Borneo with a 4 y.o.

This topic was created by Steven (
[Mon 26 April, 6:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

we're planning a trip to Sarawak or Sabah in August with our
4 years old daughter.
We've travelled in Burma,Thailand,India etc before without a
Anybody got any recommendation from previous trips there and
any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Thu 6 May, 6:19]

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  1. Sabah Added by: Greg (
    [Timestamp: Thu 29 April, 22:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Greetings Steven,
    We are just back from Sabah with our 8 year old twins.
    Farid's B&B in KK was a very family friendly place to stay
    and the kids really enjoyed their time there. The National
    Parks are generally worthwhile - our kids enjoyed
    snorkelling on Manukan Island off KK, the Canopy Walk at
    Poring Hot Springs NP which may be a bit difficult for a 4
    Yr old. The Orang Utans at Sepilok were a clear highlight
    for us as well. We found our that your ticket entitles you
    to go to both the morning and the afternoon feeding which
    made it very good value. The video presentation was
    fascinating as was the Air-conditioning supplied in the
    video room! We also took a very expensive day trip to see
    the Proboscus Monkeys and this too was very worthwhile. In
    KK, the Sabah Museum has a great collection of different
    types of houses and the kids loved being able to get into
    them and look around. It was free and we spent a very
    interesting morning there and could have easily gone again
    but for the time restraints on us.
    Hope you enjoy it

  2. Sabah Added by: Ana
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 0:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Steven,
    A couple of friends took their 4 yrs old daugther to Sabah
    and they (and she) loved it. They say eople there are very
    kind to kids. They mainly stayed in KK, but they took the
    bus to Mount Kinabalu Park (didn't climb though, it's to
    hard even to adults) and to Kota Belud Market.
    I also had in in Sepilok and agree is a wonderfull place to
    take children.

  3. Thanks Added by: Steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 6:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Many thanks to Greg and Ana for their information

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