Lebanese VISA

This topic was created by Steve
[Sat 22 May, 3:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

OK I am stuck. I have a Israeli stamp in my US passport
from a number of years ago. I am trying to get a VISA to
Lebanon, but can't because of the stamp in my passport.
What do I do? Lie to the US government and tell them I lost
my passport and get a new one? I would like to tear the
page out of my passport, but suspect I can't do that.

[There are 16 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 1:03]

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  1. Passport Added by: Jane
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 3:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Tell the US authorities that you want a new passport and
    why. Your passport doesn't need to be full or outdated to
    be replaced. As long as you are willing to pay and the
    previous passport is sent so that it can be cancelled there
    should be no problem getting a new one.

  2. just lie Added by: tezza
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 20:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Q:I am trying to get a VISA to Lebanon, but can't because of
    the stamp in my passport. What do I do?
    A:Lie to the Lebanese government and don't tell them you
    have a new passport that doesn't show that you are a typical
    US passport holder who supports Israel.

  3. Say what?? Added by: Atypical
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 8:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am a US passport holder, and I don't support Israel. I
    doubt that most US citizens who have passport are staunch
    Israel-supporters. You're confusing Congress and the
    "typical" US citizen. Sure, Congress, most of Washington
    and Clinton himself have to appear to support Israel
    because of the political power Jews wield in the US, and
    you need votes to get reelected in this country, unlike
    some others. There was once the tendency to support "pro-
    US" Israel versus the "pro-Soviet" states like Syria, Egypt
    and others, but that's all in the past, and it's the rare
    US citizen who thinks we should expend even one dollar to
    aid and arm Israel. Most are apathetic and uninterested.
    To answer the writer's question, just get a new passport
    and go. Reason for new passport? Exactly your situation.
    If you say you "lost" it, you'll wind up with a new
    passport number, etc. which makes it a bit more of a hassle
    for the passport agency to issue a new one. "Tezza"'s
    comment is actually ungrammatical and makes little sense.

  4. lying Added by: Alpha Omega
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 10:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Barring tourists because they have been to Israel is the
    behavior of petulant children. Lie to them...absolutely.
    They don't deserve the truth. Incidentally, the rules in
    Lebanon/Syria/Iran etc don't say you can't get a visa if you
    have been to Israel. they say you can't get a visa if there
    is any evidence of a visit to israel in your passport.
    That's different. No one asks you if you have been to
    Israel. Well, actually, the Iran visa form wants you to list
    every country you've ever been to. Oh well, you might forget
    a country or two.

  5. Lie Added by: Matan (matan_c@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 14:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Or tell them the truth, I don't think you'll have any
    trouble getting a new passport.
    You can also join the Israeli armi and travel Lebanon for
    free :)

  6. americans Added by: tezza
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 23:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A country has the right to refuse entry to any person
    it feels is either dangerous to the country or it's people.
    An American who has visited Israel can be considered
    problematic on both counts.
    Keep in mind how strongly most Arabs feel
    about America's ties to Israel.
    When you turn up at passport control remember
    that all they are seeing is an American who has visited the
    occupied territories and they don't give a shit
    who you voted for in the last election.
    Is that gramatically correct enough for you?
    This "I'm an American citizen and I'll go wherever I damn
    well want" stuff is really just too much.
    Living here it's funny how you all turn maple leaf at the
    first sign of someone talking politics...

  7. And tourists have the right... Added by: Alpha Omega
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 2:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...to beat the regulations in every way they can, when they
    have contempt fot the government's maturity or its judgement
    of what is dangerous. It's a variant of Gandhi...you can
    refuse to obey laws imposed by governments whose authority
    you don't accept. I went to Israel before I went to Iran,
    Syria, lebanon...but there is no Israeli stamp in my
    passport. As most readers on this apge know, Israel will
    leave your passport unstamped if you ask them, precisely
    because of the silly behavior of some Muslim countries. So
    the rule is useless, and ewveryone knows it; it' just a
    temper tantrum.

  8. It makes sense... Added by: Judith Hartzell
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 23:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Alpha Omega, first of all, as I'm sure you know, Lebanon and
    Israel are both in a state of war with each other.
    Considering the historically "less than civilized" behaviour
    of the Israelis and their hatred and arogance towards the
    Lebanese and lack of respect for it's territorial integrity
    (occupying more than 10% of Lebanon), nobody is surprised
    that the Lebanese government would prefer that nobody
    associated with Israel enter the country for security
    reasons. ...secondly, Lebanon is not a "muslim" country, as
    you write, infact, Lebanon has 19 officially recognized
    religions and is the only country in the region not to be
    associated with one religion (ie: "jewish", "muslim" etc.

  9. "the _only country..." Added by: claire
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 1:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...not to be associated with one relegion?
    are you joking?

  10. "the _only_ country..." Added by: claire
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 1:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    "...not to be associated with one relegion"?
    are you joking?

  11. "only country" Added by: Alpha Omega
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 7:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    She said "the only country IN THE REGION..." She's right,
    unless you define 'region' differently and count Turkey,
    which is secular. Within the Arab world, it's Lebanon,
    although not for much longer at this rate. In any case
    Israel's war is with the Muslim extremists in Lebanon, so
    the distinction is not as profound as it might seem, it's
    the Muslims in Lebanon who are driving the hostilities with
    Israel and who insisted on the silly travel restrictions.
    If these restrictions are so logical, try the following
    (a) India and Pakistan bar travellers who have
    passport stamps from the other country
    (b) China bars travellers who have been to the US, because
    of the bombing of their Belgrade embassy
    (c) Iran bars travellers who have been to the US
    (d) Cuba bars travellers who have been to the US (not so
    wacky...the 'Land of the Free' prohibits its citizens from
    going to Cuba, and harasses citizens of other countries who
    have gone to Cuba)
    (e) Israel bars travellers who have been to an Arab country.
    There's a reason they don't do this. It's moronic. it's
    called shooting yourself in the foot.

  12. "only country" Added by: John
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 18:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The only difference is that none of the scenarios you have
    listed above include one country occupying another, against
    all international laws. Otherwise, I agree that travel
    restrictions are stupid.

  13. "only country" Added by: Paul Rogersmith
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 21:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why look at everything from one point of view (email
    #11)? The US is one of those "moronic" countries (perhaps
    the most moronic) which ban (or have banned) their citizens
    from travelling to or doing business with, Iran, Libya,
    Cuba, Lebanon etc. etc. On top of that, they want other
    countries to follow suit and threaten to sanction and/or
    fine/freeze assets of any foreign company which deals with
    their "black listed" countries. Meanwhile, none of those
    countries ban Amerians. Logical?

  14. "only country" Added by: Stanley Rugshkella
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 22:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I wouldn't go so far as saying that the restrictions between
    Lebanon and Israel are one sided. Although Israel may not
    have restrictions, on paper, on people who have travelled to
    Arab countries, those who have (especially those who have
    just arrived from an Arab country including Cyprus) can be
    questioned for hours on anything, heavily searched (with
    possibility of films, tapes, cameras etc. being confiscated
    for "security reasons"), (most) possibly harassed and
    heckled and generally belittled and treated like a criminal.
    And it's worse if you are dark skinned or of Arab origin or
    simply have a sirname which sounds like or has Arabic
    origins. There is always the possibility that they will not
    let you in for any of the above reasons. Otherwise, if you
    are an Arab (minus those countries with a peace agreement),
    you will not be allowed into Israel at all (this is
    offcourse recipricol to the other Arab countries as well).
    This usually affects Palestinians that have been displaced
    through the creation of Israel and wish to return to
    Palestinian territories to visit any relatives. Their only
    way in is a complicated procedure across the border through
    Jordan and then, if let in, they are only allowed to stay
    within the prison, called the Palestinian territories.
    Harassement goes without saying. I suppose this is as good
    as a "travel restriction" as it gets.

  15. "only country" Added by: Jack Wendsley
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 22:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...yeah and it's really "logical" that Israel try to ban any
    foriegn diplomat from making an official visit to the Orient
    House in the Palestinian territories (or from visiting
    Palestine at all for that matter). And if one does, they
    start pouting and complaining and making threatening
    comments in the media.

  16. responses Added by: Alpha Omega
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 1:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Re #12, you are wrong. Pakistan (and China) occupy large
    chunks of Indian territory. And the US occupies Cuban
    territory (Guantanamo Bay).
    Re. #13, didn't I already say that?
    Re. #14 and #15, I agree.

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