
This topic was created by Martin (DMSMBC@yahoo.com)
[Thu 20 May, 6:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Anybody been to Tioman lately, or not so lately? I am
taking off in two weeks and need any comments,
info, reflections, ideas, recomendations, large and small,
ASAP. Thanks little buddies.
Penguin Boy

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 16:28]

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  1. Tioman Added by: Kiwigirl
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 9:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We went last year in off season so it was quiet. It's a
    relatively 'dry'area so take your own alcohol if you drink.
    The bats hanging in the trees fly into the jungle area at
    night so take a drink down at sunset and prepare to be
    amazed. Snorkelling at the marine reserve is wonderful. We
    had a monkey that would wake us up early each morning and
    come down and eat the fruit from the tress just outside our
    door. While snorkeling we saw a huge turtle and a few
    stingrays. Beautiful. Can't remember where we stayed
    though. It was situated at the first bay around from the
    marine reserve if you are heading for the pier. Check out
    the cobras sleeping in the trees during the day. Don't step
    on any of those huge lizards baking in the sun either.

  2. a quiet time Added by: susyq
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 10:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was there 10 months ago - in July for a couple of weeks.
    Thought it was great, but I was in the relaxation frame of
    mind (although there's always a little party on somewhere if
    you want to find it). Stayed at Salang, which was fantastic
    for snorkelling right out from the beach - although it's a
    busy bay, with boats and ferries coming in and out (doesn't
    seem to be a problem for swimmers and snorkellers). I'm not
    a diver, but apparently the diving was good and there's a
    few dive places set up.
    You have to travel to anywhere by boat, which is refreshing,
    as the only road leads from the airport to the big resort
    (which I studiously avoided). Salang has one of the few bars
    on the island - but it only serves beer, so stock up on your
    duty-free. You can get a beer with meals at most places,
    but don't expect anything stronger (except for the Anchor
    Special beer, which is higher in alcohol content - sorry if
    I sound like a lush, but it was a hot topic with folks I met
    there - two South African girls nearly packed up and went
    back to the mainland, they were so alarmed at their
    restricted access to alcohol).
    It's a beautiful island, and the boat trip round for a day
    of seeing a few places is worth it - you can even go to the
    waterfall where you 'wash that man right out of your hair'.
    Food is cheap and basic - highly recommended are the banana
    pancakes, and any of the fresh seafood you pick off the
    staff to be barbecued - I feasted on crab most of the time I
    was there. I stayed at Zaid's - right on the bay beach -
    family run concern, which was basic and reasonably priced
    (although they don't do much cleaning). The sunsets are a
    spectacle every night, and become quite a ritual.
    The down side was the sand flies - I got eaten alive on the
    beach the first day, but didn't realise until later, and
    assumed they were missi bites. I still looked like I had
    chicken pox when I left 10 days later. The trick is to put
    on your repellant BEFORE you sit on the beach - or take a
    hammock, or sit off the sand. otherwise, it's beautiful
    swiming and beaching.
    Don't expect a disco or shopping mall - you won't find it,
    but it's a good place to unwind and recharge and be a
    tropical bunny for a while. Glad to answer any other

  3. Still very a nice place Added by: Willie
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 15:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Been there for a week around March, its not as beautiful as
    a few yrs ago, but still a nice place to unwind, do
    absolutely nothing, except enjoy the sun, sand & the sea.
    The place to stay is at Salang beach, by far the best beach
    on the island. There are some really inexpensive(but don't
    expect really clean rooms) places to stay.
    If you are a cleanliness freak, its better to choose the
    only good resort (Berjaya Resort, expensive though).
    The people there are really nice, food is cheap (well,
    relatively cheap for a Singaporean, and not much western
    food), seafood is a must. Find a restaurant by the beach &
    enjoy eating your dinner with a balmy breeze, life cannot be
    better! It is true there is not much alcohol around, but
    hey, who wants to get drunk at such a nice place? I think a
    week's stay would be just enough.

  4. w;od Added by: ofj
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 16:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]


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