Bali to Flores/Batu Cermin

This topic was created by Rich (
[Mon 24 May, 17:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Quite a few postings question whether Indonesia is safe.
We just got back from four weeks travel from Bali to
Flores. We felt very safe...the biggest dangers might be
all the damn dogs in Ubud...and the crazy drivers on Bali
of anything motorized, but to all who wonder...Go and Enjoy!
In an earlier posting, which was removed,I warned of two
characters who operate between Simbawa and Flores, and they
specialize in ripping people off. I named names, and my
posting was removed...Why was that done? People put
postings with swear words, and that is ok, so what is wrong
with specific warnings to save some travelers some $$$$? I
do want to suggest that travelers to Flores who stay on in
Labuanbajo take a short ride via local transport to some
caves at Batu Cermin. These caves have been cleaned up by
local volunteers who are trying to promote ecotourism. The
caves are very interesting, the guided tour is very
inexpensive, and it is not visited in large numbers. We
were told they had only 950 foreign guests last year. This
trip is well worth your time and $$$.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 18:16]

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  1. Beware Added by: jamie
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 18:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In the spirit of your post, everybody be aware of the
    suarve but seriously disturbed "Harry" who is a driver of a
    luxury kijang around Flores. Easily identified by his
    abundance of wild curly hair. He is both a conniving sleaze
    and a dengerous alledged rapist and alcoholic, who would
    probably not be held responsible for any of his 'crimes'
    due to his nutcase reputation. Residents of Flores, other
    tourguides etc are reluctant to say anything negative about
    him, due to his wealth and influence which came from being
    'adopted' at the age of 23 by a Dutch couple. He has money
    and technically doesn't need to work, he just drives around
    hoping to pick up rides, tells everyone a different story
    and will leap on you in a twisted circumstance, be violent
    or leave you in the middle of nowhere if you refuse his

  2. Beware Added by: jamie
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 18:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In the spirit of your post, everybody be aware of the
    suarve but seriously disturbed "Harry" who is a driver of a
    luxury kijang around Flores. Easily identified by his
    abundance of wild curly hair. He is both a conniving sleaze
    and a dengerous alledged rapist and alcoholic, who would
    probably not be held responsible for any of his 'crimes'
    due to his nutcase reputation. Residents of Flores, other
    tourguides etc are reluctant to say anything negative about
    him, due to his wealth and influence which came from being
    'adopted' at the age of 23 by a Dutch couple. He has money
    and technically doesn't need to work, he just drives around
    hoping to pick up rides, tells everyone a different story
    and will leap on you in a twisted circumstance, be violent
    or leave you in the middle of nowhere if you refuse his

  3. Beware Added by: jamie
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 18:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In the spirit of your post, everybody be aware of the
    suarve but seriously disturbed "Harry" who is a driver of a
    luxury kijang around Flores. Easily identified by his
    abundance of wild curly hair. He is both a conniving sleaze
    and a dengerous alledged rapist and alcoholic, who would
    probably not be held responsible for any of his 'crimes'
    due to his nutcase reputation. Residents of Flores, other
    tourguides etc are reluctant to say anything negative about
    him, due to his wealth and influence which came from being
    'adopted' at the age of 23 by a Dutch couple. He has money
    and technically doesn't need to work, he just drives around
    hoping to pick up rides, tells everyone a different story
    and will leap on you in a twisted circumstance, be violent
    or leave you in the middle of nowhere if you refuse his

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