Heading to Bali area

This topic was created by Jen
[Thu 20 May, 5:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Looking for last minute tips - I leave in 9 days. First
stopping in Bali for 2 weeks, then onward island hopping for
a month (depending on political climate).
Packing advice: Should I take a set of warmer clothes if I
am planning to climb any volcanoes? What weather can I
expect - coming from Montana, I can handle a little cold...
Budget: I have heard from $10-15/day on a tight budget, is
this true?

[There are 15 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 12:48]

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  1. Brr.. Added by: DI
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 6:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The weather will be beautiful, but if you plan on climbing volcanoes do take a warm set of clothes. It can be pretty bitter overnight and during those 5a.m. climbs to the top of volcanoes. Don't worry about taking a sleeping bag because the homestays in the volcanic regions will have warmer blankets. In regard to the $10-15/day - it is very easily achievable on a budget. I think I comfortably did it on approx $8/day. Have an incredible time !

  2. Costs Added by: The Kepala Desa (Village Chief)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 7:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Under $ 10 a day easily for everywhere except Bali and the
    big cities.

  3. Easy Added by: Ed (orbiter98@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 9:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    $10-15 US will go a long, long way if you don't plan to stay
    in hotels. Losmens in Bali can cost between 15000 rps to
    30000 rps--that's less than $5. You can get a decent meal
    for less than $2. The temp on top of volcanoes can be quite
    cool, esp at sunrise. Bring a pullover or jacket. Sleeping
    bag not necessary--you can rent if needed.
    Have a great trip.

  4. How ...for cheap in July Added by: nat (natnc@hot.mail.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am looking to go back to Indonesia (again) in early July.
    How to get cheap air fares considering "high touristic
    season" from Vancouver? Don't look on the internet often.
    Need help please! Terima kasih! Nat

  5. How ...for cheap in July Added by: nat (natnc@hot.mail.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am looking to go back to Indonesia (again) in early July.
    How to get cheap air fares considering "high touristic
    season" from Vancouver? Don't look on the internet often.
    Need help please! Terima kasih! Nat

  6. Need help for cheap fares Added by: nat (natnc@hotmail.com.)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I want to go back to Indonesia in early July. I need to
    escape the grey,cold and wet from B.C.Canada. How can I get
    cheaper fares from Vancouver in this touristic season?
    I don't use the internet often, I need direct adresses or
    tips. Merci!

  7. Need help for cheap fares Added by: nat (natnc@hotmail.com.)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I want to go back to Indonesia in early July. I need to
    escape the grey,cold and wet from B.C.Canada. How can I get
    cheaper fares from Vancouver in this touristic season?
    I don't use the internet often, I need direct adresses or
    tips. Merci!

  8. Need help for cheap fares Added by: nat (natnc@hotmail.com.)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I want to go back to Indonesia in early July. I need to
    escape the grey,cold and wet from B.C.Canada. How can I get
    cheaper fares from Vancouver in this touristic season?
    I don't use the internet often, I need direct adresses or
    tips. Merci!

  9. Need help for cheap fares Added by: nat (natnc@hotmail.com.)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I want to go back to Indonesia in early July. I need to
    escape the grey,cold and wet

  10. Nat Added by: Karlo
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 14:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You sound like you should maybe get away for a while. How
    about Indonesia?

  11. Drink Bintang Added by: D-man
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 20:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Jen--you'll be arriving just in time for the election! How
    exciting for you. Well I think Bali and probably Lombok(at
    least the Gili's)will be unaffected. You might consider
    wearing red and black, but no problem getting a PDI t-shirt
    anywhere in Bali! Keep in mind that it is the hot season
    there right now, and the cold people talk about is upper
    60's- low 70's; youre not gonna see snow or anything. I
    recommend lightweight capaline top and bottom and a
    fleece-preferably wind stopper. I got home from there on
    the 18th of May, I climbed various volcanos and wore my
    fleece 3 or 4 times--I had no capaline and no long pants.
    It's true that the morning sunrise hikes can be chilly,
    particularly if the peak is in the clouds, but your not
    climbing Everest and you are probably used to "real" cold
    weather. Also, youll live like a queen for $15 a day except
    on Bali where for that much youll live like a princess. Be
    aware that what is immediately in front of you is often a
    little more and if you look around a bit you can find great
    food and great accomodations. If youre going to travel
    around Perama is a good way to do it--be sure to ask for the
    card that gives you 15% off every ticket you book with them.
    Enjoy yourself, I certainly did!

  12. me too Added by: emily
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 2:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am joining my sweetheart in Bali, and leaving in 9 days
    too!! Maybe I will see you, though doubtful. He is there
    now and says it is very warm, not to worry. That fella' who
    wrote "above" is funny. In case he reads this-where are you
    from that you mock the term "real" cold? That's real funny.
    I stop in Japan on the 29th, and then fly into Bali on the
    30th-any chance you (Jen)will be there?? Whatever, have a
    terrific time.

  13. See you there Added by: Jen (jbryan@montana.edu)
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 5:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for all the great advice..
    Most appreciated. Emily - maybe I will see you there - we
    could all be stranded in paradise, depending on how eventful
    the elections are.... Drop me an e-mail if you like.
    We could go for Bintangs?

  14. PDI T-shirts Added by: Megawati
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 9:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't think its a good idea for tourists to wear any
    political party colours right now, anywhere in Indonesia.

  15. Packing for Bali Added by: wildkarma
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 12:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't take much clothing with you -- you'll find plenty to
    buy (very inexpensive -- just check the quality of the
    fabric/stitching/seams as appropriate). Once you've wrapped
    yourself in a sarong you'll live in one for the duration of
    the trip and beyond (very cool and comfortable -- just take
    a couple of t-shirts to go with them).

    Be careful to always drink the bottled water and no ice --
    I, a friend, and our driver (a balinese) all got very bad
    cases of the nasties (known there as "Bali Belly") from iced
    juice that we had in Singaraja (I knew better -- but, I was
    tired and it just didn't register).
    selemat jalan!

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