money exchange on Bali

This topic was created by Christopher (
[Tue 18 May, 3:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm going to Bali at the end of this month. But the flight
will arrive very late, about 10:00pm, and I decide to stay
the night at Kuta, then I should be there about 11:00pm. I
wonder if there's any money exchange still open? do they
offer a good rates?
I heard people says better not to change money at the
airport due to its low rates. But how do I get into the
town if I have no rp at all? Should you have any suggestion?
Is it better to change a little bit at the airport first( I
think they will accept small money like HK$50 or US$10, do
they?), then make a big deal at Kuta?

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 10:54]

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  1. Airport Added by: vibe (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 8:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    seems your only option. The rate may not be great but exactly how much are you going to lose - a few bucks? Its not worth the worry. Do it there and then change in Kuta and remember to count your money before leaving the money changer in Kuta.

  2. Airport Added by: Donna
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 13:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Change it at the airport. As Vibe says, you will only lose
    a few bucks (if that), so what's the problem?

  3. The Answer To Your Question Added by: The Kepala Desa (Village Chief)
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 5:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you are on a real budget, see if you can find anyone in
    the airport or just outside it who is leaving Indonesia
    that night and wants to give you a better rate than at the
    airport exchange window. Or, look for an Indonesian person
    on your plane and ask him/her the same question. Otherwise,
    just change a minimal amount, and exchange the big bucks the
    next morning.

  4. Money at airport Added by: kermit
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 14:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was in Bali last year and had the same question as you. It
    is no problem. If you have a visa or master card, use the
    ATM machines BEFORE you leave the area where you get your
    bags (I didn't see any more machines between after where one
    goes beyond the customs agents and where one gets
    transportation). You get the best rate with an ATM, only you
    might need to pay per transaction, which is limited at the
    airport machines to 400000 rp (multiple transactions are
    possible), depending on your bank.
    If you want to exchange at the airport, yes, the rates are
    poor. They are better, the larger your bill is, you get far
    more for a 100 doller bill than you would for 5 20 dollar
    bills. However, since the rate is lower than in town, it may
    pay just to change a small bill anyway.
    Watch out for changing in Kuta. There are money changers
    everywhere, and a lot with some very high rates. But that
    helps not when you find out you lost 30% of the transaction
    due to a slight of hand. It happened to us, twice, and we
    witnessed two more attempts which failed due to our
    awareness. Best to change at a moneychanger that look
    reputable, there are lots around.

  5. Changer to try Added by: Roger (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 10:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Agree it's OK to use ATM or changers at airport.
    Beware of changers who do not have established office as
    there is fake Indon money around.
    If you want to change quite a lot try calling ICV
    (Indocev) on 751323 or 751677 (think this is in Denpasar).
    I use them in Jakarta where they give best rates.
    Bring only clean unmarked notes, ideally the new type of
    US$100 for best rates - changers can refuse dirty torn,
    marked money. Try to bring new notes if possible.
    Hotel rates usually lousy.
    But for small amounts it's hardly worth a lot of effort to
    get a good rate.
    Roger, Jakarta

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