
This topic was created by Out & Proud Dyke
[Sun 16 May, 1:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Well, Well, Well, I don't think this sort of abuse is going
to make any difference to me or my partner, I think its a
sad person that needs to write such stuff. I don't care what
you or anyone else thinks about my lifestyle, I am happy,
content and have many friends, gay and straight, I have
childen who are healthy, happy and have many friends who are
aware of their parents 'lifestyle'. Since being Gay, or
coming out, I have never been happier, it is who I truely
am, no matter what homophobes or God thinks.
And I enjoy travelling !!!

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Sun 16 May, 18:08]

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  1. Well... Added by: Chuck...
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 6:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I admire you for all the self confidence you have, take it
    in your stride and be happy...
    It's not worth thinking for a moment about what
    homophobics say ... we respect people with "straight"
    lives, so why can't they respect ours?

    Just ignore them, and be you!

  2. I could not agree more Added by: good for you
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 18:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I thank you for posting a reply to some of the homophobic
    arguments and remarks that have found their way to the site.
    I could not agree with you more on the fact that gays can
    lead very productive healthy lives. As a young gay guy i
    commend you for being able to form a family and raise
    children. I think thats wonderful, and if anything, most
    people aspire to that.
    Gay people are as capable as anyone else to live normal,
    healthy lives. I think that those homophobic postings which
    by the way violate the rules and regulations of the thorn
    tree website for the gay and lesbian section, are not a
    representation of most users of this page. they just
    represent close mided pathetic bashful homophobes who have
    nothing better to do than to act ridiculously, and to go
    around annoying people, and spreading their hateful message.
    Instead of showing or making a point, what they portray is
    their insecurity and disatisfaction with their own lives,
    which drives to criticize others, simply because they are
    different. As the name clearly states, homophobia, simply
    means, fear of homosexuality. Hence, these losers who come
    in here and bash us in our own little spaces on the net, or
    those who laugh at gays, or illtreat them out there in the
    real world, or show prejudice against us,are just afraid of
    themselves, afraid that they might actually like to try to
    engage in homosexual acts, or afraid that they themselves
    are homosexuals. Therefore, they find us threatening. I
    think that a heterosexual individual who is very sure of
    his/her own sexuality should not be threatened by us. To
    the contrary, most people appreaciate the fact that there is
    much to be learned from all the people in the world, and
    that their differences, not only make them unique, but also
    interesting> There is a lot to be learned from everyone,
    and to try to hatefully bash a certain group, regardless of
    what group, it is not only very wrong, and inhumane, but
    certainly stupid, since everyone has something good to
    contribute.It is very sad to hear things like that,
    especially those who use the name of god or the holy bible
    to justify their evil and hateful ways. I think that most
    people realize that because the bible is such a important
    book for the history of humanity, and because it is very
    complex, and because it has had great influences throughout
    history, and is very respected by many, that it is an easy
    way to justify various ideals. However, those who are
    intelligent realize that the bible has been used, and can be
    used to justify pretty much anything. I mean it has been
    used against innocent people who were thought to be witches
    in the middle ages, against blacks, against pretty much
    anything you can think of. In fact, one can eve use the
    bible to justify homosexuality. There is a psalm that
    says"let us rejoice in the pleassures of sodomy"(or
    something like that). I think that the bottom line is that
    one has to be a good person, have good feelings, act
    socially, work hard, and be productive, and i think that god
    would appreaciate that more, than going around hating
    people. God loves everyone, no matter what.
    I responded not necessrily because i was appalled by the
    homophobic remarks that were posted. I mean i cant say that
    i was thrilled to read them,i was upset about them. But the
    reason why i responded was to offer my moral support and
    solidarity to the person who posted the message for speaking
    out against the homophobia. I think that a good solution to
    that problem would be to allow webmasters to completely
    delete such messages out of the page, not allowing them to
    diffuse their hateful, bashful messages int our page. Tjus,
    it would save many an unpleasant experience, and certainly
    would not have a negative experience on gay youngsters who
    might come to the site in search of a more accepting space,
    and find themselves getting bashed by such stupid, pathetic,
    and ridiculously eveil losers.But i think that one should
    not let things like that get to you. In fact, we know that
    we are good, and we dont care whether or not a homophobe
    losers agrees with it or not. He or she can kiss our
    ass.Good for you for leading a great life, you are an
    example of the kind of people that we are proud of. Good for
    you. anyways,see ya all,
    WE ARE QUEER AND WE ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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