
This topic was created by In Doubt
[Tue 12 Jan, 1:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I was reading the book Beirut to Jerusalem last night and it
went into the history of the Middle basically
starts off by saying that in the late 1800's and early
1900's the Jews decided to move back to Palestine by
emigrating there from around the world....they did this and
basically just set up shop again, after not being there for
over a thousand years, in the middle of the Arab world,
based on (I suppose) the idea that Bibically that is their
homeland. And then the Western countries propped them up
and carved up an area for them post-WWII.
I'm a Catholic American, and thus have no genetic/political
affiliations with either the Jews or Arabs, but this seems
to be a pretty clear situation.....the Jews made their move
back and stole land, backed by the Western countries, from
the people that inhabited that land for thousands of years
(the Arabs).
I'm traveling to the ME soon and am can
anybody hold a viewpoint that is nothing but sympathetic to
the Arab world?
In Doubt

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  1. Books Added by: Ombudsman
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 1:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    can say anything they please, and I hope that you will not
    be on the receiving end of a firestorm of critical remarks.
    It is well to remember that nobody really owns anything
    because we are all just passing through this world. But
    since we are ruled by laws, property does pass from person
    to person, no matter their nationality or ethnicity. In the
    case of Zionism, many nations wanted it to exist because of
    their own internal conflicts and anti-Semitic proclivities.
    Don't blame Zionism solely on Jews -- almost all nations had
    a hand in fostering its creation and flowering. But, to be
    fair, you must recognize that Israel (with all its faults)
    remains the sole outpost of democratic freedom in that area.
    Its conduct during the Intifada has not been up to its own
    standards, but that will pass, given time. And, speaking of
    stealing land, nobody but nobody outdid the United States of
    America as it built its inland empire over the native Indian
    peoples. If you like to read history, I guarantee this will
    come as a shocker to you. Or, if that is too gory for you,
    real Prescott's "The Conquest of Mexico and Peru" -- for

  2. . Added by: In Doubt
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 3:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My post was not meant to be anti-semetic, anti-arab, or
    pro-american.....just in search of opinions to help form my
    own view of the situation.....thanks for responding

  3. interesting views..........but Added by: Liz
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 4:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ombudsman makes a good point. Any American who is so upset
    by Israel should really think about the land that they live
    on. Not only because of the horrors aginst the Native
    Americans, but also that so much of this country prospered
    as a result of the slave labor of African-Americans. For
    shame is right.
    As for the Jews (however, not all Jews are Zionists) where
    would everyone like them to go after being persecuted
    practically everywhere they have lived. I doubt 5 million
    Israelis live in Israel because the love being surrounded
    by 250 million Arabs. I think it is a bit easier to be an
    Arab in the Middle East.

  4. Catholics Added by: Chuckles
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 6:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Since you're a Catholic, 'In doubt', you might also want to
    ponder the issue of the land and property Catholics such as
    the Spanish and Portugese and French and Belgians stole from
    other people in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and the
    millions they killed because they (Spanish/Portuguese
    particularly) did not believe that non-christians had souls.
    Israelis, in the same way, don't think of Arabs as
    quite human, more like 'grasshoppers' (to quote Golda
    Meier). The feeling is reciprocated. So it goes.
    In addition to the book you read, which is very vivid and
    informative, you might want to read David Shipler's slightly
    older book called "Arabs and Jews". Both were New York Times
    reporters in the middle east.

  5. get your facts straight buddy Added by: golani
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 7:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Jew always lived in the part now known as Israel, as well as
    arabs. After WW2, when the Jews had to have their own land,
    a U.N. decision to create a Jewish state and an arab state
    was made, not to the liking of the Palestinians. Neither
    the Palestinians nor the Jews controlled that part. The
    Jews received 52% of the land while the Palestinians
    recieved 48%. Unfair from the Palestinian point of view
    (with justification), since more Palestinians lived there at
    he time. You might know of all the wars that region had
    since 1948. Israel did not start those wars, but had to
    protect their right to live in their land, for where are
    they going to live and dictate their own fate? Don't forget
    the Arab countries also received military help from the
    U.S.S.R. What do you think the Jews should have done in
    times of war?, but not fight, just like the Palestinins have
    fought. I really hope that the two sides, (and the other
    countries in the region who keep spreading propoganda
    against Israel) will be able to accept and trust one
    another. Amen

  6. Sheeesh! Added by: Deren
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 8:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Is everybody here just a little bit defensive? "In Doubt" is asking a valid question, and right away everybody has this knee-jerk reaction of defensiveness. YES, Catholics have performed terrible deeds, YES, America stole the land from parents are Danish, so should I not be allowed to criticize since the Vikings were responsible for horrible pillages and rapes? Anyways...
    Yes, these are valid points, but the main difference with Israel is that it has happened relatively recently. I worked in Israel for a few months, I like the Israelis, and I fully do not expect them to abandon the country they have forged over the last 50 years. Yet, at the same time, one can't ignore the fact that they have uprooted hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from a land which they have inhabited for ages. Is that fair? Yes, the Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years, but that is no excuse for taking over someone else's country...two wrongs do NOT make a right.

  7. holocast Added by: Y.D
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 8:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Jews Didn't came back to Israel to steal land
    from the Arabs. They never doubted the right
    of the Arabs to be here. You can read exactly
    that on the jewish decleration on Indipendence, where
    they call for peace with Arabs, and for two-nations
    Also, the main reason for the return to Israel, was
    the dis-ability of the jwes to live spread all around
    the world. That reason was proof to be right about
    60 years after the begining of "zionist" to return
    to Israel in the holocast.
    If the jews can't live spread in the world, and for your
    opinion they don't ahve the right to live in Israel,
    where should they live? maybe it was better if
    there were no jews in the world,that would save many
    problems to the world, but face reality...we are here

  8. And Everyone else? Added by: Joe
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 10:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Y.D., you know, there are more landless people in the world
    than people with a country all their own. So where are all
    the other landless people in the world supposed to live? Are
    you proposing that every ethnic group in the world be given
    it's own country? Or is that reserved only for Jews and
    those lucky enough to already have their own land?

  9. .............................. Added by: Liz
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 13:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Both Jews and Arabs have lived in the Middle East from the
    start. Most of the Middle East is Arab so there is no
    reason why Jews should not have a jewish state. Jews have
    been landless for the past few thousand years, thrown out
    of and persecuted almost everywhere they go. So finally
    they decided to work and return to the land that belonged
    to them in the first place.
    Perhaps every ethnic group does deserve its own country, I
    think that would be a nice reality. But don't blame the
    Israelis for the problems of the world.

  10. Plenty of room Added by: Joe
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 16:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Okay, Liz, let me get this strait. Since the Arab world is
    very large, a few Arabs should just get up and go somewhere
    else to make room for Israel. That logic would never apply
    anywhere else in the world. I mean, what if someone proposed
    that since the Kurds have no land, and the US has fifty,
    FIFTY, states, we could just give the Kurds one of our
    states. No one would ever take that seriously, and if the
    Kurds were to try to take over just one state, the US would
    fight for that state. No one would say, "Aw, come on, the US
    has another 49 states, and the poor Kurds have nothing.
    Besides, they've been mis-treated for years."
    BTW, who said that Israel is responcible for all the
    problems in the world.

  11. Good Point Joe... Added by: The Edge
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 17:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    No one here is blaming Israel for the problems of the

  12. To 'In Doubt' and others Added by: Black Garden
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 1:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I doubt that 'In Doubt' is indeed Catholic. If
    he/she/it/they would be Christian, that person would know
    the Bible which precisely states whose land the Land of
    Israel is (and act accordingly). That does not mean that
    every detail about reclaiming their land was done properly
    by the Zionist movement but gives a first direction about
    how Christians should address the problem.

    Interestingly he/she/it/they finish the original post with
    something like 'how the hell could any sane person be a
    friend of Israel' and then retracts this into 'just in
    search of opinions to help form my own view of the
    situation...'-- immediately after the roll-call for the
    Jew-bashers is sent out... Isn't it striking that those
    people always show up when the Middle East branch of TT is
    about to begin what it is intended to be: a travel forum
    with little or no politics?

    To Deren: It may be right that the atrocities of the
    Vikings, North and South American colonialism etc are more
    back in time than the foundation and the growth of the State
    of Israel, but the reason for the creation of Israel and the
    security problems in the area are still present: The danger
    of physical annihilation of the Jewish people through wars,
    terrorism, holocaust, 'ethnic cleansing' etc.

    To Liz: I appreciate most of your points yet I remember a
    lecture when I was in Jerusalem recently. There was a
    discussion about the topic, and as usual it was said, well,
    the Arabs have (some) 22 countries, so why do they want to
    steal ours (said by an Israeli), and another Israeli stood
    and said, no, the Arabs have only one country as well, and
    that is Saudi-Arabia (where they originally come from), and
    all the other 21 states from Morocco to Iraq were stolen
    already from the respective natives throughout the history.
    And he was right; Arabs did not live in the area 'from the
    beginning', they are immigrants who, according to Gods plan
    of salvation, have no business in Israel.

  13. Question Added by: Deren
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 2:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just an aside from this debate, but can somebody give me the story on why Israel was chosen as the "new" homeland? I seem to recall that other areas were looked at in the early 20th century as a possibility, such as South America. Can anybody clarify this for me? Thanks...

  14. ..................... Added by: Liz
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 3:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    your the one who brought up the landless people of the
    world while at the same time mentioning Israel. Im not
    saying that I don't sympathize somewhat with the
    palestinins, but it is not the fault of the jews either
    that they had to find somewhere new to live. Even after the
    Holocaust the Jews were stilled harassed, so they got on a
    boat to leave. That boat either went to Isreal, America, or
    possibly somewhere else.
    And Deren, since you are refering to recent events, remeber
    it was THIS century in which African-Americans and Whites
    could not even drink for the same water fountain ! america,
    a land built of equality and fairness.
    im giving up now.

  15. po-Israeli loons Added by: CBGB
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 3:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    With friends like 'Black Garden' and Liz, Israel hardly
    needs enemies. When people justify their actions on the
    basis of the Bible and say things like 'according to God's
    plan of salvation', the discussion has crossed the loony

  16. none Added by: shore
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 5:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You rock CBGB!!

  17. . Added by: Joe
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 9:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Liz, you say that you sympathise with the Palestinians,
    but Jews need somewhere to live. What kind of logic is that?
    There are many oppressed, landless people who "Need
    somewhere to live." Where are the Ibo (Nigera,) Dinka
    (Sudan,) Karen (Burma,) Uygur (China,) Myans (Mexico and
    Guatamala,) and so on supposed to live? These are all
    oppressed (to diffrent degrees), landless nations. But if
    they tried to take over their respective country and make it
    their home, the international community would not accept it.
    Do all people have the right to take land and make their own
    nation? Or just the Jews? If only the Jews and no one else,

  18. Oh, and... Added by: Joe
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 9:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I hope by now that the person who started this topic
    realizes by not that it is not as simple as he seems to

  19. Joe Added by: Annissa
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 12:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I like your posts - I wish you had been here in "the good
    old days"- with Khewaga, Blue et al - we have mostly gone
    elsewhere because the flamers got so bad.. a pity - stick to
    your guns!

  20. Re: #13 Added by: Black Garden
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 17:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The thing was (and is!) quite simple: Israel was chosen for
    religious reasons. Many of us are aware of the tricky matter
    of defining Jews as a 'national/ethnic group' and/or a
    'religious group'. Yet the easiest was seemed to be to take
    the religious approach, and this only works with the full
    monty, i.e. a combination of Thora (as religion), Am Yisrael
    (the people) and Erez Yisrael (the country). Other
    approaches wouldn't have kept the Jews together as an entity
    but would have created more frictions and factions
    instead... Add to this the fact that the place was almost
    unpopulated *at that time* (emphasis added for some looneys
    here), and you see it is and was the only solution...

  21. B******T!!! Added by: Joe
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 18:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Black Garden, you have just hit on one of the most
    persistant Zionist myths of all. Palestine was not empty,
    nor did it have the low population Zionist revisionist like
    to pretend. Nor is there a scrap of evidence to show that
    there were mass migrations of Arabs from neighboring areas
    who called themselvs Palestinians once they got there.
    And before someone starts babbling about how there was no
    Palestine before World War 2, I was reading an
    article about Damascus in a National Geographic from 1911.
    It made a reference to "The ajoining state of Palestine."
    Furthermore, a newspaper opened in the 1830's called
    "Al-Falestini," Arabic for "The Palestinian." Yes, I know it
    was part of the Ottoman, and later, British empires. So
    what? So were many nations, and the right of an Empire to
    shift populations in it's territory has not been recognized
    for centuries. Certainly not by the people of those

  22. BTW Added by: Joe
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 18:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Before anyone accusing me of swallowing Arab propiganda, I'm
    just waiting for someone to start spouting Arab mythology
    about Israel so I can take that on too. Both sides are full
    of nonsence with a few grains of truth here and there.

  23. Re: #21 Added by: Black Garden
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 23:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    OK, I should have mentioned that 'at that time' refers to
    the beginning of Jewish immigration way before the turn of
    the century. For those who are a bit slower in their
    thinking: that was about 1860.

    "Nor is there a scrap of evidence to show that there were
    mass migrations of Arabs from neighboring areas"? At least
    you show a sense of humor in your postings... Had you been
    there, you would undoubtly have seen that, for instance, the
    Arabs' faces are as diverse as the Jews' faces. Africans,
    blondes, Egyptian faces, whatever you want, on *both* sides.
    I am quite sure you will find those 'scraps of evidence'
    galore once you take the effort to examine the Turkish and
    British archives...

    The word 'Palestinian', btw., derives from the old
    'Philistines' of Biblical age. They have disappeared in the
    gutters of history but are still alive and well in some very
    recent English dictionaries. Just take a look :-) How apt...

  24. . Added by: Dasha
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 23:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In response to the claim that Israel is responsible for uprooting hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes, I believe the truth to be that the two peoples were living fairly happily side by side until the Mufti of Jerusalem (who was a good friend of Adolf Hitler) encouraged the Palestinians to believe that the Israelis wanted to rape, pillage and plunder en masse and stricken by fear of these Zionist murderers, left their own properties behind. Not of their own volition but at the hand of one leader who managed to create mass hysteria throughout Palestine (which incidently happened to happened to be legally bought from Palestinian Fendis by the Jewish National Fund Israeli environmental group which still exists today).

  25. people Added by: vagrant
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 23:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm currently working in Tel Aviv, and would like to point
    out that the majority of people in this world, and this
    discussion have learnt everything they know about Israel
    from a hightly distorted and political CNN. CNN promotes a
    very distorted black and white view of a region that has
    been a complex mix of cultures for thousands of years.
    Israelis and Palestinians and Bedouins and Druze and Arabs
    are all living together in Israel. The above discussions
    seem to focus only on two of the many cultural groups that
    inhabit Israel, because these two groups are the only two
    that US foreign policy cares about.
    My Israeli friends are far more open minded than US media
    would have the world believe - Jews have Palestinian and
    Druze friends, Palestinians work for Jewish companies, and
    the general educated population cares more about building
    an economy and raising a family than throwing bombs. It is
    the minority of radical Jews and Palestinians who get the
    attention of the news media and make life hard for the
    rest. I should however admit that I am working with and
    meeting very educated openminded people in technology based
    companies in Tel Aviv and that life for the average person
    living in the poorer settlements like Nazareth and
    especially the Palestinian controlled areas is very
    different, with people living in fear of their neighbours.
    The terrorism over many years and the segregation
    implemented to control this has led to the situation where
    Palestinians are often living in third world conditions in
    a supposedly first world country.
    For a number of years it seemed that the peace agreements
    brokered by the US were working, but with the current
    Jewish political trend to the right and the religious trend
    to Orthodoxy it is obvious that things will only get worse.
    As with all conflicts there is no real right or wrong, and
    no way to change history. Education and openness is the
    only thing that will finally resolve the political and
    religious differences and lead to peace.

  26. . Added by: Liz
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 4:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Reality does not hold much logic, but if it did then every
    ethnic group would have the opportunity to have their own
    land. I believe that the Palestinians deserve their own
    state, but at the same time I feel strongly about Israel
    for reasons I mentioned before.
    It is not fair that the landless people you mentioned are
    without a nation. It just happened to be that Jews
    (Israelis) were successful in their efforts to create a
    state with outside support. But this does not mean that I
    don't feel the groups you mentioned do not deserve support
    as well. You should become an anthropologist.
    Vagrant makes a good point.

  27. Opinions.... Added by: Hagai-ISRAEL
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 4:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Please stop it.
    "IN DOUBT" main mistake is getting an opinion just by
    reading a book.
    Grow up... the truth is a function of so many arguments
    that in fact there's no one answer, my truth is completely
    different from a guy which was born in Gaza.
    If u claim to have an opinion ,one should read ,
    travel,meet people ... and still the picture will be
    Try all to be less judgemental....

  28. More Zionist and Black Garden Myths Added by: Joe
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 8:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There you go again, Black Garden. Yes, you see many blond
    heads, Africans, and signs of ethnic diversity amoung the
    Palestinians. That's because the good Christians decided
    that the land was theres because their religion was right
    and the other religons of the area were wrong. Given that,
    they went around slaughtering, torturing, and raping the
    people of Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria. With all that
    raping (And the fact that a few remained) pleanty of blond
    hair genes were worked into the gene pool. The Africans are
    the decendents of slaves, who consider themselvs
    Palestinians are are very nationalistic twords Palestine.
    How you can take these facts and conclude that there were
    no (or very few) Palestinians in Palestine in the 1860's is
    beyond me. In fact, if that were the case, why are the
    blond haired decendents of the Crusaders there? If all
    Palestinians had died out in the late 1700's (as the Zionist
    myth goes) there would be no blond haired Arabs in
    Palestine, because blond haired Arabs would have died out
    with them. Same with the Black Palestinians. So if your
    trying to prove that there were no inhabitants of Palestine
    in the 1860's you have got a long way to go.
    So what if the name refers to the Philistens who have long
    since died out? It's the name that has been recognized for
    about 1800 years. Who cares if the Philistines aren't there
    any more?
    Now Dasha has some myths for us. There was a small group of
    Nazi supporters amoung the Palestinians, so they want to
    pretend that all Palestinians were Nazis. Well, there were
    Nazi supporters amoung the French! Does that mean that the
    French should be considered Nazis? There are Americans
    supporters of the Nazis today, so what? As for the
    Palestinians leaving on their own, they left becuase their
    was a war on. Radical Zionists killed 200 Palestinian
    villagers in their sleep in Dir Yassan. The Palestinians had
    good reason to flee. Even some Jewish historians in Israel
    are starting to claim that there were large scale evictions
    during 1948. Everywhere else in the world refugees are
    allowed to return to there home once the war is over. No one
    told the people of Mozambique who had fled to Malawi that
    they left on their own and had no right to come back. In
    fact, I can't think of another war where that has happened.
    Black Garden, try some other sources for your Mid-East news
    besides Pat Robertson and Jerry Fallwell.

  29. Hi Added by: Jorg
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 13:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    One of the most volatile issues around, as we've seen on this
    thread. I think I'll skip all of the previous responses and
    stick to the original posting. In Doubt, I don't feel that
    it's accurate to say that the Jews stole the land from Arabs.
    When people talk about the "Zionist Invasion" they talk about
    3 things, the Jews moving on mass to Palestine, and the war
    of 47-49 in which 700,000 Palestinians became refugees, and
    the 1967 war. I don't
    see how mass Jewish immigration to their religious homeland
    can be criticized any more than mass European immigration to
    the USA and Canada. At this point Jews bought land from Arabs
    (not stealing it). I don't think it is any issue at all that
    5 million Jews live in the former Palestine. The second thing
    is more difficult, with the war and refugee problem. Well,
    the Arabs turned down the partition plan which would have
    involved no population transfer. Instead they attacked Palestine,
    and in the war that followed 700,000 Palestinians became refugees.
    But not just Palestinians became refugees. Every single Jew
    who lived in the Westbank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem
    had to leave and go to the areas under Jewish control. People
    never mention this. Similar "trades" have occurred in other
    wars, such as the India-Pakistan partition (a strangely similar
    situation created by the British). If neither side can live
    together, then fine, separate. For me the problem comes in 1967
    when Israel took over the Westbank and Gaza which should have become
    part of the Palestinian state in 48. Now instead of the 2 peoples
    living mostly in 2 separate states there is an apartheid like
    coexistance under one state, in which Israelis have full rights
    but Palestinians don't. This has to change. They either have
    to go back to separation or learn to tolerate each other
    and create a "secular democratic Palestine". Separation is more
    likely (and to me seems safer), but Israeli governments (both Likud and Labour)
    have hurt the chance for this by filling the Westbank
    and Gaza with Israeli settlements. I personally have no problem
    with the average secular Israeli, I think they have a right
    to their country. But I do have a problem with the ones who
    think that all of the land is theirs and that the arabs are
    forein aliens. Israel has to give the Arabs of the territories
    citizenship or independance. Take your pick.

  30. aaaargh!!! Added by: sunshine
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 20:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    how can anyone feel anything but sympathy for the plight of
    the palestinians, from whom the jews stole vast tracts of
    to begin with, there have always been small settlements of
    jews in israel. to characterise their return to israel as a
    mass invasion is therefore inaccurate.
    large parts of the middle east today are the result of
    "creative" partitioning on the part of the british. a prime
    example of this is the hashemite kingdom of jordan whose
    monarchy dates back as far as the brits appointing of a
    king. borders are political not geographical entities. there
    are many landless people. the jews profited from the
    catastrophe which befell then in ww2 to catapult their state
    into creation. the palestinians have waged a very effective
    media campaign to capture world support in their own quest
    for statehood. i would read either side's account of history
    with skepticism...
    when the state of israel was created, an offer was extended
    to the arabs living in areas that had been designated
    israeli to have full citizenship and peaceful co-existence.
    obviously, this was unacceptable to a large segment of the
    population who had a vested interest in remaining under arab
    rule, at the same time leaders of the more militant arab
    factions urged locals to leave their homes temporarily so
    that the jews could be driven into the sea, after which they
    could resume their lives without the nasty thorn of israel
    in their side- a plan which failed disastrously. the same
    scenario repeated itself thing in subsequent wars with
    israel gaining more and more territory with each of her
    neighbouring countries' attempts to annihilate her.
    that israel botched the question of the palestinian refugees
    goes without saying. the territories should have been
    promptly returned in echange for peace treaties- as was the
    case with sinai, or they should have been annexed, turned
    into part of israel proper- as with the golan, and residents
    accorded full citizenship. in allowing the territories to
    fester with misery and resentment, the country reneged on
    the very principles it claimed to hold sacred... it should
    be noted though, that all of the surrounding arab countries
    have equally awful records with regard to their treatment of
    the palestinians.
    that the palestinians deserve a homeland is clear. however
    to lay blame for their plight solely at israel's feet is an
    oversimplification of the issue.

  31. Re: #28 Added by: Black Garden
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 20:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It seems Joe can be helpful to me (and maybe to others as
    well) by disclosing the web-sites of Jerry Falwell and Pat
    Robertson in order to allow me to read them as additional
    sources :-)

    To his points: I did not claim that the presence of blonde
    and African types among the Arabs is my sole source for the
    assumption of a massive immigration of Arabs to the Land of
    Israel. I cited this as *one* point (and a very obvious one)
    to consider and went on recommending to read Turkish
    archives (in processed shape, of course; I don't suppose any
    of us to understand Turkish in Arabic script). The thing is
    that I didn't see that ethnic diversity during my trips in
    any Arab country (OK, I was in Jordan and northern Egypt
    only..., Lebanon is another case). Btw., the Turks did
    hardly 'employ' African slaves.
    'In fact, I can't think of another war where that has
    happened.' Selective memory, isn't it? I don't know about
    your educational background, but you definitely
    underestimate ours.

    'Radical Zionists killed 200 Palestinian villagers in their
    sleep in Dir Yassan.' Arab propaganda lie, and not even
    cited correctly. The latest (1996) Arab examination of this
    attack by a Bir Zeit (!) historian refuted that decades-old
    lie and put the number of Arab dead at about or slightly
    less than 100 (the same number that Israel claimed
    throughout the time). The attack was in the middle of the
    day (that much for 'in their sleep'), and the number
    includes a large percentage of Arab combattants and bandits.
    Btw, that Arab scientist was subsequently incarcerated by
    the PLO for writing the truth...

    There is no 'Zionist myth' that the native Arab population
    of Israel had died out in the 18th century. Nobody claims
    that except you. The truth is (and can be verified in any
    travelogue, expedition report etc. at that time) that the
    country was indeed nearly empty 150 years ago. Of course
    there were townships like Jerusalem, Hebron, Shechem, Jaffa,
    Haifa, Acre, Gaza and a few more, but with four-digit
    populations only (of which a significant number consisted of
    native Jews, Armenians, Druze etc.). In addition there were
    few villages and some Beduin (nomadic) bandits who plagued
    the travellers and inhabitants alike.

    OTOH, it seems you've kicked your own a** in the first two
    paragraphs. No matter whether there were 'no' or 'few' Arabs
    in the Land of Israel by 1860, no matter whether they have
    'died out in the late 1700's' or not, my point was that
    those 'strange-colored' Arabs (and much more not so
    'strange-colored') emigrated afterwards from surrounding
    Arab areas, where they may or may not be brought forth by
    crusaders or whomever. Your assumptions aren't contradicting
    my claims.

    Furthermore, it may have escaped your attention but in the
    past century all inhabitants of the country were called
    'Palestinians' regardless of their ethnic and religious
    affiliations. It had nothing to do with any nationalist or
    (in fact) separatist feelings; it was just because the
    country was temporarily called 'Palestine'. The
    self-definition of Arabs living in the Land of Israel as a
    separate Arabic entity wasn't done until 1964. The infamous
    Mufti of Jerusalem (a close forefather of both Faisal
    Husseini and Yassir Arafat) did not speak about a separate
    state for the Arabs but about unification with Syria.

    I did not claim that there is something wrong with that
    referrence to the old Philistines. What I was trying to tell
    is that it is quite funny, even more so given the apt
    translation of 'philistine' into English.

  32. vagrant Added by: Enrique de G
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 21:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't think it is all CNN. More like the BBC and
    Manchester Guardian propaganda, clothed as news, for the
    politically correct. As a Glaswegian explained it to me ...
    The Anglos have three main reasons to support the
    Palestinian cause, believeing they are of course impartial
    in this debate. They were the ones who started the whole
    mess by promising both ethnic groups an independent
    country, if they supported and fought for England in the
    first of the great Europeon imperialistic struggles of the
    20th century. When the Israeli terrorist groups attacked
    the English after WWII, they did some pretty nasty things -
    the King David Hotel killed 140 + people. Impressive even
    by todays standards. While they wouldn't say it as such -
    it is still an issue. Israel was also involved in Englands
    last gasp to be a world power. The ill fated joint attack
    with the French and Israel to sieze the Suez Canal - Their
    "property". The resulting peace saw, of all things, the USA
    supporting the Arab position against this lovely
    triumvirate. Militarily it was a "success", politically it
    put the knife in as a world power. Eisenhower was a lot
    more astute in political realities than people today
    imagine - he was smart enough to commit genocide in places
    like Guatemala. The world didn't notice for another decade.

  33. The moon is made of green cheese, period. Added by: Joe
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 13:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Black Garden
    I was thinking about how to respond to your balloney, but
    then I thought, "Why bother." I don't see any point in
    arguing with people who invent their own facts, or swallow
    propaganda unquestionally because it fits into their view of
    the world. I have given up trying to argue with a relitave
    of mine because he invents facts. For example, on nuclear
    energy: You get more radation from standing near burning
    charcoals than you would get from holding nuclear waste. A
    nuclear power plant produces so little waste that one years
    worth would not even fill up and oil barrel. He even insists
    that Apartide South Africa was the least repressive country
    to blacks than any other country in Africa. He get's that
    stuff from his radicle right wind newsletters, and it is the
    undenyable truth. No point is arguing with that stuff.
    I do have a question for Black Garden, however. Do you
    believe that the Jesus will return to Israel, and will all
    Jews who do not become Christians go to Hell?
    So what if there were a few tiny Jewish communities in
    Palestine when the first Zionists started to move in
    (Remember too, many of those Jewish communities moved into
    Palestine from other places such as Spain after the fall of
    Grenada.) There are small communities of Celts in England.
    The Celts of what became England (known as "Britons") were
    thrown off their land by the Anglo-Saxons just like the Jews
    were thrown off their land by the Romans. Many of the
    Britons who were thrown out of their land now live in an
    area called "Britony" in France, where they speak their
    native Celtic language. Now, if the Briton people started to
    migrate to England, bought up large tracts of land, would
    you say that they have the right to replace England with
    their own Republic? Would the existance of Celtic
    communities in England justify this?

  34. what are you qualifications? Added by: Macro
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 22:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why are you all bothering? None of you seem to have any cred in terms of history of the region and reading one book does not an academic make. Your opinions are largely unfounded emotion which is based on some seeming media-fed 'truth' and we all know that papers just want to make money and have little regard for the truth or have even littler access to the truth (in a place like the middle east).

  35. What the Hell are your cred's? Added by: Joe
    [Timestamp: Sat 16 Jan, 13:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've read about nine books on the matter, many articles
    from diffrent sources (many of them European, more
    reliable,) and I've talked to many Jews and Arabs. Thank
    you. Not that I'm saying my opinion is the undeniable truth
    since I've studied the matter, but it does count for

  36. Once again, I'm waiting Added by: Joe
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 13:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Black Garden? Hello? Hello?
    I'm still waiting for your answer to my question. Do you
    believe that Jesus will return to Israel at the second
    comming, and all Jews who do not convert to Christianity
    will go to Hell? Still waiting...

  37. Difficult thing... Added by: Black Garden
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 18:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, I allowed myself to be offline over the weekend...
    Actually, I have no net access at home at all but only in
    the company.

    The matter you raised is far too complicated to be
    conclusively discussed here. Simply put, I don't know. Yes,
    I do believe in the second coming of Christ to Israel.
    Nobody knows when, but He will. Maybe in 2000, maybe
    tomorrow or at any time He decides.

    Yet I don't have (and nobody has) any idea what's going to
    happen then. Some traditions believe He will decend on the
    Mount of Olives and then walk to and open the Golden Gate of
    the Old City in Jerusalem after which He will destroy the
    muslim temples on the Temple Mount and build the Third
    Temple. Somehow I wish I would see the golden dome to
    collapse... :-)

    Anyway, Christ said that 'the only way to the father is
    through me'; God (the father) however told somewhere in the
    Bible (I forgot the exact source) that beyond that
    prerequisite He (the father) would allow others into Heaven
    according to His very own decision. I don't know for sure
    but I guess that this generally applies to those Jews who
    don't convert to Christianity because they are, simply put,
    His Chosen People. Maybe.

    On the other hand, your relative isn't that wrong with the
    assertations concerning the nuclear power thing. Coal power
    plants do emit more radioactivity than nuclear power plants
    of the same size. Not to speak of the carbon dioxide, acid
    rain gases etc. emanating from coal fire... BTW, I am
    working in that branch. Concerning South Africa; I haven't
    been in Africa before 1993 thank to the commies that usurped
    my country and prohibited free travel, but as far as I heard
    there were millions of black Africans illegally immigrating
    to anti-communist SA instead of millions to escape from
    there... And, did they have genocides or all-out wars, mass
    starvation, mass deaths through plagues, skyscraping infant
    mortality rates and all the neat things that happen in
    the rest of Africa?

    Maybe you'd be so kind to explain which facts I 'made up' in
    my postings?

  38. Black Garden.. Added by: Dazza
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 3:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Shouldn't you be working rather than spending an inordinate amount of time posting here? Sheesh, I feel bad for the sucker who's paying your salary.

  39. Yeah, Right Added by: Joe
    [Timestamp: Thu 21 Jan, 13:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Black Garden:
    Most of your fictional post about Dir Yassan was made up,
    perhaps by you, more likly by someone else. Most of your
    rabble about nuclear waste was made up (Yeah, plutonium is
    less raidoactive then charcoal. SURE!!!)
    As for South Africa being Communist, well, as I understand
    it communists believe in nationalizing all industries. Well,
    is there any private enterprise in South Africa today?
    Then there is your joke about how much better things were
    in the old South Africa than in other African countries.
    That might not have been totally made up, but I think it is
    indictive of your logic. Infant mortality rates were as high
    amoung blacks in South Africa as anywhere in Africa. The
    diffrence is that when you average in the white population,
    the numbers look better. Figures don't lie, but liers sure
    can figure.
    I have no interest in contenuing this. If we do, it will be
    just another "Yes it is," "No it isn't," sort of thing. I
    hate that.

  40. Re: Yeah, Right Added by: Black Garden
    [Timestamp: Thu 21 Jan, 18:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What if you tried to learn how to read? Undoubtly, in that
    case you had understood that I did not claim that charcoal
    would be more radioactive than plutonium. What I said (and
    what is true and can be verified) is that coal power plants
    emit more radioactivity than a nuclear power plant of the
    same electricity output as long as both are working as
    planned. The reason is quite simple: the radioactive
    materials stay in the reactor (except for Chernobyl, of
    course) in the latter case, while nothing is withheld from
    being blown out of the chimney in coal power stations. Any
    undergraduate student or even five minutes of own thinking
    could have told you...

    If you were able to read properly you would undoubtly have
    seen that I did not consider South Africa a communist
    country. What I told was that *my* home country was ruled by
    communists for much too long and that I therefore was unable
    to travel to SA in order to get first-hand impressions then.
    Before I forget, yes, there are private companies in SA

    As for infant mortality rates, I am sure you can come up
    with politically correct(ed) numbers? Otherwise, I would
    agree with your last paragraph, and the discussion should be
    finished. Have a nice weekend...

  41. If YOU could read Added by: Joe
    [Timestamp: Fri 22 Jan, 7:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was about to finish this conversation, but let me clear
    up a few things. First, sorry about misreading the South
    Africa bit, but it did sound like you were calling South
    Africa communist and indicating that you couldn't return for
    that reason.
    As for the Nuclear waste issue, if YOU could read you would
    see that I said that my relitave claimed that, and this is
    an exact quote from my above message, "You get more radation
    from standing near burning charcoals than you would get from
    holding nuclear waste."

  42. Joe and Black Garden: Who's Right, who's Wrong?? Added by: Bored to death (
    [Timestamp: Sat 23 Jan, 1:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ..better yet, who cares??!
    God you guys are both pathetic. Get a life.

    [Timestamp: Fri 29 Jan, 23:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wouldn't giving Germany to the Israeli's have been more
    justifiable than giving Palestine, which was innocent in
    the Holocaust? So the Palestinains are Hitlers last
    victims? Also Annisa you say you wish Joe had been here
    when Khwega and Blue had been cause the flamers got so bad
    and then you post a post like you did about Amy not being
    able to see through her veil to focus a picture? Hold up a
    mirror, if you want to see who was the flamer.

  44. Exactly Added by: Joe
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 Feb, 20:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Absolutly. If someone's land was to be taken from them to
    make up for the holocaust, let it be the country that
    committed the Holocaust, namely, Germany.

  45. Good idea, give back Germany to Israelis! Added by: Joe the II (
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 Feb, 8:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It sounds crazy, but this might resovle the conflicts in the
    ME. I would say 1/3 of former DDR should be given to the
    Israelis if not he whole part. The problem is though that
    most of the Jews wouldn't want to, I wonder why? Cos, they
    still get huge monetary restitution for the WWII from
    Germany. I also noticed that SOME Jews blame everybody for
    the holocaust: Lithuanians, Italians, Hungarians, Dutch,
    Danes, Poles, Ukrainians, Slovakians, Romanians, Belgian and
    so on, occasionally they mention Nazis but they never say
    Germans why is that? GERMANS CAUSED HOLOCAUST! And that in
    effect created the hole mess in the Middle East.

  46. THE 'can of worms': Added by: Arab sympathizer:
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 12:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Many attrocities have been committed against both the Arabs
    and the Jews. Neither side has been blameless in the
    quagmire that has resulted. Still what if? What if the
    Jewish people just for once ceased whinning and blaming
    anyone at all for their history. What if "remember the
    holocost" for once wasn't shoved down everyones' throat for
    any constructive criticism or innocent question asked of a
    people who refuse to be questioned. What if the Jewish
    people did not harass and harangue each and every weaker
    organization they feel imposes upon their right to
    unquestionable unaccountability. What if the Jewish people
    quit, just for once, reminding the rest of the world that
    they are "the Chosen ones!" It is so far fetched and
    inexcusable to suggest that you are your own worst enemies?
    You fly in the face of all decorum. Must you always be
    above reproach? Could anti semitism be just a public
    backlash; a defense mechanism against the Jewish tirade?
    Could guilt be a Jewish propaganda mechanism designed to
    soil the nests of those who do not need to suffer and
    persecute in order to exist? I warned you it would be a can
    of worms. In light of the subject matter it will inevitably
    be called "hate mail." I am affraid it is nothing more than
    an innocent inquiry.

  47. Dear Arab Sympathizer, Added by: The Psychologist
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 Feb, 18:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I bet your last girlfriend dumped you for a Jew, right?

  48. Jews Added by: Egg
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 Feb, 0:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In regard to the Holocaust, of course Polish Jews blame
    Poles, Russian Jews blame Russians, Latvian Jews blame
    Latvians - not for instigating the Shoah, as we call it,
    but for standing by and watching, or supporting, or
    encouraging. Not for driving the tanks, but for refusing to
    stand up and be counted. Or refusing to hide Jews in their
    attics, or for turning them into the police to pocket some
    reward. That is why.
    BTW, Jews do not sit down at large talbles and come up with
    finely tuned plans to fuck the world over. If you think
    that is true, well, you are very naieve. We can't agree on
    our own issues regarding anything, let alone giving a shit
    about what the rest of the world thinks! And you are also
    very misguided if you think that we Jews just want to rort
    the system for our own benefit! Gee, as if we don't have
    enough to worry about with the peace process, assimilation,
    religious/secular rifts, reform Jews' rights, funding for
    our schools, Ashkenazi/Spehardi relations and so on.
    And, Arab sympathiser, if you want to talk whinger, then
    let the games begin!
    Here we go of the little insignificant mishaps to occur to
    the Jewish people:
    * slavery and murder of all first born boys as a means of
    birth control in ancient Egypt.
    * destruction of the first and second Temple by invaders
    who put idols in our holiest place of worship, the Temple
    Mount. Twice. Presecuted for having one god, not many.
    * Exile
    Now some you might actually know
    * deicide - the Murder of (your) God. Beat that! Persecuted
    for not having the right god.
    * an interpretation of the Bible into Latin reading that
    Jews have horns (because the Hebrew said rays of joy coming
    out of their heads and it was interpreted as horns).
    * the Spanish Inquisition - Jews being forced to convert to
    Catholicism or die.
    * Jews ghettoised in Italy (first ghetto in the world).
    From here on in, Jews not allowed to integrate into society
    anywhere in Europe (until 1700s emancipation after the
    Enlightenment). And today Jews are accused of sticking
    together and not integrating!
    * Jews only allowed to be money lenders and no other
    professions. Therefore, become good with money. Today, as a
    result of being only allowed to work with money, are blamed
    for "only working with money". And controlling Senate,
    Congress, Hollywood ...
    * the Blood Libel. A Christian boy was murdered in an east
    European nation and the Jews were accused of ritually
    sacrificing him to use his blood to make ritual bread for
    Passover. An enduring concept causing the ...
    * Pogroms - throughout Europe. Cossacks etc sweeping
    through towns killing en masee, raping, burning and
    * The Holocaust - a man sat down and thought all the
    problems of the world are caused by Jews. Maybe we should
    systematically remove this vermin from our midst.
    Therefore, when the einsatzgruppen B passed through Babi
    Yar in 1942, that small Lithuanian town, 22,000 people were
    shot into a pit and buried. That was in 15 hours. 22,000
    fewer people on earth in 15 hours. And the rest.
    * After the Zionist movement started, Arab Jews were
    persecuted and violated where they once prospered.
    * Russian Jews refused to leave Russia but refused rights
    within USSR. Not allowed to practise religion. Not allowed
    to go away. 1970 - 1991. Still blamed for economic
    * Conspiracy theories abounds. Monica Lewinsky is a Zionist
    plot as a decoy to remove Clinton from Preseidency because
    he supports Palestine and is an anti-Jew president.
    And so on.
    Yet people blame us for being accutely aware of our history
    and using it to illustrate themes in the past. Now, I ask
    you, just because we like ourselves and are proud of our
    achievements despite all odds, why does the world care so
    much about such a small group as us? Stop caring! We don't
    want your attention! Go and make your own history and stop
    trying to make us feel little. Because we're not changing
    for no-one and we're here to stay. So you do your thing and
    we'll do ours.

  49. EGG would you answer! Added by: ramon
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 Feb, 13:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Who caused Holocaust?
    Why Jews deny openly to state that Germans are behind this?
    Is it cos you got so far 120 billion dollars and still
    EGG ADMIT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  50. ? Added by: Egg
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 March, 22:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Oh, we obviously sacrificed 6 million of our own people to
    reap the financial benefits, sure.

  51. Shut up Added by: IGOR
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 7:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Please remember that this is a web-site for travellers and
    not a political/religous/historical stamping ground. It is
    very boring and takes up space that could be put to good
    use by people who would benefit. Please go to a chat-room
    and carry on your opinionised, ignorant and sometimes
    down-right offensive debate. Basically fuck off, get a
    life and leave the airwaves clear for people who aren't
    going to abuse the system.
    Fellow travellers, rise up against these arseholes who ruin
    an otherwise excellent and useful website.....
    ...The power is in your hands.

  52. Why I travel Added by: SiouxWarrior
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 13:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What an enlightening thread.
    Having gotten it into my craw this past year that I'd like to visit Syria, I was puzzled by admonitions that one can't gain entry to Syria if one's passport indicates past travel to Israel. "What's their beef?", I wondered. Completely ignorant of Middle Eastern politics, I decided to take a History course this semester at the local university, on "Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict". We're reading 4 books, theoretically to gain a balanced view of the situation. Most of what I've read in this thread has been bits and pieces of what I've gleaned thus far, although most remarks have been one-sided and a bit loud, not at all like the original question. I liked Jorg's post, thanks guy.
    The fact that there are so many one-sided remarks, and accusations of the media's tilt on things, confirms for me the reason that I enjoy travel: to see for myself, and pull together all of the various 'facts' that I've read, and form my own opinion. I disagree with Igor's post; sometimes, that's what travel is all about.

    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 16:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, well, well..Jews Jews Jews...simple facts..the Jew's
    are disliked around the world! Why..well I'm sure there
    must be some good reasons. Fact during WWII it was not only
    the Nazis that took part in finding jews but EVERY single
    occupied country freely partisipated in rounding up Jews
    for deportation. Why? This is a question that should be
    answered from deep inside..Most people will never express
    the "real" reasons for this in public. Was it wrong? You
    tell me.

    In any event the Land (the is now Isral)was stolen!!Fact
    Fact...This land should be returned now! Will this ever
    happen NO. Was this is wrong, yes. Of course , there was a
    little problem ,it's true that the jews had no other place
    to go after WWII since no other country in the world wanted
    them (Why you ask..hummmm, I think we all probably know)
    Anyway don't be too concerned because the largest jewish
    "State" in the world in in good ol USA New York.. More Jews
    in NY then in all if the Middle East. What a group!! Just
    remember "There will always be war"! have a nice day!
    Welcome to reality...

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