Biking in Turkey!!

This topic was created by Loopy (
[Tue 11 May, 12:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am bike touring through Turkey and was wondering if anyone
has done it. I am going down the West Coast and hopefully
going to make it to Antalya (I've got 16 days). A few
1. How bad are the roads for biking?
2. Is camping going to be a real hassle? (as LP suggests)
3. Is bike theft a strong possibility (without extra
anal precautions)?
4. And last but not least, has anyone seen any
*singletrack* while there?

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 20:04]

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  1. pedal power Added by: clicky
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 19:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've been all through Turkey, although driving, not cycling.
    The roads aren't really that bad all down that west coast,
    the drivers are pretty mental, the buses and trucks overtake
    on corners etc ! Its really quite mountainous in parts and
    will be fairly tough on a bike, but there is some brilliant
    scenery. Camping is fairly easy, there are places we camped
    on a deserted beach (near Ephesus) just ask the two army men
    who 'guard' it and they aren't bothered. We also camped at
    a place sign posted as Guney off the main road towards the
    sea, thru a tiny village which turns into single track and
    very hairy ride in a 4x4 right down to a peninsular with a
    ruined castle on top. This was a deserted place with banana
    plantations all around. You may get a couple of locals
    coming to have a look, but its just curiosity. There are
    loads of places like this, just go exploring, you won't find
    much of a problem camping anywhere.

  2. No Worries Added by: John the Brit (J.O.M.banbury@durham
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 22:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I had an engine on my bike, but I met quite a few people who
    did it on push bikes and loved it. The main roads are fine,
    and if you get off them almost anywhere you'll fine some
    great single track stuff. I rode inland from Izmir and then
    north, accross the mountains to another main road and the
    track I followed was absolutely fantastic, extremely remote
    for somewhere so close to the coast. I shouldn't so the
    west coast, it's packed with tourists and overpopulated
    compaired to a bit inland.
    Camping is no problem at all (except maybe in the more
    touristy/built up Med coast bits, but even then it's fine
    realy) lots of locals do it when they travel. I got visited
    a bit by shepherds and occasionaly a whole village would
    come for tea, but they seemed delighted to see a different
    face. Keep your fires small, and have a brew on the go to
    offer anyone who looks interested, if your near a village.
    I shouldn't worry about bike theft, it's not like Eastern
    Europe. Outside Istambul there pretty honest, you'd have
    more problems here than in Turkey.
    Best of luck old boy

  3. dnt worry..... Added by: rehser
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 16:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    lots of alone bikers in TURKEY.You can find lots of camps
    to stay everywhere...People are so friendly and
    helpfull.And TURKEY is very safe to travel.

  4. biking can be a problem Added by: robin (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 20:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi there
    i arrived in istanbul a couple of weeks ago with my bike,
    intending to cycle down the west coast. took a ferry to
    yalova to avoid city traffic and that's when the trouble
    began. no matter where i went i was told there was no
    camping, although the turkish campguide said there was.
    problem was, the season doesn't open until later in the
    marmaris area. so no camping. also, i did do some riding,
    but often there's no shoulder on the roads at all. and do
    avoid the main highway at all costs! eventually i gave up
    and started hauling my bike on buses to get through the
    huge ugly cities.
    that said, apparently things are easier on the west coast,
    where the season opens earlier and there are more
    campgrounds. being a solo female tourer, i don't want to
    free camp, which i did for one very scary night in Termal.
    also, it's going to get very hot down south very soon. i've
    already had reports from travellers heading northward that
    it's reaching upper 20's. i'm in eceabat now, across the
    dardanelles from canakkale and have been hanging out here
    for a week, trying to decide what to do. i came here to
    cycle, but i've found it really daunting up to this point.
    we'll see!
    also, people have told me they've met cycle-tourers doing
    the coast, so there are people doing it.

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