Gaining Court permission for o/s travel

This topic was created by Hassled mother
[Mon 25 Jan, 23:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am planning on taking my 4 children overseas for about 7
months this year. Unfortunately, my children are subject to
a Family Court Order after the break up of my marriage.
Originally my ex agreed to me taking our children overseas
but now he has refused to sign the passport applications.
So now I have to get a court order to allow me to take my
children out of Australia.
Has anyone else been through this hoop and can advise me on
how best to convince the court that my children should be
allowed to travel overseas.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Fri 23 April, 22:20]

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  1. why? Added by: uneven
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 15:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    doesnt he trust you? Or maybe he just wants to see his kids. Prehaps he doesnt share your viewpoint on overseas travel.
    They are his kids too are they not. Given the situation prehaps 7 months away from there father would be harmfull.
    You may have to live with it. You did choose him as a partner and have these kids by him. You dont have to look far for someone to blame.
    Tough break all the same. Best of luck.

  2. uneven is unfair Added by: alex
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 4:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Listen up uneven,
    You sound like a bitter divorced father to me. It would be
    better if you would be a bit less subjective, and think about
    the details of the situation you are responding to, rather
    than just blindly reacting. Travelling is a great boon for
    children. It teaches them important values like flexibility
    and tolerance. It is also more educational than any school
    experience could be. It is unfair of the father to deprive
    his children this experience, if the mother in this case has
    good intentions. Since I don't know the details of the family
    situation I can't point any fingers, I can only hope that the
    children are not being used as pawns in a power struggle, and
    that they will be allowed to enjoy the benefit of world

  3. best of luck Added by: susan
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 22:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thank God I am not in the same situation, not yet. I am
    just divorced, with my two year old son living with me, but
    I am already afraid of what will happen with the to of us
    when we decide to travel again, something I did before I
    met my sons dad.
    I just want to wish you all the best, and hope you can work
    this out,, And I hope the father will realise that
    travelling is great, especcially for children and that
    keeping them her, will in the end, only send them further
    away from him !!!!!!!

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