
This topic was created by Sarah
[Fri 14 May, 18:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

My husband and I are going to be in this region of Turkey in
August. We want to stay in a village that is not too
touristy. Is there such a place? How about Urchisar. If we
stay in a place like this is it too far from Goreme to see
everything? One other question we thought we would take the
overnight sleeper from Istanbul to Ankara and then bus to
the region is this better than the bus? I would really
appreciate any help here. One other thing is it posssible to
get a gulet from Antalya to Fethiye rather than go by road.
How long would it take and the name of a company that does
this would be appreciated. Many thanks

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Sun 23 May, 1:21]

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  1. Cappadocia, etc. Added by: Michael (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 23:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sarah, lived in Ankara for 5 years and visited Cappadocia
    often. The whole area is devoted to tourism. It will be
    crowded in August. The area is small. Goreme, Uchisar,
    Avanos, Urgup--all less than 10 miles from each other. Two
    places less crowded than most: Mustafapasa, a small village
    about 5 km from Urgup. Ask for directions in Urgup. We
    checked out a place there called The Old Greek House. Nice,
    clean pension in a large old Green mansion. Another option:
    Ortahisar. It's south of the road from Nevsehir to Urgup,
    more or less across and a little east from Uchisar. We
    stayed in a nice small hotel there once, can't remember the
    name. Overnight train from Istanbul to Ankara is neat,
    saves a day of travel, sleeping compartments are fairly
    nice, good breakfast available in breakfast car, you are
    expected to tip the porter who makes up your bed at night
    (do it at the end of the trip). In august you will need to
    make reservations for the train as soon as you hit Istanbul.
    The train leaves from the Haydarpasa train station which is
    across the Bosporus. You get there by taking the ferry from
    Kadikoy docks which is just across the Galata Bridge from
    Sirkeci. Upon arrival at Ankara, if you are just passing
    through, you can get a taxi just outside the train station
    to the bus terminal (otogar). They are honest--pay what is
    on the meter. If you elect to take bus from Istanbul, take
    Varan, the best bus company in Turkey. Their check in point
    is at their office just off Taksim square. You are shuttled
    by minibus to the big bus. Very nice bus service. Trip
    takes between 6 and 7 hours. If you take the bus during the
    day to Ankara, sit on the left side; right side will be in
    the sun. Don't know much about gulets except that we took
    a one day trip from Datca to Knidos and back and that was
    enough for us. I personally think they are boring, and we
    would rather be on the land looking at people on the boats,
    with our freedom to go do what we want, than be trapped on
    the boat with people we don't know, looking at people on the
    land with freedom.... I don't think there is regular
    service where you just walk up to the pier and book two
    spaces on the next boat to Fetihye, but I could be wrong.
    Feel free to e-mail with any further questions.

  2. Uchisar Added by: Koen
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 5:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I can really recommend Uchisar. Great views, excellent
    walks and much less touristic then Goreme. Have a look at
    my Cappadocia site for more info.

    I would advise taking the bus, this will put you from
    Istanbul in any village you want after an overnight trip.
    (Take warm clothes, the AC gets very cold at night).

  3. Turkey trip Added by: Mehmet SEN (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 1:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Sarah,
    Cappadocia is one of the best sites in Turkey and I have
    been there myself five times. Most of the villages there are
    touristic anyway. Mustafapasa is somehow remote than
    other places but it is not an advantage in a way. Most
    travelers stay in ▄rgⁿp and G÷reme. It is more convenient
    staying in ⁿrgⁿp. There are excellent resturants, local wine
    houses and a beautiful old town with cobbled streets and old
    You can take a train from Istanbul to Ankara and then a
    connecting bus from Ankara to cappadocia but it will take
    longer and you need to get from train station to the bus
    station and then catch the first available bus. If you have
    many luggages, it will be hard. The buses are comfortable
    anyway in Turkey. All the buses are big, airconditioned
    buses. The trip to Cappadocia from Istanbul takes around 10
    hours and it is direct. The buses are overnight departing
    around 9pm from Istanbul.
    I would also like to help you in giving you some tips and
    recommendations for your trip. Where else would you cover in
    your itinerary? Let me know if you have any further
    questions or if you need any further information about
    Also I would suggest you to check our site at It has valuable info on lodging in
    You can reach me at
    Best wishes,
    Mehmet SEN

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