This topic was created by Claire
[Thu 6 May, 4:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

We (my boyfriend and I) are going to Iran next month. We will fly from France to Teheran, and I would like a few advices from those who have travelled in Iran recently. What places would you suggest ? Teheran, Ispahan, Yazd, Mashad, Shiraz, the Caspian Coast (???), countryside ? Is it best to travel by train or by bus (safe ? cheap ?).
One precise question : how do we go to central Teheran from the airport without taking a taxi AND without getting to the opposite place we wanted to go to ?! Another question : the LP Middle East guide says the cheap hotels in Teheran are located in a non safe neighborhood : is that true ? Where are the best (cheap and safe) hotels ?
After Iran, we will go to Turkmenistan, Ouzbekistan and Kirghizistan. Did anyone of you went from Iran to Turkmenistan (by bus, by train ? any troubles ?).
Any other advices for a cheap and pleasant everyday life as a tourist in Iran ?
Thank you !!!

[There are 7 posts - the latest was added on Thu 13 May, 11:24]

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  1. ??? Added by: Alpha
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 5:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't know what you're asking, really. Perhaps you could
    buy the Iran LP (1998) rather than the Middle East LP. It is
    clearly stated that there are very few trains and they are
    all slow, while buses are fine and planes are cheap. Taxis
    from the airport are very cheap, there is no reason not to
    take one. (I assume you must have some money since you
    are taking a plane to Iran rather than buses.) The cheap
    hotel area of Tehran is safe but seedy and not very
    pleasant. For hotels outside ths area, please consult the LP
    Iran guide. (Also see the recent web update for this guide,
    you can get to it from LP's home page.)

  2. Iran Added by: jane (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 8:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Great place to travel. I was there in late 1998 and found
    it one of the safest places that I have ever travelled. The
    people are hospitable, generous and unusually honest.
    Planes are incredibly cheap and to be recommended because
    the distances to be covered are so great. I bought tickets
    from Yazd to Tehran and from Tehran to Tabriz for less than
    $US25 for the two flights. Add Bam to your list of places
    to visit. The old mud city there is outstanding. Stay at
    Ali Amiri's guesthouse there. Ali is very helpful to
    Western tourists. I stayed in a hotel in Tehran whose name
    escapes me but it has a good cafe attached that is
    supposed to be the haunt of the local intelligencia and the
    secret police. It is mentioned in the LP guidebook. It was
    a mid-range hotel but still cost only $12 for a room with en
    suite. Don't miss the jewellery museum in Tehran.

  3. Great place Added by: Connolly
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 14:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I spent quite some time in Iran and deeply enjoyed it. It
    was few years ago I can't give you updated suggestions as
    far as accomodation is concerned but here are few tips
    regarding places to visit.
    My favourite city in Iran is Ispahan, followed by Mashad.
    Shiraz is a very pleasant city, don't miss Persepolis. You
    can hire a taxi in Shiraz that will bring you there. As
    Jane said Bam is not to miss. Kerman, the base for the trip
    to Bam, is also a fine place where to spend a day or so;
    don't miss the coppersmith bazar.
    If you have to count the days I would avoid to loose time
    with Tabriz and rather go for the western part of the
    caspian (Rasht, Bandar Anzali and up to Iranian Azerbaijan
    (I don't know if there are travel restrictions). Masouleh
    as well is a place definitely worth a visit.
    The list could go on and on but I believe you won't have
    time to do everything so these are just the highlights.
    Flying is (was) very cheap. There is no point in avoiding
    to take a taxi from the airport to the city. Just avoid the
    touts and the unauthorized taxi.

  4. Great place Added by: Connolly
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 14:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I spent quite some time in Iran and deeply enjoyed it. It
    was few years ago I can't give you updated suggestions as
    far as accomodation is concerned but here are few tips
    regarding places to visit.
    My favourite city in Iran is Ispahan, followed by Mashad.
    Shiraz is a very pleasant city, don't miss Persepolis. You
    can hire a taxi in Shiraz that will bring you there. As
    Jane said Bam is not to miss. Kerman, the base for the trip
    to Bam, is also a fine place where to spend a day or so;
    don't miss the coppersmith bazar.
    If you have to count the days I would avoid to loose time
    with Tabriz and rather go for the western part of the
    caspian (Rasht, Bandar Anzali and up to Iranian Azerbaijan
    (I don't know if there are travel restrictions). Masouleh
    as well is a place definitely worth a visit.
    The list could go on and on but I believe you won't have
    time to do everything so these are just the highlights.
    Flying is (was) very cheap. There is no point in avoiding
    to take a taxi from the airport to the city. Just avoid the
    touts and the unauthorized taxi.

  5. And from Iran Added by: Amir (
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 3:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Alpha, Jane and Connolly, thanx for all the compliments!
    I am really glad you found my homeland such a country as
    you explain in your postings.
    Claire, why not take a taxi? just bear in mind as soon as
    you leave the Airport terminal, several taxi drivers will
    rush to you. The very first ones offer far too high prices,
    bargain on that. Authorized Airport taxis charge more than
    you could find with unauthorized ones if you are good at
    Cheap hotels? It depends on what you mean by cheap. You
    should come to a compromise between the quality and price
    and it also depends in which destrict.
    You can go to Turkmenistan overland or by train to Mashad
    and off to Ashgabat by bus or fly from Tehran to Ashgabat
    or from Tehran to Mashad and again to Ashgabat ( I did the
    last, last year ) much cheaper than a direct flight.
    For more details on any of these, drop me an e-mail.

  6. I envy you two! Added by: Jinbi
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 10:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I travelled to Iran last year and stayed in Tehran and in
    Isfahan. Of the two I preferred Isfahan, mind you I had
    serious difficulties finding restaurants there in the town walk found two restaurants max. - otherwise you
    can have a meal in the restaurants of more expensive
    hotels, which still aren't that expensive.
    The trip from the airport is no problem at all,
    providing you make a minor effort to communicate in Farsi to
    the taxi is the hubbub at the airport and the
    general confusion of trying to avoid upsetting various
    people who reckon you promised them you would go with them
    in their taxi which can be a hassle...if you have a little
    patience, then try to figure out who's seems to have the
    best deal and just agree to go with him - don't worry about
    anyone else who might follow you even to his colleague's
    taxi to try and salvage what is obviously a lost fare...they
    only have an effect on gullible tourists who cannot make
    their mind up.

  7. Iran highlights Added by: Audrey
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 11:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with what I have read so far.
    Definitely Isfahan, it is so beautiful with the river running through it and the tree-lined main street and the huge square with the gorgeous mosque. We spent a day at a family's home there; the people are so hospitable.
    Definitely Bam (the guest house was great - we could take our head scarves off!). He supplies dinner at ridiculously low prices.
    Shiraz was also good (the Iranian "city of sin"). Persepolis is the main attrraction, but also go to the tea house at Hafez's tomb.
    Yazd bored me, but my husband liked it.
    We both found Tabriz boring.
    Tehran was not that great, but I've heard good reports about it from people who stayed there a LONG time. Not worth it on a short trip.
    Kerman was good for a day on the way to Bam, but accommodation was either cheap and nasty or expensive. We were getting a bit sick of cockroaches by this stage, so we bargained at the main place recommended in the LP.
    Speaking of the LP, the latest guide by Paul Greenway leaves a bit to be desired. I don't think he really liked Iran! The maps are not too good and the choice of restaurants is a bit limited because Paul seems to love hamburgers and pizza. Still, they do make a nice change from kebabs ....

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