hey waarki!

This topic was created by me! (psu14030@odin.cc.pdx.edu*nospam*)
[Sun 23 May, 5:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

in response to your posting which i've included below, would
it be too personal a thing to ask if i could possibly have a
copy of your tape? i regret that my recorder was stolen when
i got to indonesia and wasn't able to capture the sounds. it
would be soooo meaningful if i could hear those sounds again.
i think about indonesia everyday and can't wait to go back.
couldya possibly e-mail me if this is a possibility?
3.Re: Essential item Added by: Waarki
[Timestamp: Tue 12 May, 12:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]
Without a doubt a Sony DAT recorder! The reasons for doing
so are much appreciated about 6 months after returning home.
There is probably no describing the sound of a Papuan dawn
other than to just hear it. That dukun mesmerizing the crowd
in Sumatra...a call to prayer by a muezzin...rowing up the
kali Maro...the wedding of the Bupati's son. All these
things are brought back to life each time I listen to the

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