where to with 15 months/o?

This topic was created by Jean-Paul (horeca@zwinhoeve.com)
[Sun 4 April, 0:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

we use to travel quit a lot.
now we don't know where to go with our 15 months old son?
has someone a advice?

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Fri 9 April, 4:03]

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  1. play it safe Added by: a wise mother
    [Timestamp: Mon 5 April, 22:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You can go anywhere, you just have to use common sense when
    planning. If you want to play it safe until your child is
    older, go to an all inclusive club where they will have
    everything for you and you know the food is safe to eat.
    Then when your child is older you can always ruff it again.

  2. asia Added by: nils
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 8:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    jean paul, we have backpacked extensively thrui asia with our kids from 10 months old (we have 4).Many parts of Asia are great with young children as people are so accomodating of kids.they accept them in restraunts and will usually take the children off you whilst you eat etc to go visit all tha staff in the place (same as in pensions etc).
    Vietnam is very good, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Myanmar,Siem Reap in Cambodia is fantastic when a child is still in a pack(nightmare when they want to walk).
    The main issue is the risk of sickness. You need to be ultra careful with a young child for dehydration and stomach problems .maybe using expensive jars of baby food , washing and peeling yourself heavy skinned fruits , boiling the babies rice in bottled water etc .Funnily enough our kids seem to get far less gastro than us!!
    The only other big thing with any kid travel is to NOT skimp on travel insurance .You want the one that in the event of an emergency will personally medivac your child in a lear Jet if neccasary, not just cover you for the nearest hospital(Bangkok General is no good when your in Laos )
    The good thing about Asia is the temp is great for kids and its also cheap so its not such a blow travelling with 1 or more kids unlike Europe .If the backpacking not for you , as the last poster said go the fully provided resort bit in any of these countries or Singapore etc .

  3. Backpacking with kids Added by: Clare
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 21:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with 'nils'. Asia is great with babies and young
    kids. I'd especially recommend Malaysia. We have also
    travelled in Africa (not really recommended) and Europe
    (OK, but expensive).It gives a new dimension to travelling
    and you meet lots of people who love young children and
    back packers with children too (funny how I'd never noticed
    them when I was childless).I would also agree that travel
    insurance is really important and if your child is sick go
    to one of the major town hospitals. Think hard about your
    commitment to travelling - it is easy to be blase about it
    all when everything is going well - different when you have
    a sick baby.
    My main tips would be to: break up long haul flights (the
    kids are fine - its you that doesn't get a wink of sleep),
    accept help when its offered (crying in front of air
    hostesses gets instant and great service for the rest of
    the flight), try and stay for 'blocks of time'(minimum 4
    days) at each destination, try and get accomodation that
    allows the adults to sit out and eat a meal/ drink and
    socialise in the evening whilst the children are sleeping
    close by (Ask for a room close to the cafe/restuarant), and
    have fun.

  4. Our experience Added by: paivi (sartiko@sci.fi)
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 23:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I do agree with Clare and Nils. Asia is very good with kids.
    I can also recommend Northern Europe like Finland, Norway,
    Sweden. They are nice, safe, etc. but expensive worth of
    visiting anyway.
    When our son was only three months we went to UAE and Oman.
    It was a good choice. It is clean and safe there. No
    sicknesses, baby food available everywhere, high standard
    health care etc. And people just love kids! Once we went to
    a pakistan restaurant in Dubai; the waiter played with our
    son in the kitchen while we had our dinner!
    A few weeks ago we came home from Malaysia - it was a
    paradise for us and our son, who is 3 years already. We
    even went to jungle trekking with our son. Just great!
    Our next plan is to go Amazonas! Good advise needed!
    Nice trips with your kid!

  5. more malaysia info needed Added by: Jean-Paul; (horeca@zwinhoeve.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 4:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    nils or anyone else.
    can you please give me more info about Malasia!
    like where to go addresses and preffered initiary.

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