ATM's in Norway

This topic was created by Diederik (
[Tue 18 May, 4:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'll be travelling around western Norway this summer. For
some reason the travelguides and phrase books forget to
mention about ATM's.
So: how is an ATM called in Norway? How do I say "Could you
please tell me where to find an ATM?" (or at least do a
good effort?)
Can I expect to find one in (allmost) every village/city?
As an alternative, can I use my VISA-card to pay at shops
(supermarkets/petrol stations)?
Or is the situation more or less the same as in Iceland
(got no problems there finding ATM's and/or using my VISA)?
Thnx in advance.

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 7:33]

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  1. Easy Added by: Ben Haines (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 4:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I had three happy months at work in Sweden ten years ago,
    and when I wanted an ATM I asked the nearest adult in
    English: "Please where can I find a bank cash machine, a
    bankautomat ?", and had a reply phrased with rather better
    grammar than I am used to in London. You'll find when you
    get there that the Norwegians command English much as the
    Dutch do -- it's we English who lack language skill.
    In Sweden there are ATMs in every city and town, but not in
    Have a good time. The photos look marvellous.
    Ben Haines, London

  2. Mini Bank Added by: Snorre
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 18:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ATM's are called mini bank in norwegian, and you will find them everywhere. Not just in the cities.....There will be no problem using VISA or MasterCard in stores/gas station. If a gas station is closed you can always use your credit card to pay for gas.
    "Could you
    please tell me where to find an ATM?" = "Hvor finner jeg en minibank?"
    You don't have to learn norwegian to go to Norway. Nearly everybody speaks very good english in Norway.
    In supermarkets and gas stations there is also possible to withdraw money. If you buy something, you could ask the cashier to charge 500 kr more to your card, and you will receive them from the cashier. Easy......
    Have a nice trip! Don't miss the north-east region of Norway. (M°re og Romsdal ) It is stunning..........

  3. Visa Added by: Euro
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 0:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You won't have any problem finding an ATM (minibank)
    anywhere in Norway, basically. If you do run out of cash,
    Visa is accepted in most places.

    You might want to have a browse around and
    find some useful phrases, though you will do just fine with
    English just about everywhere. Still, I think by your e-mail
    that you are Dutch, so you will have little trouble picking
    up Norwegian.

  4. Visa cards Added by: John Carrington (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 9:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Go to This is a very helpful site that
    includes details of every Visa cash machine in the world.
    You really won't need it though, in most parts of the world
    Visa cash machines are plentiful!
    Have fun!
    John :-)

  5. Info Added by: Marc (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 7:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just to let you know, that a lot of supermarkets in Norway
    DON'T accept credit cards! Oluf Lorentzen only accept Visa.
    As for ATM's, you'll have no problems at all. Just
    remember that prices are much dearer than what you're
    probably used to, so have enough money on you every day.

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