Boycott Norway

This topic was created by Michael
[Mon 24 May, 19:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

... and Japan until they stop the cruel slaughter of whales.
I refuse to visit their countries or buy their products
until they decide to join the rest of the civilzed world.
I urge others to do the same.

[There are 20 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 9:56]

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  1. Boycott USA & U.K. Added by: a human
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 19:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You forgot to mention USA and UK for their killing of
    innocent humans in Yugoslavia. But I guess killing of humans
    doesnt count as long as the murded ones are not american or

  2. I agree with a human Added by: Curious2
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 20:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Some people from the USA are very soft on animals. That is
    OK. But some of the anti whaling supporters do kill animals
    themselves (by hunting). At the same time they accept their
    government's slaughter of innocent civilians in Yogoslavia,
    Vietnam, Iraque, iran (the civilian airplane that was shot
    down,Nicaragua and Panama. We will not listen to your "care"
    for animals until you start caring for human beings.

  3. Yum Added by: Eric
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 21:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, I think that we should take this great opportunity to
    kill a few serbs, for what their nation did to Bosnia and
    Croatia a few years ago. Also, the killing of Whales should
    not be stopped, as to call it inhumane is nonsensical, it is
    always humane, and really good fun!

  4. Eric seems to be an ignorant man Added by: Curious2
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 4:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Eric: Do you know how many hundred thousand civilian Serbs
    who were slaughtered by the Croats in WW2? Do you also know
    how many hundred thousand Serbs who were victims of ethnic
    cleansing in Bosnia the last few years? I am sorry, but you
    should read modern history before you attack and not reveal
    you ignorance here. I do not at all support the ethnic
    cleansing that the Serbs are implementing in Kosovo. We
    should oppose all kinds of ethnic cleansing and genocide -
    in East Timor, Turkey, Palestine, Croatia, Kosovo, Colombia,
    Guatemala and Sri Lanka. USA and Great Britain, however,
    actively support ethnic cleansing and genocide - when
    implemented by their friends. Curious2

  5. the fish too.. Added by: anon
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 6:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I suppose its okay to kill fish but not whales?? What's the
    difference? You animal rights people are so irrational. Stop
    worrying about the animals and go help your fellow man.

  6. Differences Added by: Mike
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 6:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's very simple to chastise NATO members for the attack on
    Yugoslavia; however, it's also very short-sighted.
    Consider how we reflect on the Holocaust of WWII. Most
    everyone now feels that the western powers should have
    intervened to stop the attrocities much earlier than they
    did. One can only hope that the current actions in
    Yugoslavia, while unfortunately costing many lives right
    now, will save far more in the long run.
    I'd also like to address an incorrect assertion made by
    "Curious2". While Palestinians in the West Bank/Gaza are
    clearly treated by an extremely inappropriate standard, to
    refer to Israeli activities there as "Ethnic Cleansing" or
    genocide is preposterous. There is still a large gap
    between having poor living conditions and no self rule, and
    being systematically killed or drived away. It is an
    insult to those who are true victims of genocide to make
    such a comparison.

  7. don't forget... Added by: emily
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 9:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    this post started out about whales, and no one has mentioned yet that the USA sanctioned a whale hunt by the Makah tribe last week, and is allowing 19 more whales to be killed in the next few years. so if you want to boycott norway and japan for hunting whales, don't forget to add the USA.

  8. And Canada.... Added by: Paul
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 11:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    And Canadian Inuit people kill large amounts of Beluga and
    Narwhal and at least one Bowhead every 2 years for
    traditional food.
    In fact where we were in Iqaluit you could by Whale (Muktuk)
    in the local Northern (ex Hudson Bay) store. Don't know why
    you would want to it tastes like cut up Michelin tyres.
    So... boycott Canada as well!
    Cheers, Paul

  9. Dear Emily Added by: me
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 11:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    That whale hunt was a much delayed effort on the part of
    the US government to make up for the ethnic cleansing of
    the land we now call America.Entire groups were wiped out.
    To everyone else, I can't name one country, government or
    group that hasn't been responsible in some way for a really
    fucked up thing. Lets not argue about the past, its gone.
    Worry about the future and the present. Is the war in
    Kosovo justified because it slows down one genocide? Who
    can say? When theres war and bombing involved some people
    are going to die. If NATO wasn't bombing the Serbs, ehtnic
    Albanians all over the world would be angry. In war no one
    Thats why I feel diplomatic solutions are best. Anyway,
    nobody should be getting on a pedestal.

  10. True about Inuits Added by: Anti
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 11:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    But they probably actually need it for food. The Makah really didn't need to start up this foolishness now. Nobody's mentioned that although they killed one whale, there were two unconfirmed reportings of injured whales that also died in the area. Then the nutty coast guard charges the anti-whalers for harassing the whales?! Let's see, it's not OK to get too close to the whales but it is OK to harpoon, blast them with a high-powered rifle and kill them. Compassion is compassion folks, whether it's for people or animals. And by the way, let's stop perpetuating this repulsive term "ethnic cleansing".

  11. where do you stop Added by: diogenes
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 13:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    pretty well every country in the world has something that
    can be raised as a reason not to visit. i often post in the
    se asia area about burma. there are often posts saying
    boycott the place. but every country around including
    particularly china has something that could be used as a
    boycott theme but no-one seems to care about that. no
    boycotts should be a personal thing and not pushed onto
    someone else.

  12. I Find You All Over the TT, Dio. Added by: Raven
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 15:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm with Diogenes. In my opinion, boycotts should be a
    personal thing and not foisted off on others. It's like
    born-again Christians and reformed drinkers. I applaud
    both categories for their personal strengths and
    tenacity but I avoid proselytizers like the plague. I
    don't like them in any form.
    Many innocent citizens are hurt by boycotts; the organizers
    rarely. Take the anti-whalers for example. I've yet to find
    one anti-whaler that was ever within a mile of a whale if
    they've seen one at all. But do they care a whit about the
    poor devils whose sole livelihood was hunting whales for
    sustenance or sale of oil, meat, etc. Plus, as pointed out
    by previous posters, the "anti-s" are usually very selective
    (spell that h y p o c r i t i c a l) in their
    outrages, e.g., I want to rage against whaling but I don't
    mind eating beef or chicken. What's wrong with that picture?
    Talk with you when I get back from Norway, Diogenes.

  13. ?!?!?!?!?! Added by: Monkey Velocity
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    "my international philosophies and outlook insulate me from
    the ugliness in my own backyard" the past ideal of this
    "travellers arrogance" survivor. -Monkey Velocity-
    be careful folks!

  14. Yes, be careful! Added by: Mona
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 18:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's disturbing to read statements of people who have no
    clue about the issue - confirming that anti-whale
    organisations have more people educated in marketing,
    showbiz and economics than biology, ecology and multispecies
    modelling. To get some insight into the real issue here,
    check out

  15. Israel and ethnic cleansing Added by: John
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 19:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For the poster above who apologises for Israel - read your
    history books! Here's some elementary maths to help you
    figure it out. In 1890 the population of Palestine comprised
    500,000 Palestinian Arabs and 10,000 Jews. Now there are 3
    million Palestinians living in refugee camps who aren't
    allowed to return home while any Jew in the world can claim
    citizenship of Israel - how's that for apartheid. Check out
    the massacres at Deir Yassin in 1948 and the massive terror
    campaign that drove Palestinians into the refugee camps 50
    years ago. It's only a few years ago we witnessed on tv
    Israeli soldiers deliberately breaking the arms of a
    protester as part of a government directive. Boycott Israel
    too, I say.

  16. The land of the ???? Added by: Viking
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 1:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    American attitudes:
    -I love Flipper
    -everything is black and white, good and bad
    -I love flipper
    -I love Flipper
    So please, Eric tell me more of what`s right and wrong...

  17. The bigger picture.... Added by: Anita
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 1:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If we don`t consider the cruelty of killing animals, i.e in
    Florida where alligators are beeing farmed up to create
    make up-bags and belts to fat, life-bored, judgementaled
    americans, there is something called balance. Ressource-
    management is a way to ensure you food also in the future.
    But it`s typical for your kind of people - never bother to
    see the bigger picture......doesn`t it feel good when I

  18. A couple things... Added by: Mike
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 4:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'd just like to toss my support behind "Anti"'s suggestion
    that we not use the disgusting term "ethnic cleansing".
    One cleanses a place of filth; one murders people. To use
    this term is to degrade the victims.

  19. yum yum Added by: whaleeater
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ever tried whale meat anyone???It`s very delicious!!A good
    medium/rare steak of whale beats beef any day!!!And all you
    figthers against whaleing,do you eat tuna???Lots of dolphins
    are getting killed while fishing for tuna.
    And to all you whaleeaters out there,here`s a slogan..
    "intelligent food for intelligent people!"

  20. NATO is having a whale of a time in Kosovo Added by: Nomad
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Two things ...
    First, to the person who criticised the killing of whales by indigenous people, get it right ... environmentalists target indigenous people for killing the odd animal in a sustainable way for their subsistence - in line with a traditional, low impact way of life which has been going on for centuries.
    The real problem is the corporate slaughter, unsustaniable mass production and treatment of animals as commodities. Take Australia for example ... people cry foul about the use of a few dungong hunted in traditional ways by Aboriginal peopls, but ignore the dozens that are killed by fishing trawlers.
    Second, the NATO war. For all of those people who swallow whole the notion that NATO's involvement in Kosovo has been prompted by humanitarian concern - WAKE UP. The Nations of NATO have never exhibited any "humanitarian concern" towards similar situations across the globe, be it East Timor, Sri Lanka etc.
    Even though the UN has consistently passed resolutions deploring the invasion of East Timor in 1975, the United States, Indonesia's bedfellow, has consistently opposed these resolutions. Apart from maybe France, where have the other NATO nations been during all the ethnic wars fought in Africa recently ? And wasn't it just a couple of years ago, that Madeline Albright referred to the KLA as terrorists ?
    The turth is, NATO has a political and economic agenda for being in the Balkans (read the Rambouillet Agreement), just as the US had (and continues to have) with Iraq. NATO will go to the ends of the earth to pursue this agenda, even if it means killing innocent serbs (many of whom opposed the brutal Milosevic regime), and Kovars, and destroying the infrastructure of the country. Even if it means using outdated maps and placing civillian lives at risk by bombing from heights when they can't tell the difference between a fucking tank and a tractor. What will the Kosovars go back to when this is all over ?
    It looks like all these gullible liberals have learnt nothing from Vietnam. The world swallowed the US's bullshit that it was in Vietnam to oppose "abuses" by the communist Vietcong. The truth is that the Vietcong (who were actually the National Liberation Front) were fighting a battle against the US backed Saigon government, which, according to Amnesty International, was responsible for over the documented cases of torture in world at the time. The US aggression was responsible for the loss of nearly 2 million civillian lives, many of them at the hands of the US, particularly in "search and destroy" missions run through small villages. The ecology and infrastructure was dessimated through the use of carpet bombing, agent orange and other defoliants. By the time the US left, they hadn't even achieved their stated objective - Vietnam is still communist today. What they had achieved was to maintain a state of conflict for as long a period as was necessary for domestic political purposes.
    They only left when it no longer became politically viable, because young Americans were dying.
    Diplomacy is the only way.

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