This topic was created by duncan (duncancrowley@hotmail.com)
[Thu 20 May, 18:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Im trying to get to India overland from Turkey. At the moment im traveling alone, I have not done big travel like this before and im wondering can I do this, if so how, roughly how long it will take and around how much cash will I need for it.
Whats the best way to hook up with people in turkey who might be doing the same, should i wait in istanbul, meet them and get all visas there or go to the last Turkey border town with a visa and wait there.Or should I apply for it here in Ireland.
When you get a visa does it have definite dates on it or does it start from when you enter.
If i leave Iran for a week to go to a cousin in Dubai does this count on Iranian Visa time or is it stop started

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 2:20]

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  1. I have been... Added by: rehser (rehberserkan@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 21:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have been overland to India last year from Turkey.I know
    all the routes and many people who will go there this
    year.Just write to me for more info.

  2. Dubai, either before or after Added by: John the Brit
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Visa will start from the day you enter Iran but it will
    have to be used in a 3 month period I think. I got my visa
    in London but i'm pretty sure you could get it in Istambul
    as well (If you're prepared to wait for it) it took me about
    a month.
    The best place to meet people who are doing it...Hmm.. maybe
    Isambul, certainly everyone will have to go through there,
    but many other people do too. The thing is there's no place
    furthur on than that where everyone will definitely go to.
    I think I'd wait in Istambul, I met a few people who were
    going or comming from Iran there last year.
    There's probably no way you could pop across to Dubai, your
    visa ends the day you leave Iran. You'd need a multiple
    entry Visa and I couldn't get one of those for love nor
    money. Having said that, being Irish you'll find it easier
    than an imperialist infidel like myself.

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