fiji with young kid

This topic was created by Jean-Christophe (
[Sun 7 March, 13:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I would like to escape in July from rainy and hot South
Korea for Fiji island. Nevertheless, I would like to ask
advises about health conditions for a 6 months old baby. Is
it safe to travel there?
Thanks .

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Tue 23 March, 21:52]

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  1. Fiji Added by: suzie (
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 March, 21:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We spent Christmas in Fiji (from Singapore via Australia).
    Went to Naitasi Resort on Malolo Island, which is part of
    the Mamanucas group.
    It was Amazing - they are very child friendly. The food
    was good and all very clean.
    Thoroughly recommend Fiji as a family destination.
    P.S. It was 40 degrees and just as humid as Singapore, but
    on the other hand we had nothing to do. Our seaplane pilot
    told us that June, July, Auguust is the best time to go.

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