Adventure... Thailand or Indonesia?

This topic was created by Shanti
[Thu 13 May, 20:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi there, I am planning a trip in November to either
Thailand or Indonesia. I want to do some trekking and want
to know anyone's advice of good places. The volcanoes in
Indo sound pretty awesome, do you think more exciting than
say, Chiang Mai in Thailand?
Anyone who has had a good trek please tell me where.

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 16:29]

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  1. Indonesia, but... Added by: Karlo
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 0:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Chiang Mai is like Disneyland. If you're into the unbeaten
    track, you were beaten to it here. Indonesia has a ton of
    volcanoes, and aside from Merapi and Bromo in Java, they
    don't see much traffic. However, given the current political
    situation in Indonesia, it's hard to recommend it. You might
    come in from Manado in Sulawesi, and work down the peninsula
    it's on to Poso. There are lots of treks in that area
    (Bada), and also from Rantepao or Makale in Tanah Toraja
    (more touristed, but nothing like Chiang Mai-Chiang Rai.)
    Also, West and North Sumatra have more possibilities, with
    quick exits from Padang or Medan to the Malay Peninsula.

  2. Incredible Trek Added by: DI
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 2:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you want a true adventure go to Indonesia's Siberut Island. You can arrange to go there via a town called Bukkitingi (sp?). It is very heavy and wet trekking through the rainforest for approx. 5 days (approx. 6 hrs a day trekking). Your guides are indigenous Medicine men - clad only in loin cloths. You stay in Medicine men's stilt homes which house their pigs underneath the structure. If you are into incredibly rustic surroundings and the best experience of your life go to Siberut.

  3. Real Trekking ... Added by: Don Lefresne (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 2:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Chiang Mai is a large city in the north of Thailnd, great
    place to visit for a short time (2-3 days). If you are
    looking to get a little more remote then try Chang Rai or
    Mae Hong Song. Keep in mind that trekking is big a tourist
    business there the longer treks will take you into more
    remote places. I would reccommend at least a 3-day trek.
    Shop around for a guide and ask him exactly what tribes you
    will see.
    If given the choice I would chose Indonesia as a
    destination. Much cheaper, people are very friendly (no that
    Thai's are not), culture, night life, the level of english
    is good, so many things to do. Thailand is a close second
    choice, it is more travelled and easy to get around.
    Feel free to e-mail me if you want more information.

  4. You can't go wrong Added by: Robin
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 10:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I personally found both Thailand and Indonesia (the
    miniscule porportion of it I saw)to be magic. Both
    countries have it all - good beaches, lush jungle scenery,
    excellent hill trekking and, in places, good partying.
    Having said that, and although I never ventured beyond Bali
    and Lombok, I felt Indonesia to be more raw and adventurous
    than Thailand and with a bit of searching I have no doubt
    you could find a beautiful secluded spot to youself.
    Thailand on the other hand is more touristy but don't let
    that put you off - there are still places to be found off
    the beaten track (or kind of at least). Apparently the
    trekking in Sulawesi is brilliant (Ihope so - I'm going
    there soon)but the trek I went on in ther north of Thailand
    was also very good - beautiful views, very friendly people,
    some lovely waterfalls...I'm sorry if I haven't really
    helped you answer the question. Ideally, my answer would be
    for you to go to both Thailand and Indonesia. Good luck and
    hope you enjoy. Robin.

  5. Birth of a New Nation Added by: James
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 16:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you want true adventure, I'd recommend East Timor with
    the independance/autonomy referendum expected in early
    August. Whilst it may not resemble the commodified
    'Adventure' of tour brochures, the political environment
    will guarantee an unforgettable experience. If you are an
    experienced traveller, keep your head down and go. The
    local people will recieve a tremendous vote of encouragement
    to see that their present turmoil does not disuade the
    adventurous, curious and conscientious traveller from
    recieving their hospitality. I will be there, hopefully at
    the Hotel Tourismo , which is the nicest hotel. jangan

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