pristine ko phangan?

This topic was created by craig (
[Sat 8 May, 8:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

hey, anyone out there been to ko phangan, i hear some
good things about it and i also hear that it has been
spoiled with garbage and the works. i am going to be
in thailand for a week in oct. (enroute to kath) and i
want to head down and check it out. will i be pissed off
at what it has become or is it still worth checking out.

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Sun 16 May, 10:16]

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  1. possibly if not probably Added by: Rusty
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 16:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's definitely not undeveloped, if you mean that. Lots of
    bungalows and cheap accommodation and no shortage of places
    to eat or convenience-store places. All farang-oriented.
    It can still make for a pleasant stay and isn't as
    developed as Samui or certainly Phuket, but isn't
    untouched, either.

  2. try krabi Added by: trish
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 1:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Krabi(southwest coast) should be in low season by now, which
    means it should be emptying out of people. I highly
    recommend railay beach-it is probably the most beautiful
    place in thailand(in my opinion). You have to get there by
    boat-no road access, so it is very quite and has limited, if
    hardly any, nightlife. I guess it depends on what you're
    looking for.

  3. Two thumbs up for Railay! Added by: Pascale (
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 4:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with the above post.We spent 1 week on Railay in
    Feb 99 and it was the best week in Thailand.It was packed
    and prices were high (if you compared to prices quoted in
    the LP,you have to double or triple those prices...but in
    october it should be less.)
    The place is really cool,no nightlife besides looking at
    the sunset while playing cards and sipping a beer but that
    was soooo relaxing!!
    The beach is first-class the water clear and warm the food
    was really good and if you like shrimps Railay is the place
    to go.Main courses for 2 usd...Wish I was there...

  4. Raillay Beach - Mixed Bag Added by: Traveler2
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 12:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm not sure if the above people were at the same Railay
    Beach I was (March 99). Yes, the scenery is beautiful, rock
    climbing is a blast, and I had a great time there ... BUT
    ... the food isn't very good and significantly more
    expensive then Ko Tao or Kho Phangan. The accommodations
    are also a lot more crowded together, expensive, and
    difficult to get into (many people were sleeping in tents).
    The Bungalow Complexes are quite large therefore the
    restaurants seat 50+ people and when I was there, YaYa's had
    live bands, movies were playing at the rest of the places
    and people were getting dressed up for dinner. For quiet,
    nearby Nophara Tara is secluded and beautiful, great
    beachcombing - but when the tide is low it's tough to swim.
    (I really liked the last place on the beach - I forget the
    name, but it's past the Nature Bungalows). Really mellow,
    really no night life, excellent atmosphere if you just want
    to hang out.
    Kho Phangan has gotten a pretty bad rep, but I think you can
    find whatever you're looking for there. Some spectacular
    scenery, remote beaches, great hiking, SCAREY motor biking
    and all the rest that you've probably already heard about. I
    was surprised at how much I liked it there (The Santuary and
    Haad Tien Beach are AWESOME!) and stayed longer than
    expected. Plus, the price is right - cheap bungalows, right
    on the beach!!
    Two very different islands, I loved them both. Basically,
    you can't go wrong.

  5. Rent a small cycle Added by: lostingotham (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 10:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Parts of Koh Phangan are pretty well trashed (especially in
    and around Hadrin). But there are some really pretty
    beaches on the North and east ends of the island.
    If you're a decent motorcyclist, you can rent some small
    bikes for not very much in Thongsala or Hadrin, and go
    exploring. The island has several good waterfalls inland
    (although in the summer they may be dry). Ask for
    directions often (a little practice with Thai and a
    phrasebook are really helpful) and beware occasional packs
    of feral dogs.

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