This topic was created by The beginner
[Sun 23 May, 0:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi guys!
I bet there are some great amateur (or pro) travel
photographers out there and I need your advice and
experience with colour SLIDE films.
Which slide films do you recommend for THE BEST results when
shooting deserts or middle-eastern landscapes in general?
Does Fuji Velvia really have such incredible colour results?
Thanks to all for your suggestions!

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 8:52]

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  1. velvia is great Added by: tj
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 1:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    velvia is fantastic (and so is the price) it really is the
    best stock around -- if you can't afford too many rolls of
    it try provia by fuji as well...
    velvia is just so warm that IMHO nothing else compares
    assuming you do not live here, bring your own (hopefully)
    duty free supply, as velvia can be very expensive and
    sometimes only provia is available
    happy snapping

  2. Try kodak Added by: rarehipster
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 15:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Kodak 64 is excellent also. It has a nice tight grain and
    the colours are lovely. Velvia is fine if you are a pro, and
    even so, if your work is for commercial prints magazines
    etc. photoshop does a pretty good job at hyping up the
    colours to velvia level. Kodak has the strong advantage of
    being cheap especially if you buy it with development
    included. Even cheaper (by far!! at least in Australia) than
    Fuji sensia. Avoid Agfa, there are too many disappointed
    people out there that I've spoken to.
    Also Velvia tends to spoil after a short while (1 month out
    of the fridge). Add a couple of x-rays on top of that...

  3. kodak 64? Added by: pete
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 23:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    don't make me laugh!
    kodak lost the plot years ago
    what decade are you living in

  4. color negs Added by: harry
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 8:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Beginner!
    Special in the bright sun, gave dark results in the shadows!
    As it's impossible makin' black to colours in slide-films,
    I advise you to take colour prints.
    Afterwards it's always possible to SCAN these negatives, by
    finding out the white and black-point in your negatives.
    (Agfa Duo-scan)
    Anyway, if you prefer makin' slides, take Fuji, lovely in
    the green and red areas.

  5. Velvia gets the nod Added by: Will (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 8:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I took twelve rolls in Egypt and Jordan last March
    including Velvia, Kodachome 64 and Kodak elite. I wish I
    had shot all Velvia for those eye popping colors, but the
    64 probably gives the most true to life image and the grain
    is nonexistant if you want to blow anything up. The elite
    did pretty well, but I'm now a convert to Velvia.
    regardless of your film choice, the ME is a highly
    photogenic region. Have fun.

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