This topic was created by PAT
[Fri 21 May, 2:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

work and travel
Do anyone have suggestion to give me?
I'm looking for to travel and earn money by travelling as I
wish to do it for at least 5/6 months a year...
Please write me about your experiences.

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 13:29]

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  1. Work in Thailand Added by: Rich (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 13:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Pat,
    I sympathize with your desire to work while travelling.
    Bangkok, Thailand, has a lot of work because of the demand
    for English teaching. Start out in the Khao San Road area
    and talk to the tourists there, many of whom teach English
    at the many language institutes to make a living.
    Just get a non-immigrant Type "O" visa for 6 to 9 months,
    depending on the country you apply from, and state the
    reason for your application to study Thai and Buddhism.
    I don't have current information on the best places to stay
    for fresh arrivals, but lots of information should be
    available in the Khao San Road area from tourists
    themselves. Do not go by local information, as there are
    hucksters mixed in with the locals there and they prey on
    tourists, of course.
    That's how I started out some 15 years ago, and while I have
    little contact with tourists in Thailand these days (I am a
    computer consultant and travel consultant for travel in
    Sulawesi, Indonesia), I hope young travellers can enjoy some
    of the fun I had when I first came here.
    Please feel free to email me for further information. I will
    be in Bangkok through June.
    Kind regards,

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