Palau Sipadan

This topic was created by Dave (
[Thu 20 May, 12:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Is Sipadan the best place to go and do some diving in this
area, or are there places other than this where anyone
might recommend? If you've been to Sipadan, is super? How
much does it cost for 4-5 days with diving? Do you need to
make reservations beforehand or can you just show up? Is it
difficult to get there? How far is it from Kota Kinabalu?
Any recommendations/comments are appreciated.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 21:01]

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  1. Sipadan Added by: Judy
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 9:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We are going in June, however I can answer some of your
    other questions.
    From KK you can either fly to Tewau and the overland to
    Semporna or catch the local bus, to Semporna direct.
    I do not know the cost as we are paying a package deal.
    From Semporna you have to boat, about 45min ride, to
    The Malaysian government is trying to limit the number of
    divers on the island, do not know how successful they have
    been. We are using a local dive/travel company Pulau Sipadan
    Resort at They also have numerous
    websites and
    We are in touch with a guy Thomas Mok, who is great.
    Their prices are about 30% cheaper than anything we found in
    Good luck and happy diving

  2. Us Too! Added by: Les & Marcia (Les_@MSN.COM.AU)
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 19:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Amazing, I actually logged on just now to LP Thorn Tree to
    ask the same questions!
    We are looking at going over the next few weeks and
    wondered whether this was a good season to go, whether the
    diving is good at the moment, and whether there is access
    to reasonable vegetarian food.
    We want to leave from Australia, and are wondering whether
    it is better to have a package from Australia or get a
    package of some air fare / accommodation, then dive for a
    few days, visit the mountain for a couple of days, visit
    the orang utangs for a day, perhaps spend a day in KL
    shopping on the way back.
    We have been significantly unimpressed with the lack of
    knowledge or help from Travel Agents.
    Does anyone know if it is cheaper / easier to get
    accommodation / dive tours / trek tours over there or from
    Australia before leaving?
    Oh, in the LP Malaysia Singapore & Brunei book on page 511
    the phone for Borneo Sea Adventures is actually their fax
    only number.
    Looking forward to any and all comments.

  3. Sipadan Added by: Rose (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 21:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are about 4 resorts on the island of Sipadan. Borneo
    Divers and Sipadan Island Resort is just at the Drop-off.
    Diving in Sipadan is AWESOME. Lots of pelagics. I've
    checked out with foreign divers who have been around the
    world, many classified it better than Maldives, Caribbean,
    Layang-Layang, lot part of Micronesia and Australasia. I've
    been there 2x. The price ranges from RM2100 - RM2400
    (USD350) ex-Kota Kinabalu for 5days 4 nights. If you can
    book direct, and ask for bargain. There are some season you
    will get good bargain. The Resorts are Abdillah Resort,
    Borneo Divers, Sipadan Island Resort. Don't remember the
    other one.

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