Swap Sun for Snow!

This topic was created by Patrick (warg@alfa.telenordia.se)
[Tue 2 Feb, 6:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi everyone!
Me and my wife are planning on leaving snow and darkness in
Lapland september -99 with our (at that time) three months
old baby. Wishing good housing on the Costa del Sol (or
other sunny country for that matter) for 4-6 months at
reasonable price. Leaving our exclusive apartment for rent
during same time, at the gate of the land of the midnight
sun and the northern lights. (Lulea, Lapland, Sweden). Send
a mail if you are interested or may help us in our planning.
Sincerely, Patrick & Sandra

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Thu 4 Feb, 19:31]

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  1. Sun and light Added by: Wendi
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 Feb, 19:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    See: www.vacnet.com.au
    International home exchange scheme with emphasis on
    Australia. Someone here might just like what you have to
    offer, which is unique. Good luck!

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