Jordan & Palestinian T.

This topic was created by Croqui
[Wed 21 April, 21:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I want to visit this August Jordan & Palestine in 12 days
that I have. My idea is 2 days for Jerusalen, 1 for Jerico,
1 for Betlem, 1 for Amman, 1 for Jerash, 1 for Dead Sea, 2
(and 1 more for the trip) for Petra, 1 for Wadi Rum and 1
for come back (I donÆt include Aqaba because IÆm not
interesting in diving).
May be somedy who knows the area can recommend me change
any destinations or the days IÆll dedicate for them.
IÆll appreciate too comments from people what has been
there last month about safety in Palestinian Territories
and the price for visit Petra.
Thanks for all.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Tue 11 May, 6:47]

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  1. Petra cost Added by: M.
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 8:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Last November the 2 day ticket to Petra was 25 JD. Suggest
    that you absolutely do not miss "Petra by night". This
    tour was being run by the local tour group La Beduina on
    Thursday nights only. That may have changed now -- when I
    was there they were trying to get the government to let
    them do it every night of the week. I think the cost was
    12JD. It is an absolutely magical experience - they lit the
    path down the siq with paper bags filled with sand and
    candles. It was so dark you could see all of the stars -
    must have been what it was like when the Nabateans lived
    there. Down at the Khazneh they played traditional Bedouin
    music and served us mint & sage tea. Don't miss it.
    Re the rest of your itinerary - I don't know about your
    interests but personally I found Jericho & Bethlehem to be a
    horrible places. Jerusalem is amazing - I spent 10 days
    there there and still did not feel like I had seen it
    all...By the way, don't miss Yad Vashem. I think if you
    spent more time in Jerusalem you wouldn't regret it
    although, I suppose you should do at least half a day in
    Bethlehem. Problem in most of these places are the HUGE
    lineups with Christian pilgrims.

  2. ME Added by: rpat (
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 2:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Give yourself a lot more time in Petra--2 full days at
    least. Amman has very little, but you can combine it with

  3. free!! Added by: WelshTom
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 6:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I and a Canadian friend managed to avoid the 25JD entrance
    fee to Petra, by sneeking in through a back route before
    dawn had broken. We came in by an old crusader castle a mile
    or so out of town. This way we saved money and got to see
    dawn there. At that time the only people inside are the
    Bedouin who are meant to report you, yet we were not seen.
    I recommend at least three days inside the ruins, and climb
    up to the top of the monestary as the view is spectacular.

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