Israel -Accommodation costs on the rise?

This topic was created by Julie
[Wed 19 May, 4:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

The LP Country Update states that prices for budget
accommodation in Israel have risen drastically. To those
who have recently visited, is this true?
I'm hoping to spend less than $15/day on lodging (budget,
of course)... is this a feasible amount?

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 1:54]

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  1. Depends Added by: Jorg
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 11:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You will be able to get accomodation for under $15 in the
    cities where lots of tourists stay (I'm talking hostel dorm
    rooms). In Jerusalem there are lots of hostels in the Old
    City where you can get a dorm bed for about 15 shekels (like
    $5). In West Jerusalem you can stay at Ben Yehuda Hostel for
    $12 or $13, but most places in the west side will cost more
    than this. In Tel-Aviv most hostel dorms are in the $11-12
    range. A lot of the towns of interest around Tel-Aviv and
    Jerusalem don't have cheap accomodation, so you can plan to
    visit those places as day trips from your base in the city.
    Netanya has almost no budget places, the only one is really
    Atzma'ut Hostel which is like $16 or $17 for a dorm bed.
    Haifa also has very little, and is in the $15-20 range. Acco
    has a couple hostels in the $10 range, Nazerath has a
    religious hospice (I forgot the name) which is under $10 for
    the dorm. Tiberias has lots of $10-12 hostels. In the south,
    Be'er Sheva has nothing cheap, but there's nothing to see
    there anyway. In Eilat there are lots of cheap hostels in
    your range, if you're willing to put up with crowded and
    noisy condtions. So if you average the costs everywhere, I
    think you can make it within your range...just plan so you
    don't have to stay as much in the expensive towns.

  2. tel aviv jerusalem eilat Added by: dave
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 1:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    tel avivs budget hostels are about 30-38 shekels a night
    (divide by 4 for dollars), some have roof space a bit
    cheaper. These hostels are all around the ben yehuda area
    namely gordons
    no1, dizzengoff, momos, noah, sea side, hayarkon48
    eilat is about 20-25 sheks off season but in summer and
    around jewish holidays the price can double
    there is no shortage of space and they are all around the
    bus stn, best in my view is the spring
    jerusalem is much cheaper in the old city and apart from
    christmas and easter prices can be between 15-20 sheks
    any questions
    dave at

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