Philippines Ferry

This topic was created by Question (
[Sat 15 May, 17:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

We are going to the Philippines next month and will be taking a ferry from Manilla to Cebu City. There are two companies that go, WG&A and Sulpico Lines. Has anyone every traveled with either of these companies? What are the boats like? Any information on them would be great. Our guide book and interent searches have come up blank. Thanks for your help!

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 0:44]

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  1. Super Ferry Added by: MiLo (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 22:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    WG&A's (the conglomerate of William, Gothong & Aboitiz)
    Super Ferries are a safe and comfortable way to travel if
    you have a lot of time to spare; I took the Manila-Cebu-
    Cagayan de Oro trip (26 hours or so) and it was quite a
    pleasant experience. We booked a cabin for four (worth the
    extra expense for the privacy) and there are suites
    available (with private t/b); but the tourist bunks seemed
    decent enough (both cabin and tourist passengers have to
    use common bathrooms, which are clean and well-maintained
    at any rate). Unless you're really scrimping, I wouldn't
    recommend going economy (no privacy at all). There's a lot
    to do onboard...pools, a jacuzzi, a disco/karaoke bar; and
    the ship attendants are a friendly bunch. Enjoy your visit.

  2. P.S. Added by: MiLo
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 22:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The web site for WG&A is

  3. Sulpico Lines Added by: lostingotham (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 9:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I took the Sulpico overnight ferry from Manilla to Cebu.
    The boat was very large and had lots of life preservers and
    life jackets. It was also comfortable, although it was very
    noisy (the disco went on all night, and they piped the music
    into the cabins, in case you didn't feel like enjoying it on
    If you're in Cebu, the trip up to Malapasqua Island is well
    worth the effort. Take the aircon bus (the slow one is
    really miserable). Be sure to leave first thing in the
    morning, because the boat to Malapasqua only makes the trip
    once. If you arrive on the last bus, you may have to stay
    with the Badjao at the ferry dock (not for the weak-hearted)
    On Malapasqua, stay with Ging-ging. Her guest house isn't
    on the beach, but it's very cheap and she's a great cook.
    The beach is only about fifty meters away.

  4. think cebu Added by: keith (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 14:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    wga is a best bet. you will enjoy the trip. do not be
    discouraged by manila. cebu is a great island. i live now
    in texas and am building a house in cebu as it is central
    and has most anything you will want from great pensions to
    five star hotels from small shops to large malls with ice
    skating rink from small park areas to large white sand
    beaches etc. etc. lp should have many links reagarding
    cebu. have fun.

  5. Thank you! Added by: tcnally (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 18:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thank you to everyone for the great information! Happy travels!

  6. malapasqua Added by: steve
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    in malapasqua its cheaper to stay at cocacobanas resort on
    the beach as it is off season than ging gings which is
    definately not run to the island all day it
    is not esssential to take the 5 am bus from cebu. i got non
    air con at 9.30 and it was fine.

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