Sweden info

This topic was created by T (pce@hig.se)
[Fri 7 May, 0:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Any advice on cheap travel,accomadation, Food, Beer in
Sweden. I would like to go to Lapland for Midsummer Night

[There are 15 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 18:55]

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  1. Beerprices Added by: The dane
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 6:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi T
    I don't know so much about Sweden, but I do know that beer
    and alcohol is not cheap there and you have to find some
    kind of drug store to get it. Swedes are known fore going to
    Denmark to get pissed, because the beer is much cheaper
    here. I don't know the beerprices in Sweden, but I Dk
    beerprices varies from ╜-1 us dollar. So it must be more
    expensive than that.
    I hope you can use the information.
    Best wishes
    the dane

  2. Scandinavian links Added by: Arne
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 21:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi all.
    I have done some checking. Below links good entrences for
    No Fireworks at Stockholm Water Festival (Metro april 27)
    Laser shows at castle and Grand hotel instead
    http://www.stfturist.se/engelska/index.htm (hostel org)
    Restaurant beer is expesive about $5. Buy in chop ($1) and
    drink in nature but take the can back. We DONT litter in
    Longest day is June 21 (Bandit Leaders birthday)

  3. A suggestion... Added by: Louise (louisejohnsson@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 23:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    don't go to Lappland on Midummer which is the third Friday
    in June. Th biggest and most traditional Misummer
    celebrations take place in Dalarna (province) and you can
    goto Rattvik, Nusnas or any town around the lake Siljan to
    participate in this drinking fest wheer we pretend to be
    frogs leaping around the Maypole. Liquor you buy at
    "systembolaget" but remeber it is closed on Holidays and
    weekends and like the postings above mention to buy alcohol
    at a bar is sually around $5-6 for a beer. Of course this
    is real beert and no budweiser stuff. I don't know how long
    you'll be in Sweden for but if you have time I would check
    out Stockholm and the region of Scania as well. Lappland is
    nice for hiking and out doors life. Be aware of the
    mosquitos and enjoy the Allemansratten law which allows you
    to camp anywhere, as long as it is not naybody's back yard,
    and as long as youleave the place in the same way you found
    it. Have fun!

  4. One more link Added by: Arne
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 0:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Now I have found the most important, the link to Stockholm
    Water Festival August 6-14 ("english" button down,right):
    and as mentioned: no fireworks this year but laser shows in
    the waters between the Royal Castle and Grand Hotel.
    Instead it will be hughe firwork Dec 31.

  5. One more link Added by: Arne
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 0:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Now I have found the most important, the link to Stockholm
    Water Festival August 6-14 ("english" button down,right):
    and as mentioned: no fireworks this year but laser shows in
    the waters between the Royal Castle and Grand Hotel.
    Instead it will be hughe firwork Dec 31.

  6. One more link Added by: Arne
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 0:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Now I have found the most important, the link to Stockholm
    Water Festival August 6-14 ("english" button down,right):
    and as mentioned: no fireworks this year but laser shows in
    the area between the Royal Castle and The Opera.
    Instead it will be hughe firwork Dec 31.

  7. sorry (it is Friday) Added by: Arne
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 0:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Forget post 4 and 5. 6 is the correct one.

  8. Hei Added by: Antero Rantala
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 16:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Go to Finland instead.

  9. whats money after all? Added by: nordic bound (mobilemadness@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 21:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Everyone keeps telling me costs a fortune! I was told
    around ú4/5 per pint. Shorts are expensive too! Instead, by
    a bottle of Vodka for ú22 or so pounds! Job done!
    Have a good trip, if you're there in July/August might see
    u around.......

  10. Welcome to Sweden Added by: Chris
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 0:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would recommend you to stay at hostels ("vandrarhem" in Swedish). They are usually very nice and quite cheap, and a lot of Swedish families stay there. Check out the site mentioned in post 2 (stfturist.se). If you join STF (a Swedish hostel organisation), you┤ll get a discount on the price. I would recommend you to book the hostels in advance, especially in the larger cities and in the Stockholm Archipelago (which you really must see).
    Most forms of services (such as eating at restaurants) is quite expensive in Sweden, so if you can make your own food, it will be much cheaper.
    The cost of beer varies a lot in Sweden, and it┤s often more expensive in the countryside, compared to Stockholm (where the competition is tough).
    The cheapest way to travel in Sweden is by bus (I believe). Train prices also varies a lot, depending on if it┤s a "red departure".

  11. Nooo!!! Added by: Barry
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 10:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don'tgo to Sweden! Peopple there are mean, I know, I used to
    live there and be one! Go somewhere else and leave those
    ignorant bastards to rot in their own stupidity.

  12. Wild Scandinavia Added by: Clint
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 2:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Where in Scandinavia is the most wildest party? Is it during
    Midsummer,the Water Festival or some other city there? Also
    which country has the lowest alcohol prices?

  13. Barry Added by: Andreas
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 0:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you sorry idiot! Just because those Peopple boys were mean
    to you doesn't mean that all Swedes are like that. Next
    time you visit the Leather Club, try this phrase instead:
    Piska mig sσ hσrt att det svartnar f÷r mina ÷gon!
    That'll do the trick!

  14. Swedish people Added by: Cilla
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 0:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My experience is that the people of Sweden are really nice
    and friendly, especially in the south of Sweden. It might
    be a bit difficult to make friends at first but they're
    only shy...
    Enjoy !

  15. NO way! Added by: Lenisen
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 18:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don┤t go to Lapland for midsummer! Go to ╓land. If you
    don┤t know what ╓land is, I can tell you; It┤s Swedens own
    little Mallorca. For the hardest partying you should bring
    a tent, some friends and a lot of vodka. There are some
    good camping spaces on ╓land, a couple of kilometres
    outside Borgholm. So, now you know exactly what to do on
    midsummers eve! Otherwise you could always go to Stockholm
    and travel by boat (a couple of hours trip) to the
    "skΣrgσrd" (I don┤t know the english word for it). It┤s
    pretty much the same, bring a tent. M÷ja or Sandhamn are
    two popular islands for midsummer partying. Good luck!

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