Backpack, your ultimate Visa to Iran!

This topic was created by Amir (
[Tue 18 May, 16:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

There is no such universal rule that you shall join a tour
to get Iranian Visa! NONSENSE.
Certain people may find it a bit more difficult to obtain a
visa, such as a young female travelling alone or certain
nationalities such as the US and Brits ( Still lots of them
get to Iran ). But they too shall give it a try to get
visas ( preferably with a local sponsor ), if not, there is
still this chance of getting transit visas which could be
extended several times ( max 4 ) for different periods (
from 5 days to two weeks sometimes ). Or there are travel
agencies which would apply a visa for you on booking couple
of nights with them, though the rates would be remarkably
higher than usual. If it is worth or not, is upto you, but
don't ask me 'which travel agency?'. I won't amswer no
more. Go and find them by yourself ( This way I won't be
accused of publicity! )
But there is no such universal rule that you should join a
tour to get the visa. Iranian visa needs a good backpack,
patience and determination. Do NOT give up with the very
first turn-downs from embassies. Show you are determined.
They have no such instruction to limit tourists. Infact the
President Khatami's policy is to promote tourism exchange.
Ask those who have already been to Iran ( recently ) for
info. They are accessible on this site. Denis Zagloboutski,
where are you now? ( He met me in my office in Tehran and
exchanged a lot of good stories of his travel to Iran ).
Iran is very safe for travellers, man or woman, alone or
not ( in comparison with Turkey for example ). As far as
you exactly know where you're going and with whom and as
long as you observe the islamic codes, there is nothing to
worry about.
For US nationals, the governments of the both sides which
are desparately working on making things normal again, are
a bit conservative, with Iran's hesitation in granting
visas and US govn's warnings issued by Depatment of State.
Infact the Iranians are so hospitable that you won't need a
tour operator to help you. ( Poor travel agencies ! ) You
may even get lodging with locals for free ( just use your
intuition to define who's honest, who's not, mostly are! )
Go for Iranian GenXers. They are very different from what
you may have already heard on Iranians. They mostly speak
good English ( if not French or German too! ), have good
knowledge of western culture ( are Baywatch-watchers !). If
you miss your music ( no matter 'Doors' or 'Black Sabbath'
), the Iranian 25+ years old youth may be of some help!
There are now more than 70,000 internet users in Iran ( in
ME standards, it's remarkable ). Find them on-line and do
your homework before coming to Iran. Guide books may come
short in hands-on info.
Take your backpack: The most difficult part of a trip is to
get out of home!
God save Lonely Planet and its Lonely Travellers!

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 8:21]

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  1. By car ... Added by: Connolly
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 20:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Amir,
    I've been to IRAN and loved it. I would like to come
    back.What can you tell me about coming by car?
    Is there any restriction, duties, etc...
    Thanks and bye for now

  2. Where are you? Added by: Scooter (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 8:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Amir - I am coming to Tehran in about 2 weeks, to travel
    for the second time through your magnificent country. I am
    a US citizen who just got a tourist visa from Washington
    with no sponsorship at all, just some very kind words and a
    few proper photographs. I'd like to meet up with you if
    you're available. Where can I find you in Tehran? I will
    probably stay at the Hotel Naderi (because I like the cafe
    and the Armenian pastry shop on the ground level!) and I
    can meet you there if you like. Reply to my e-mail address
    above! Khoda hafez! - Scott

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