Sabah Sights in June

This topic was created by Trekker
[Wed 19 May, 10:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

My wife and I are going to be heading to Kota Kintabalu in
mid-June and are wanting any info we can get on things to
do. We have vague ideas of things to see such as Orangutan
reserves, national parks, jungle treks, hiking Mt.
Kintabalu, etc. but lack specifics from people who are in
the know. We don't like touristy, package things which in
a way makes us somewhat hypocritical considering we are in
essence tourists ourselves whose presence and money
contribute to the existence of the tourism dynamic in
places like Sabah. I prefer the term "traveler." We know
it looks idiotic on our parts to post this so late
considering our departure is less than a month away but we
recently changed our travel plans. No big deal to us b/c
we never book reservations anywhere we go. We've always
found that finding things on our own (with a little
guidance from LP and other seasoned travelers:) has worked
out just fine and probably better than if we were to book
in advance for hotels or package trips and such. That
being said, please pass on any noteworthy info tidbits
you've got on jungle treks, beaches to see, reasonable
accomodations, hiking, best place to see the orangutans,
(not interested in diving so please exclude), etc. Thanks
in advance!!!!

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 9:46]

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  1. Sabah Added by: H (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 3:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I know of the best jungle camp to visit....if you're
    interested - email me!

  2. Semporna Added by: Jaroslov
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 9:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you want somthing out of the way go to Semporna, the
    Seafest Inn has reasonable rates , and you can get to some
    nice Islands and beaches for snorkeling.
    There are a bunch of diveshops all catering for Sipadan,
    but you can find some local boats that will take you to the
    other Islands.
    Nice place and no other tourist around much.
    Worth a try.

  3. Sabah Added by: Ed (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 9:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You can visit the islands around Kota Kinabalu as day trips.
    They're national parks with some nice beaches, clear water
    for snorkelling, and you can stay on a couple of them. I
    don't know the cost of accommodation there, but the
    transport to the islands are cheap (depending on which one
    you go to). I stayed at the now-defunct Traveller's Lodge
    (or Hostel) in KK. There is a guesthouse called Borneo
    Wildlife Adventure (or something like that) just above their
    travel agency of the same name. The woman who runs it is
    quite nice and helpful. The cost was quite cheap--I think 8
    Ringgits for a bed in a dorm. To get to Mt Kinabalu you
    can catch a minibus from the bus stop (make sure you go
    to the right one). Also make sure you book your beds for Mt
    Kinabalu Nat'l Park as soon as possible--it gets filled
    quickly. You have to hire a guide to take you to the top, so
    find other people to split the cost. I recall it was 50
    Ringgits. The first day you get to the basecamp, where
    there is a canteen. Then at about 3am you start for the
    summit. It gets cold at the top, esp at sunrise. Poring Hot
    springs is near Mt Kinabalu, so go there afterwards and
    relax a bit. You can hire a minibus at Mt Kinabalu's Park
    HQ. Again find some people to split the cost--about 50
    Ringgits for the minibus. If there is a Raffalesia in bloom,
    a local will offer to take you to see it (for a small
    charge). Sepilok Orangutan Rehab Centre can be reached from
    Sandarkan. It's a rat infested town--don't stay at the
    Traveler's Lodge (or Hostel) there. Every morning you'll see
    dead rats on the streets; any other time you'll see many
    huge rats running about. You can stay at Uncle Tan's (the
    guy wriiten up in LP) or other guesthouses, which are
    outside of town but closer to Sepilok. Turtle Island Nat'l
    Park is a place where you can see big turtles. Guesthouses
    and travel agencies in Sandarkan can arrange the trip. Visit
    my webpage, The Travel Companion a for more info on
    travel in East Malaysia and other places.
    Good luck.

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