
This topic was created by Betsy
[Wed 12 May, 1:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

My husband and I (both in our 40s, he's CDN and I'm US) are
taking a Dragoman tour - 7 weeks overland camping/hotel
through Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, then fast track to
finish in the UK. We've not done this sort of thing before -
any opinions/advice? (I know this is kind of general, but
because we are so new at this, I thought any information
would be useful...)
Thanks in advance!
Betsy in Vancouver, Canada

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Fri 14 May, 14:01]

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  1. Dragoman in Turkey Added by: Linda (lindaalexander@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 4:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I did a Drago tour in South America. I could talk to you in
    general about the company, how travel works, etc. I also
    live in Vancouver. Email me at lindaalexander@hotmail.com if
    ou want to chat!

  2. Dragoman Added by: Jane (j_eagleson@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 11:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have done a couple of very long (6 months each) Dragoman
    tours in the last 18 months. They are a reputable company
    and I felt that, in general, I got what I paid for. The
    quality of the trip depended a lot on the drivers. The two
    trips involved 8 different drivers. Seven were excellent,
    one was appalling. Not a bad strike rate I suppose but
    that individual did ruin one section of the trip for me and
    for a number of the other passangers. Like you, I am in my
    40's and possibly less tolerant of bad "service" than some
    of the younger passengers. That aside the trips were very
    good. There are strategies that you can use to make things
    more comfortable if your budget allows. When I got sick of
    camping or when the weather was perishing cold, I took a
    cheap hotel room. The trips stop in many places where this
    is possible. A real bed feels awfully good after too long
    in a tent. If the trip didn't go somewhere that I
    particularly wanted to go or if I just felt like some time
    out, I took off on my own for a while. It is usually
    possible to catch the truck again using public transport
    (although once it didtake me 3 weeks!). I enjoyed most of
    the other passengers particularly the younger women. They
    were great fun to be around and full of enthusiasm for the
    trials of the journey. Good luck cooking for 20 - my least
    favourite part of the trip! If you would like any more
    information send me an E-mail message.

  3. pushing my website again... Added by: Marie (mjavins@tuna.net)
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 14:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Betsy, I did Syria and Jordan with Dragoman and it's on my
    site http://www.mariejavins.com . Click on "read about my
    overland trip from Kathmandu to Damascus."

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