Rome - state of (dis)repair?

This topic was created by John
[Mon 24 May, 12:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I realise that this question may have been asked quite often
over the last few months, however, many of the responses
that I have read stemmed from info from last year. Hence,
has any one out there been to Rome within the last two
months? If there is, and they are willing, I would be most
grateful if they could outline what has been affected by
this Year 2000 Jubilee business, and to what extent. I have
heard that, beside St Peter's, also affected have been San
Giovanni in Laterano, Santa Maria Maggiore and the Forum.
Is this true? What about elsewhere?
I would be most grateful for any info, as I will be there
shortly but am wondering if I should look more to the
surrounding area - eg Tivoli, Ostia Antica etc rather than
the city itself

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 2:55]

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  1. Same everywhere Added by: Kevin
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 2:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey John,
    Seeing as I just got back from Rome on Thursday I can give
    you an update on the whole situation.
    Every attraction in Europe is basically under some sort of
    work right now to get everything all dolled up for the
    millenium. My trip actually started in Germany and then I
    made my way through Italy and it was the same everywhere.
    Nieuschwanstein castle in Bavaria is under restoration.
    Many buildings in San Marco in Venice are under work.
    Basically anything old and viewed by lots of people will be
    under scaffolding.
    As for those items in Rome you mention... St. Peter's entire
    front is covered in scaffolding, but don't miss it on
    account of that, it is still unbelievably beatiful on the
    inside and there wasn't much work being done to the inside.
    One section of the Sistine Chapel is being restored as well
    right now but all the majority of it is viewable.
    Some restoration work is under way at the Forum on one of
    the major arches and a few other items.
    Although Rome is under a lot of work, I wouldn't miss it.
    There are still many things to see and even though things
    are under restoration, they are still pretty amazing. Take
    some daytrips after you explore Rome. Look out for the
    hordes of tourists though! Ciao!

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