anyhostel info for 53 year olds

This topic was created by nols
[Mon 17 May, 17:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

my husband and I plan to visit europe in the middle of
october til november 10th 1999. Any information about
Backpackers Villa Sonnenhof in Interlaken Switzlerland
would be greatly appreciated.Any suggestions for cheap
lodgings in Munich,Innsbruck,Tuscany? What about Isaacs in
Dublin? We have stayed in hostels before so are quite used
to accommodation on the cheap.
We would appreciate input as I want to be prepared when we
visit our travel agent,I don't think she believes how cheap
travelling can be when you go to the trouble of checking
things out yourselves.Thank goodnes for the internet, we
never had information like this when we planned our trip in

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 14:51]

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  1. Swiss Backpackers Added by: Jo
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 12:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There is a link from to the
    backpackers villa Sonnenhof in interlaken. They have lots
    of pictures and things on their web site.
    Also the YHA's have lots of info on places to stay - for the UK hostels.
    You can generally make bookings throught the internet -
    saves hassles with a travel agent who probably can't book
    hostels for you anyway.

  2. Dublin Added by: Ted (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 17:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have heard that Isaccs in Dublin is AOK anybody that can confirm would be welcomed.
    Will be travelling thru Ireland in Sept. any advice would be great.
    Iam a very young 55 Yo> may be travelling , at least part of the way with my 28 Yo daughter and her boyfreind

  3. hiking sheep Added by: mc
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 14:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have a flier for a place that was highly recommended....
    The Hiking Sheep Guesthouse in Leysen Switzerland.
    Call Gerard at 41 (0) 24.494.35.35.
    Says it has dorms, doubles, twins plus a meditation room!
    Looks reasonably priced, near a university, so it may have a
    young crowd, but I am going to try there this summer too!
    Good Luck!

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