This topic was created by DER-O (derek@oliphant1.freeserve.com.uk)
[Sat 23 Jan, 7:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'v been winding my 7 year boy up about his first Holiday
by plane. We are off at the beginning off May 99. However I
have somehow managed to paint a picture in head that there
is wonderful waterpark out there !!
IS THERE ?? I hope so.
Can anybody throw a rope to a lying Dad.

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Fri 12 Feb, 4:52]

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  1. where are you going Added by: where
    [Timestamp: Sun 24 Jan, 0:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Maybe we can help if you tell us where you are flying to?

  2. poor dad Added by: alex
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 4:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You know what? I am assuming that you are going to Ibiza..and
    if so, who cares if there is a waterpark or not. Your
    children are very lucky to be included in your travel plans,
    when so many parents choose to enjoy a romantic getaway for
    2. Don't worry, waterpark or not, the kids will have the time
    of their lives.

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