo automatically
and makes all the binds for you, incl. fps enhancements.
The script also sets "rate" and "pushlatency" to suitable values for a 28K modem connection.
Rate and pushlatency is used for finetuning your connection to give as little lag as possible
It's a good idea to read about these commands in guide/faq section "Quakeworld Guide".
You can download newbie.cfg here

If you want to use the script, put it in your ID1 dir, start qwcl and type: /exec newbie.cfg

If you want a large list of public qizmos, download qizmo.cfg at proxy section