Jordan by car

This topic was created by Ann, Johan, Jeroen and Yves (
[Tue 18 May, 5:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

we would like to cross jordan by car. Not only the big
touristic roads, but also the unpaved desert roads.
A few questions.
-where can we find GOOD and DETAILED maps (1/20.000 or less)
-which agency gives good prices for a rental car, for two
weeks, for four persons, and with a good assurance.
Do we need a 4WD.
-Does a GSM works in the whole country?
Thanks very much for your help!!!

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Sun 23 May, 15:30]

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  1. cars... Added by: Jeroen Coeck
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 21:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are cars available at any price, and coulour. Just
    look hard enough for them. And off course, don't forget to
    bargain. The best place to look around is Amman. I heard
    'Abdullah's best cars' is a good adress!
    Anyway, have a nice time and see you then!!!

  2. gsm Added by: liz
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 23:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    basically it works - Amman anyway- slight difficulties
    in Petra - no no wadi rum. so if you want to take a gsm with
    you - it might be helpful

  3. Don't go too far. Added by: Gene
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 1:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I rented a Suziki Samurai (4WD) at Rum Rentals in Aqaba. But
    I balked at taking the backroad out of Wadi Rum. Dry sand is
    death even to 4WD. The Camel Corps will take you out but as
    for a severly stuck vehicle, I don't know.
    Actually, there are many surfaced and less sandy roads that
    would be great to explore. Rural Jordan is a whole different
    deal than Amman. Read "Kingdom of the Film Stars" by Annie
    Caulfield (LP Press). It's not a great book and the woman is
    sort of dingy, but it will give you a feel of the
    still-extant bedouin society. (LP did much better by
    publishing Lieve Joris' "Gates of Damascus."
    Best map is by GEOprojects. Scale 1:730,000. Bartholomew's
    map of "Israel with Jordan", 1:350,000, shows only part of
    Jordan. Jordan's tourist office will send you one that isn't
    too bad, but basic.

  4. good idea Added by: cecile (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 22:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just back from Jordan we visited by car and it's really the
    best way.
    Some advises: be careful with car's agency and people in gas
    station they always try to rob you. DON'T GO TO "TIGER
    Should try the car before to rent it, they always look news
    but are not always.Hertz is really the best way but also the
    more expensive.
    Careful about sand storms on the road it's worst than a deep
    fog and to the crazy trucks drivers!
    The desert highway is interesting if you don't stay a long
    time because you can go in few hours to aqaba but take more
    time to cross the country from aqaba to aman by the
    Don't forget to go to wadi rum desert, but it's difficult to
    use a 4X4 and the bedouin don(t like that bacause they earn
    money ( it's really expensive) with 4x4 and camel tour. Best
    way if you like it: trekk across the desert and use the map
    in LP guide.
    Have a nice trip

  5. Rent a car Added by: Matan (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 15:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I did Jordan with a car. not a 4wd though.
    I rented it at "Z rent a car":
    They where very nice.
    I think you better ask where your allowed to go if you go

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