Any travel stories?

This topic was created by Sarah (
[Wed 26 May, 5:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm a freelance journalist looking for some quirky travel
story ideas in Europe?
Seen something you think would make a good story?
Know of any particularly weird festivals?
Places that wouldn't make a the pages of a guide book?
Please let me know.

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 6:44]

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  1. stop me if you've heard it Added by: caz (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In Catalonia they celebrate christmas very tastefuly, the
    villages have matching tree decorations and some villages
    put on their own type of nativity plays. There is also a
    custom where every shop window has a little nativity scene
    in it. We looked at these little figures, each one was
    different and they were quite inventive, then we started to
    notice a character that stood out like a sore thumb. Behind
    the stable or hiding in the bushes was a little gnome
    dressed in trditional Catalan costume crouching down and
    er... taking a crap! They were everywhere. We even found a
    life size one recently and a museum full of them. Apparently
    it's something to do with becoming one with nature by
    fertalizing. He's called a cagner and some catalans are
    calling for a huge statue of him

  2. whoops Added by: caz
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:44 Tasmanian Standard Time] Barcelona (that bit didn't type in for some reason)

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