A pub lunch in London: info

This topic was created by Ben Haines (benhaines@aapi.co.uk)
[Mon 17 May, 5:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Yesterday I found another pub that serves a good lunch.
Indeed, this one is excellent, right up to Founders Arms
standards. The Shakespeare, on Goswell Street, is half a
mile north of St Paul's Cathedral, a quarter mile north of
the Museum of London, and a hundred yards north of Barbican
tube station. Mondays to Saturdays it serves both lunch
from noon to 2.30 and supper until 8.30. The pub accepts
children for meals. My roast pork, roast potatoes,
Yorkshire pudding and three vegetables cost six pounds.
They have four or five beers from the pump (though I'm
afraid one of those is Courage). Apple pie and ice cream
was two pounds.
The pork was all it should be and came with freshly made
apple sauce, and the vegetables were freshly cooked, not
overcooked, the cauliflower suitably cheesed, and not a
frozen carrot in sight. They had the wrong kind of apple in
the pie (not a Bramley), but had spiced it well, and the
pastry was good.
I know a handful of other pubs that are good for meals,
though mostly weekday lunches only, and shall gladly list
them if you ask me to.
Ben Haines, London

[There are 10 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 23:06]

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  1. Thanks Ben Added by: Sophie
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 21:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Ben,
    I am always keen to learn about a new place to get a decent
    pub lunch in London. Please would you post your list.
    Also, for those of us out there who are curious, would you
    be able to tell us a little about yourself (age,
    whereabouts in London you live, likes, dislikes etc)? I've
    been reading your handy advice on and off for over a year
    now (when I was in still in Sydney, planning my move to
    London) and I'd love to know a bit more about you. I'm
    sure I'm not alone!
    Thanks again, and I look forward to your reply!

  2. DITTO Added by: JazzyJ (jsymes@sia.net.au)
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 21:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We're staying at a YHA in London in September for a week
    and would love to know of a few good eating places. I read
    something on here about some places like Mr Wu, a
    department store, and another funny sounding name (I do
    have it written somewhere!) We think it wouldn't be right
    not to eat in a London Pub, so thanks for the name and I
    would also appreciate receiving your list of other good
    Happy travel dabbling

  3. Pub Lunches Added by: Debbie
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 7:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes, I would like your list of good pubs for lunch. How can
    I get it? My family and I are visiting London at the end
    of June. Staying in Bloomsbury. Any good pubs around

  4. Pub list Added by: Ben Haines (benhaines@aapi.co.uk)
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 20:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    One or two people have asked for a note on meals in pubs in
    London. There are books on this topic, and all IÆm doing
    here is listing pubs where IÆve had good lunches in the last
    year or two.
    Children are welcome in the restaurant of each pub I list
    except the Founders Arms, where they are welcome in summer
    only outdoors on the terrace by the Thames. Most of these
    pubs serve big portions, and all accept an order for one
    meal and an empty plate, to allow adults to share with
    children. Main courses are about six pounds, starters
    about two, and hot puddings about two. A pint is two pounds
    or just over, and each pub will happily serve tap water,
    fizzy lemonade, or a cola. Pubs I list serve Mondays to
    Friday lunches only, unless I say they serve evenings or
    weekends too. The list starts in the west and swings east.
    Each place I name has its own cook in the kitchens, who
    prepares the meals, rather than a system of factory-made
    ready frozen meals heated by microwave and served.
    The Two Chairmen. Corner of Queen AnneÆs Gate and Dartmouth
    Street, 100 yards from St JamesÆ Park tube station. Useful
    for visits to Parliament, Westminster, the Cvabinet War
    Rooms, and St JamesÆ Park. Some Members of Parliament use
    The Devereaux. Just west of the Inns of Court and just
    south of the Law Courts on the Strand. Nearest tube is
    Temple. Good for visits to Covent Garden (where things are
    touristy and expensive), to the Courtauld Gallery, and to Dr
    JohnsonÆs house. Much used by lawyers.
    The Founders Arms. At the southern end of Blackfriars
    Bridge, downstairs to the Jubilee walk which runs along the
    river, and a hundred yards downstream. Nearest tube
    Blackfriars. Lunch and supper seven days a week: last
    orders 8pm. Good for visiots to St PaulÆs, the South Bank,
    the Globe, and next year the new Tate Gallery building. Used
    by all sorts of people: the table nearest the food service
    tends to have the biggest group of long-term local
    The Shakespeare. North of the Museum of London, at the
    southern end of Goswell Road. 100 yards from Barbican tube
    station. Lunches and suppers Mondays to Saturdays: last
    orders 8pm. IÆve not been enough to get a feel for the
    clientele. Good for St JohnÆs Gate, the two churches of St
    Barthomolew, the Museum of London, the Barbican (where
    in-house meals tend to expense) and St PaulÆs.
    There are a couple of pubs with upstairs lunches in
    Leadenhall Market, on the corner oif LKeadenhall Street and
    Gracechurch Street, but I'Æe only used one, which was good,
    and I'Æe forgotten its name. Worth lokking if you're at the
    market, the Bank of England Museum, the Monument, or nearby
    17th century churches. Used by city gents.
    The Market Porter, on the southern side of Borough Market,
    nearest tube London Bridge. Good for visits to Southwark
    Cathedral (older and better klooking than St PaulÆs), the
    Globe, the Old Operating Theatre, HayÆs Galleria, HMS
    Belfast (which is away from berth during June this year),
    and the George Inn (fine for a pint, but pricey for meals).
    If you ask for BishopÆs Ale the bar staff will tell you
    where it is brewed. Good cheese shop next door and cake
    shop round the corner. Used by Southwark dealers, traders,
    and financiers.
    The Mitre, next to the great church of St Alphege,
    Greenwich. IÆm not sure whether they admit children. If
    not, no matter. Nearly as good are the two pubs that have
    outside tables in old Greenwich Market, a hundred yards
    away. No tube: nearest station Greenwich, 15 minutes by
    train from Charing Croiss main line station û or an hour by
    boat from Embankment. Good for all the pleasures of
    If anybody knows a pub in the West End that can offer food
    this good at moderate prices IÆd be grateful for an e-mail:
    youÆll see that IÆve not yet found one, and tend to cycle
    along to the Devereaux.

    For Debbie:
    Good pubs yes. Good pub lunches, I've not found oine. But
    fifteen minutes walk east of Russell Square lies Lambs
    Conduit Street, with perhaps a dozen various places for
    lunches and suppers Mondays to Saturdays at pub prices,
    including the Lamb, which I use too seldom to commrent on.
    But I can say that the beer in the Lamb is London's best,
    being Young's.
    For Sophie:
    I'm single, aged 62, and am a churchwarden in a church that
    looks undistinguished nut is good, on a hill behind New
    Cross Gate, secretary of a Neighbourhood Centre next to the
    church, and governor of a small local government primary
    school next to Brockley station, a school which is advancing
    fast. I tend to travel abroad perhaps two months a year.
    Ben Haines

  5. The White horse? Added by: Heather
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 8:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think it's called The White Horse or something to that
    effect. It's at (in) Parson's Green just off the tube stop
    (District line i think)in Fulham. they have a starter that's
    chips with salsa and cheese and stuff all melty on top. It
    was great, Good beer (although we Americans like it a little
    colder) and I had a wonderful plate of bangers & mash. Loved

  6. virgin Added by: voja (voja_@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 21:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Okay....could you do us a favor for me? I'm Australian, 18,
    female and coming to London on the 22/8/99. I'm on the most
    strictest budget and will be staying (hopefully) at the
    Windsor Youth Hostel. I'm hoping to get work at a pub where
    I can work, as well as stay for free (I heard that you can
    do that). Now, I've never been to the UK and am very much
    of a virgin traveller. However I am determined and ready
    for a challenge (being the Arien I am) I would appreciate
    it if you could give me advice on pubs that have those
    facilities. Thankyou

  7. Helped before by Ben! Added by: Therese
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 21:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks again Ben I have been very pleased with your
    knowledge and am gathering it for our trip. To get a
    decent reasonably priced meal in a place you are not
    familiar with is often difficult but with your help I will
    not fade away!
    Nice to hear some info about yourself! Glad your
    knowledge of food is taste tested! Many thanks Ben your
    help is appreciated.

  8. Helped before by Ben! Added by: Therese
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 21:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks again Ben I have been very pleased with your
    knowledge and am gathering it for our trip. To get a
    decent reasonably priced meal in a place you are not
    familiar with is often difficult but with your help I will
    not fade away!
    Nice to hear some info about yourself! Glad your
    knowledge of food is taste tested! Many thanks Ben your
    help is appreciated.

  9. For Heather and voja Added by: Ben Haines (benhains@aapi.co.uk)
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 3:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry for delayed reply: I tend to check sites at weekends,
    when phone costs are low.
    Heather: Many thanks for the note on the Whoite Horse, over
    in Fulham. I'll be out there in a month or so, and shall
    sample their lunch.
    Voja: I'm sorry, but have no experience of job-finding in
    the Home Counties. You might like to ask the St
    Christophers Inn, 50 Borough High Street, SE1, phone 0171
    407 1856, or fax them on 0171 403 715, as staff there are
    friendly Australians and see many low-budget travellers.
    Again, brewers own many pubs and may well know how you can
    start on this. You could write to Young and Company
    Limited, Ram Brewery, Wandsworth High Street, SW8, phone
    0181 875 7000, Fuller, Smith and Turner plc, Griffin
    Brewery, Chiswick, phone 0181 996 2000, fax 0181 995 0230 or
    to Shepheard Neame Brewery Ltd, Faversham, Kent -- that's
    address enough: Faversham is small. If you lack moral
    principle and so don't mind serving poor beer you could, I
    suppose, write to Courage Ltd, Brewers, Ashby House, 1
    Bridge Street, Staines, phone 01784 466 199.
    I wonder, do the consular people at the British High
    Commission in Canberra put out a leaflet of advice on this
    topic ? Judging by the many Antipodean accents that greet
    me in pubs here I should think they might -- or might know
    who does.
    May I add a note of pleasure at the British rules on
    short-term jobs for young Commonwealth people -- we get
    good service, you get paid, and people in distant countries
    get to know each other better.
    Best wishes
    Ben Haines

  10. thankyou ben Added by: ellie
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 23:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it makes such a difference to have the pleasure of sucha
    gentleman on the site
    my name is ellie, im 19 years old and ben haines makes the
    thorn tree a more civilised, enjoyable and informative
    place to be thankyou!

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