Bali, what to take?

This topic was created by Katie
[Tue 11 May, 0:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am going to Bali next month (june) and I want to know what
should I take, What not to take, are surfboards easy to hire
(apart from in Kuta) is snorkeling gear easy to hire or
should I get my own? thats about it. any info will be really
good. thankyou to anyone who replys!

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Sat 15 May, 17:31]

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  1. What to take..... Added by: Twiglet
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 0:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are far nicer places to visit, but if your heart is
    still set on the idea I'd recomend a 'Virtual Reality'
    headset; that way you won't have to look at the place...

  2. Help For You Added by: Don
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 8:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Take a mask and snorkle if you intend to snorkle. Fins are
    very helpful if you snorkle off Sulawesi, Flores, or other
    outer islands due to stronger currents.

  3. Take... Added by: Karen
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 17:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In no particular order, but I would suggest you take the
    Your own snorkelling gear including fins especially if you
    intend to do alot of diving or snorkelling.
    Sunblock,and plenty of it.
    Insect repellant, depending on where you're at but I found
    it necessary at night and wouldn't leave with out putting
    it on; a small medical kit including some anti diahrea
    pills; a course of antibiotics (just in case)
    a calculator, really handy for working out exchange rates;
    coolers for the beer bottle or can;
    A couple of good books and/or magazines that you'd be happy
    to leave behind.
    If you can afford the space in your bag or pack and do
    intend to spend alot of time either at the beach or diving
    your own decent sized beach towel is great to have.
    If you're taking a video camera or electrical type appliance
    and want to use it over there take a power adaptor.
    Always very handy to have is a flashlight(torch).
    And if you're intending to stay in one place long enough to
    get to know a few locals they will just love any old clothes
    from home, so fill up your suitcase or pack with a bundle of
    kids and assorted second hand clothing. You'll be a huge
    hit and once you've removed them you've got plenty of room
    to put in all the shopping you want to bring back.
    I can't stress enough clothing wise take hardly anything!
    Hope this is helpful. I've been there 4 times now and still
    take too much Much of what I take never comes out of the

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