Wants her cake and eat it too

This topic was created by Natalie (nhayward99@yahoo.com)
[Mon 24 May, 2:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I will be working in the U.K. (either London or Liverpool)
this summer beginning in August.
I have heard it is a good idea to start a job search before
going over and that way I could see what opportunities there
are in my potential cities before hand.
Anyone know of websites for temp agencies or other job
sites? I have heard mentioned here a few times something
called TNT. Anyone have the URL address?
What would consitute as cheap rent in London? And where in
London (within reason) would I find these prices?
I had posted some time ago about switching my plans from
Ireland to the U.K. and I appreciate all the good advice I
Is Liverpool a good spot? Any other cities in England to
I anticipate having to work in a pub or restaurant but I
would like to be in a position to grab a better opportunity
if one comes up. Is Liverpool a center for business in
England? I realize London is THE place....But the rent
might be prevent me from actually seeing any of the country
so I am looking to compromise.
Thanks again.

[There are 8 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 8:54]

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  1. Liverpool Added by: caz
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 3:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think I've given you a message before about getting the
    ferry from Liverpool to Ireland but it might have been
    someone else. Liverpool is a cool place, it's a big city and
    you will definately find a job in a pub or bar or whatever.
    I'm not sure how businessy it is here, people can usually
    find temporary jobs in the big offices on the docks after
    college but I can't really say. Liverpool has got a bit of a
    bad reputation and not all of it is deserved, I should tell
    you that it is probably the poorest city in the UK, but it's
    big and it's hardly a ghetto.
    I think you should do more research into Liverpool and
    perhaps other cities like Manchester, Birmingham or Bristol
    before you make a decision.

  2. Try.... Added by: Sarah B
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 7:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Manchester, or better still go to Scotland and try
    Edinburgh and Glasgow.
    London is obvious for work but yes you are right the rent
    is stupidly expensive. (I know i live there!!)
    You could try smaller places such as..
    Brighton (brilliant place)

  3. If... Added by: Jen (j@schnarvel.demon.co.uk)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 12:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...you have office software skills, you can pay your London
    rent, and still have enough left to enjoy yourself
    (especially if you are willing to work weird hours).
    Some temp agencies:
    Williams Lea
    Hudson York Farrell
    Let me know how you get on!

  4. If... Added by: Jen (j@schnarvel.demon.co.uk)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 15:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...you have office software skills, there are plenty of temp
    jobs to be had. If you're willing to work weird hours
    (evenings, graveyard, weekend), you'll even be able to pay
    your London rent, and have enough left over to enjoy
    Williams Lea
    Hudson York Farrell

  5. TNT website Added by: Jo
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 19:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  6. Try Added by: b
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Bristol. Excellent city, cheap rent - loads of work (pubs
    London, of course, has everything but is a bit obvious.
    Smaller cities like Southampton, Bournemouth, Blackpool etc.
    as well, but probably not a real 'backpackers' scene, but
    worth seeing - remember there is more to the UK than London
    & Scotland.
    For whole of UK wouldn't bother trying to get a job prior to
    arriving, expect you'll get taken for a ride by some dodgy
    agency claiming they can get you work before arriving in the
    country. Just arrive and go pub to pub, club to club,
    agency to agency.
    Some agencies can get you work for up to ú10 ph, if you are
    prepared to work nights and in a dodgy factory.

  7. Thanks Added by: Natalie (nhayward99@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 3:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In response to the first posting...
    Yes I am the one who posted earlier. In fact I am
    considering Liverpool on your suggestion and I bought a
    Lonely Planet guide to Western Europe and it has favorable
    things to say about the city.
    In terms of good employment (here I mean a job that pays a
    little more then minimum wage-office, temp work maybe) I am
    still unsure if Liverpool can offer me that.
    Edinburgh seems the most well rounded spot, beautiful,
    historical, friendly and a business center for its region.
    I have collected websites on Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol
    (I am a Newfoundlander and remembered reading through the
    Bristol site that our ship the Matthew originated there, it
    would be refreshing to live in a place where the residents
    actually recognize where I am from).
    Still undecided but appreciate all the advice, I may divide
    my time between London and Liverpool or Edinburgh.
    No one has ever mentioned Belfast. Is Belfast a non-option?
    Anyone have any first hand knowledge of living and working
    there? I am unconcerned about the politics but the work
    situation may be a little depressed. Thoughts?

  8. or... Added by: Jen (j@schnarvel.demon.co.uk)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 8:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...you could earn up to ú24 per hour just for sitting
    around typing and charting all night on the graveyard shift.

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