ME overland

This topic was created by davide
[Wed 5 May, 21:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

i'm planning to travel overland rough to asia via the
middle east in june. i'd like to see most countries there,
including turkey, israel, syria, jordan and iran. is it
really going to be to hot then, or can i manage? i'll be
flying from london to the region and be trying to follow as
straight a line as possible towards india. possibly land in
eilat an travel north through jordan, syria, turkey then
east to iran. if anyone has done this recently and has
advice, ideas or suggestions to pass on, it would be
greatly appreciated. regards

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Tue 11 May, 0:02]

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  1. me Added by: rpat (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 2:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You're doing way too much, but good luck. If you want to go
    to Syria & Iran, avoid Israel or hit it on your way back.
    have fun. bob

  2. ME (again) overland Added by: davide
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 19:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    bob, thanks for your response. you're probably right. i'm
    quite flexible with what i'm about to do, have an
    australian passport and not a hell of a lot of money. would
    be wiser to map out a better route in more of a direct west
    to east direction. is there a particular reason for your
    advice not to go to israel if i plan to go to syria and
    iran? it would be a shame if i couldn't combine israel with
    iran. otherwise i'd do this: greece->turkey->syria->turkey->
    iran->pakistan... cheers again.

  3. travels Added by: Estella
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 22:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You have one month right? Stick to two countries, three at
    the very most! I think it is a shame you can't go to Iran
    or Syria (or many many other countries) if you have
    evidence of having been to Israel. I personally would not
    fund such governments through supporting their economies
    through tourism. For mere breadth of sites and sounds, I
    personally would follow the traditional
    Turkey - Egypt - Israel
    Greece - Turkey - Israel
    Turkey - Israel - Jordan
    Greece - Morocco - Israel
    Greece - Turkey - Morocco
    Turkey - Morocco - Jordan
    or some combo of three countries which do not restrict
    certain people from being in the free territory which they
    happen to administer for no reason other than hatred and

  4. Questions re: overland Added by: Betsy (
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 2:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My husband and I (both in our early 40s, he's CDN and I'm
    US) are taking a Dragoman tour - 7 weeks through Egypt,
    Jordan, Syria, Turkey, then fast track through Greece,
    Italy, France and finish in the UK. We've not done this
    sort of thing before - any advice? (I know this is kind of
    general, but because we are so new at this, we thought any
    information would be useful...)
    Thanks in advance!
    Betsy in Vancouver

  5. Not a long time! Added by: John (
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 0:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't like travelling with time pressure, take it easy and
    enjoy it. Iran's a fantastic place, really welcoming (once
    your there) but hard to get a visa, for an Ausie it's much
    easier. If you have problems getting a tourist visa go for
    a transit visa and get it extended when you're there.
    Otherwise go to Magic Carpet Travel and they will sort it
    out for a fee, each aplication will take a month though!
    Turkey's great, loads of Ausies go down to Gallipoli, but
    don't bother with the Med coast, esp in the west it's full
    of fat Frogs, Germains and Brits each with their own
    resorts. Go out east, it's pretty safe and so beautiful.
    bus travel is easy and comfortable (and Cheap). Personaly I
    wouldn't go to Israil, they have a ridiculous foriegn policy
    concerning the Arabs. Up Palistine! But lets not get all
    Political. Best of luck old boy.

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