where to go ????

This topic was created by romy
[Wed 12 May, 6:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

i'am planning my first travels alone and will be flying into
singapore on the 27th july but have got no plans after that.
i'am desporate for suggestions on where to go but really
want to head anywhere in the sun!!!. can anyone tell me
where i could go from singapore that maybe avoids the
monsoons (if possibel) in this area,has good nightlife for a
single traveller and is relatively safe. i will be
travelling for 6 weeks and don't have to be back in england
untill the 6th september...thanks..romy
p.s..what are the monsoons like and what can you do during

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Sun 16 May, 22:14]

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  1. The Yellow Bible Added by: Karlo
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 12:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Go buy "SE Asia on a Shoestring", read it, and then ask a
    specific question. Right now, you know too little for the
    answers to your beyond-general questions to mean anything to

  2. limey Added by: pom
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 18:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Do not do it. Stay home where it is safe. S.E. Asia is
    about to turn into a bloodbath worse than you have created
    in Yogoslavia!!

  3. Reg. Monsoon rains Added by: Dawn
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 7:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    They vary. Some go on all day long varying in strength and
    length of time and some happen sporadically through out the
    day.Generally they are sudden HEAVY rain storms that can
    fill up a four foot deep gutter in one minute. They often
    are associated with BIG thunder and lightening displays. I
    am unable to see my neighbors house( 50 M away)during one.
    One goes on with life during Monsoon season.Generally try
    to stay under good cover during lightening storms. Have a
    good sturdy umbrella altho winds will often turn it inside
    out, wear waterproof footware and clothes that dry quickly.
    And most of all enjoy the power and wonder of the
    storms.They are beautiful.

  4. MALAYSIA THEN BANGKOK Added by: joydeep (joydeep@medicine.med.um.edu.my)
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 15:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    From S'pore you could travel to Malaysia ,check out the
    country and then to Thailand.If interested I could plan a
    detailed trip for you based on you timeframe.I am a doctor
    and maybe could join you on some tripssYou could stay with
    me in Kuala Lumpur if you are arriving before September.

  5. This Joydeep guy Added by: Buffy
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 22:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    is really very naiive or very creepy. I am assuming that
    Joydeep is male.Your intentions may be completely sincere
    but you should be aware that no one in their right minds
    should respond to invitations from a complete stranger
    without being a little concerned about their personal
    safety. Why are you so hung up on the fact that you are a
    doctor? Is that supposed to put people's (natural and
    healthy)concern's to rest?

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