Maleria Tablets?

This topic was created by Debbie (
[Tue 27 April, 8:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi there all,
Is there anyone who can give me some advice about Malaria
I am due to leave for a RTW trip in 3 weeks, my first place
i am visiting is Thailand & malaysia for 2 months.
I keep getting different advice about taking them, and i am
not sure if i should take then now.
Do you recommend then?
Has anyone taken this new one called Dioxytetrcycline ?
(not sure if this spelt correct)
Many thanks

[There are 8 posts - the latest was added on Mon 17 May, 13:47]

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  1. malaria Added by: todd
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 9:13 Tasmanian Standard Time] seems most of us have to deal with this decision
    sooner or later. my wife and i were in vietnam in sept. and
    we took malarial pills for the south of vietnam. (which has
    a high rate)
    your choices are basically this: take the pills and deal
    with the side effects
    or.....risk getting malaria, which you will have the rest of
    your life.
    some side effects of certain pills:(we only suffered a
    little uncomfort, like motion sickness) loss of hair,
    halucinations, vomitting, (for a woman):not being able to
    have children for over a year after taking the pills, and
    other nice things....
    we are leaving for 8 months to travel all over asia, and i
    think we might take the pills only in heavy-malaria infested
    areas. the other places we will just risk it. its a pain to
    take the pills 2 weeks before hand and once a week while you
    are there, and for 3-4 weeks after you leave the area.
    i hope some of this info just comes down to
    whether you feel like risking getting bitten!!

  2. No need in Msia Added by: Vincent
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 18:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You really don't need malaria pills in Malaysia unless you
    intend to go for deep jungle exploration. If you are in
    the city, forget it.

  3. Photosensibilisation Added by: bruno (
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 23:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I use for two months doxycycline as a malaria prophylactic
    last Dec-Jan. I Stayed all day in the sun also for
    snorkeling. Bach in Switzerland I went skiing.
    One month later I had to take it again and went skiing.
    In only 30 min. in the morning I got sunburned 3 ░, due to

  4. Malaria Added by: Koen
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 3:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To get a good idea of what the risk is in Thailand, have a
    look at my Medical matters page under Thailand. You'll get
    a detailed list of high risk places (i.e. > 10% malaria a
    year for the locals). These high risk places are
    Rantchanaburi, Mae Sot and south of Mae Sot. Then there are
    the intermediate risk places (4 to 10% when staying a year
    in that region). Also, risk depends on what season/ month
    you are going. Highest risk is always around july,
    sometimes also january (Mae Hong Son). So in general, if
    you stick to the main tourist destinations, you don't need
    malaria profylaxis.
    Have a look at the Malaysia info as well on my page.

    About the side effects: you'll find info there to. I
    contest the fact that woman cannot have children for a
    year, 3 months after stopping is enough.

  5. Malaria Added by: Ken (
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 3:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For good factual information on what is available, try the
    Center for Disease Control, in Atlanta Georgia.
    The info is free, and very helpfull.
    I spent 6 weeks in the Philippines, and used Mefloquinne.
    The only side-effect noticed was unusually vivid dreams,
    which effect may only have been due to the stress of a
    totally new cultural exposure.

  6. Different Pills, Different Places, Different Seasons Added by: Jerry
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 5:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    and Different Folks...From what Todd said it was clear he
    was using Lariam (=Mefloquine, of Ken). Many people won't
    use it, although I had about the same response to it as Ken
    - vivid erotic dreams (okay, they were kinky). I agree that
    you check out both the CDC and Koen's websites for
    information about what you MAY need to take. This reduces
    your odds of "losing" from being a crap-shoot, to being a
    skillful poker player. There is still risk, but it is
    reduced greatly by being well informed. Doxycychline is an
    antibiotic and some people have allergic reactions...but
    generally the only side effects are hypersensitity to the
    sun and/or nausea. It is best to "pre-test" any of these
    prophylactics to assess whether you have an individual drug
    reaction...before you set out on your trip. Get a TRAVEL
    DOCTOR's advice.

  7. Common Sense Added by: Intrepid
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 5:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I had a terrible adverse reaction to paludrin/chloroquin
    combination. The other new drugs can be very hard on the
    liver. I never take them any more. Cover up fully starting
    at sunset and use repellent.

  8. Larium sucks Added by: Jen
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 13:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Took Larium for travelling in S.E. Asia last month... it
    created insomnia and fast heart rate for weeks. Wouldn't
    take it again... I'll risk the malaria!!!

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