This topic was created by Rebekah
[Sun 18 Oct, 8:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Just got back from Italy - they have this totally
disgusting spread called Nutella that people put on toast.
What's your nightmare? Vegemite? Fry Sauce?

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  1. Mayonnaise Added by: Karrie
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 Oct, 8:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    *shudder* Just looking at the jars of white glop lined up in the supermarket makes me ill.
    I love Nutella though.....

  2. Nutella? Added by: Tommy (
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 Oct, 9:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You say that Nutella is disgusting. That is complete
    bollocks. It is beautiful. Also, it's French, so that
    shows your level of understanding of foreign cuisine.
    Love Tommy.

  3. Nutella Forever Added by: Alex (
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 Oct, 10:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just thinking that some people in the world don't love
    Nutella makes me sad.....

  4. What the hell!?! Added by: SoloDave (
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 Oct, 12:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella is one of the greatest substances known to man! A
    person can live on Nutella and bread alone (trust me...I
    know). Other than the fantastic nutritional value of this
    delight, it's damn tasty too! I hope Rebekah is not an
    American; I'd be ashamed that my fellow countrymen/women
    does not appreciate the beauty that is NUTELLA. It is a
    shame that America has not truly discovered Nutella yet. I
    believe it is the answer to most of my country's problems.

  5. NUTELLA FOREVER Added by: fred
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 Oct, 19:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella Rules!!!!!

  6. Are you all nuts? Added by: Mick
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 Oct, 22:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella is certainly disgusting.
    Is it French? I thought it's German, hmmm never mind, that
    crappy stuff is probably available everywhere throughout

  7. Mmmmm, Nutella! Added by: Helen
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 Oct, 0:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Not just in Europe, plenty of other parts of the world.
    Nutella is wonderful. Mmmmm. And yes, you can survive on
    nutella and bread.

  8. NUTELLA RULES! Added by: Nat
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 Oct, 2:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey we even have it here in Canada I'd much rather taste nutella then that marmite stuff!!

  9. Taste buds!!!! Added by: J and T
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 Oct, 5:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Did some body cut out your tongue? Its the best, especially
    in bed!

  10. For breakfast? Added by: Rebekah
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 Oct, 6:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    15 gms of fat, choc and hazelnut jelly - for breakfast?
    Boy, are you brave.

  11. nuts for nutella Added by: FlyGuy (
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 Oct, 6:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am appalled that you are so ignorant to the fact that the
    gods themselves have reached down and blessed us with this
    gift that is Nutella. Here in Canada it is a delicacy; we
    use it to lure away polar bears and also spread it on hockey
    pucks for a light snack during intermissions of Hockey Night
    in Canada. As for Vegemite though, that's just wrong.

  12. Added by: George
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 Oct, 13:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I like fried Mars Bars!!!!

  13. Not so bad Added by: Lena
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 Oct, 14:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella is not from Italy. You'll find it all over Europe,
    but I think it's German. Yes, it's very rich chocolate (too
    rich, too much chocolate) but it's NOWHERE near as bad as
    vegemite or marmite.

  14. All right, vegemite! Added by: simon
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 Oct, 15:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    People are forever bagging out vegemite, promite or marmite.
    Yes, if you haven't grown up on eating them, it can be an
    accquired taste. A bit like cavier, olives, oysters. But
    people tend to treat them as peanut butter; ie. they spread
    it thick, not the scraping it needs. If these spreads were
    that bad then it wouldn't be so popular, would it? I'm sure
    Kraft and Master Foods would discontinue the lines if they

  15. nutella revisited Added by: the nutty professor
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 Oct, 16:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Nutella brand is owned by the Italian company "Ferrero",
    but the stuff is available all over Europe. Every major Eur.
    supermarket chain has its own cheap imitations. It seems
    that Nutella is most popular in Italy, where you may
    even find e.g. Nutella-filled croissants.
    I think that Marmite and Vegemite are special, but not all
    that bad. Probably less unhealthy than Nutella. If you crave
    for it while in Switzerland, look for a similar thing called
    My nightmares are rather things like Root Beer and Cream
    Soda or (in Scotland) deep-fried sausages (as if the sausage
    itself wasn't greasy enough).

  16. worst: vegemite Added by: whatever
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 Oct, 19:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    #15: You're right, Nutella's brand is 'Ferrero', but Ferrero
    is owned by NestlΘ, which is actually a Swiss company.
    My nightmare is vegemite, just the smell of that stuff makes
    me sick!

  17. Nutella Added by: nicole
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 Oct, 3:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella is fantastic!! I thought it was Belgian, given the
    fact that they enjoy the taste of chocolate on everything!
    I found it to be fantastic on a baguette while in France.
    And it is very filling, especially if you are traveling on
    a budget and are looking for a low-cost meal to tide you
    over. I only wish it was cheaper to buy it in the US - its
    usually something like $5 a jar. But saving its
    consumption for travels only makes eating it that more
    special for me! Sorry you don't like it Rebekah but I
    think with this particular food substance you are in the

  18. minority again Added by: Rebekah
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 Oct, 7:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, that's ok, I love Vegemite, and that seems to put me
    in the minority, too. So, then, what about that horrible
    brown, stinking cheese that the Norwegians serve for

  19. porridge..... Added by: arsenio lupin
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 Oct, 10:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    is a nightmare.
    Ever tried crepes with nutella?

  20. NUTELLA ... Added by: budd
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 Oct, 13:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Try it spread over a fresh French baguette right out of the
    oven - frickin' delicious!!!

  21. Let's get one thing straight... Added by: Nutella-delic
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 Oct, 18:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    First of all Nutella is GERMAN. And it is exported widely
    throughout the world. It is a chocolate-hazelnut spreadable
    substance which gives it that superbly nutty flavor.
    The reason why you might not have liked it is perhaps that
    you did not get the "NUTELLA" brand of spread. THere are
    many companies who try to make a similar spread, but
    Nutella will always reign as the king. The others can be
    trully disgusting. Please do your taste buds a favor and
    try the REAL brand of NUTELLA.

  22. Disgusting, but Italian nevertheless Added by: JLC
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 Oct, 21:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    #22, Nutella is Italian. The brand is owned by a company
    called Ferrero (#15 is right). They make more greasy chocolate stuff.
    The taste's just to sweet for me. I don't understand how
    they can produce something like Nutella in a country with
    such delicious food. Italian cuisine is just wonderfull.
    I guess it's like the dogs in Bali; beside all the beauty
    something ugly is needed to keep things in balance .........

  23. Deutsche Nutella Added by: Lena
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 Oct, 10:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I still cast my vote that Nutella is German. I know it's
    owned by Ferrero but are you sure that Nutella was
    originated, is made and Ferrero is all based in Italy.
    Proof? Thanks!

  24. what the hell?? Added by: belinda
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 Oct, 14:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    are you insane?? Nutella is NOT NICE! but it kicks the ass
    of vegemite and marmite - promite rules!

  25. panforte Added by: susan
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 Oct, 14:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    so everybody says the great thing to get in Siena is
    panforte -- it's the equivalent of American's fruitcake --
    who likes it????

  26. Still think it's Italian Added by: JLC
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 Oct, 18:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Check this one;
    No time to find any more pages.
    Maybe there's a Ferrero site as well (I didn't find it yet)
    P.S. #1 Mayonaise is delicious! Try it on your french fries

  27. Nutella??? Added by: D
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 Oct, 16:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've never heard of Nutella before, but since I'm leaving
    within in 3 weeks on my first trip to Europe, I can't
    wait! Sounds good to me!
    P.S. Try dipping those fries in a mixture of mayo and
    yellow mustard...Yum-yum!

  28. Mayonaise for president! Added by: JLC
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 Oct, 17:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sounds good #29, though not always necessary since
    one of the ingredients of mayonaise is mustard. Depends
    on the brand of mayonaise you buy I guess. Personally, I
    prefer Belgian mayo, since it contains a bit more vinegar.
    What also tastes good is a mixture of mayonaise, chopped
    onions and ketchup.
    But then, anything containing ketchup can
    be appriciated by Americans. :-)

  29. Nutella is ITALIAN Added by: Laura
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 Oct, 22:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella, that culinary wonder, is definitely Italian! Made
    by Ferrero, an Italian company owned by the Ferrero family -
    and not by Nestle` as someone suggested. There are several
    Ferrero factories in many countries, that's why the Nutella
    pot you buy may have been made outside Italy. L.

  30. Ehy, people!!! Added by: Fulvia
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 Oct, 7:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella IS ITALIAN, of course. Ferrero has always been an italian brand, even if someone else bought it in the last years. What have the germans got to do with it? It's a very old tradiction in Piemonte (Turin area) to make chocolate with hazelnuts. Like Gianduia. It also has an italian name, how could you make such a mistake???. We love it, italian best invenction after the radio and the telephone. (Chinese people invented spaghetti).

  31. Inventions !!! Added by: JLC
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 Oct, 16:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Eh, Fulvia, I do recall mr. Marconi to be of Italian origin,
    but mr. Bell, Italian? I thought he was American.
    But anyway; good move in discussion material. Inventions!
    Some Dutch inventions:
    The pendulum clock by Christiaan Huygens
    and the music cassette (and CD) by Philips.
    What's your country's coolest invention?

  32. Why dis Marmite? Added by: Tommy
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 Oct, 21:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why does everyone hate Marmite so much? It's really nice,
    and I come from the town in which it is made. It makes the
    whole place reek of Marmite, and this combined with the
    smell of all the breweries, is quite an interesting
    experience...oh, and by the way, did you know that brewery
    waste gets used in Marmite!!!

  33. Inventions & Nutella Added by: Sylvia
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 Oct, 17:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Mr. Bell and Mr. Marconi, whatever their descent, were
    Canadian. Nutella is awesome, marmite is disgusting, but
    Haggis is the MOST revolting national food ever.

  34. I miss Nutella! Added by: MARIA
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 Oct, 4:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why don┤t we have any nutella here in finland?
    I ate it in Germany and now I can┤t even sleep because I miss it so much.
    Nutella with crepes is more than lovely!

  35. connoisseurs only Added by: vegemite
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 Oct, 22:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    recipe # 113
    cut a piece of fresh bread and toast
    spread butter (not margarine crap) thickly
    splat a lump of nutella and a lump of vegemite together and
    mush up with the quickly before it all
    disintegrates......yummo heaven!!!
    p/s if anyone gets sick...don't sue's an acquired
    taste....try washing it down with some beer!!!

  36. everything is better than peanutbutter Added by: Sabine
    [Timestamp: Sat 31 Oct, 10:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't know, where you are from. Hopefully not from the
    US, because the most disgusting thing I could imagine
    someone putting on a toast is peanutbutter!!! Since I tried
    this salty and disgusting stuff a few years ago for the
    first time, I value Nutella even more.

  37. hey maria... Added by: Alastair, an Englishman in Finland (norwich_are_scum)
    [Timestamp: Fri 6 Nov, 12:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What do you mean, you can't get Nutella in Finland?
    That's preposterous! My flatmate has a jar in his cupboard!!

  38. NUTTER! Added by: Suz
    [Timestamp: Mon 9 Nov, 13:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Australian advertsing jingle for Nutella when it first
    hit the market went like this.....
    Ahhhhh, Nutella, we always say YES to Nutella, we eat up
    every little bit of hazlenut and choc-o-late it always puts
    a smile on our face, oohhhh what a marvellous taste!!!!
    This jingle has stayed with me thus far and will continue to
    do so - I sing it every time I buy a new jar!!!!
    For the record, I'm a born and bred Aussie who hates
    vegemite. Travelling next year and am greatly relieved to
    hear I'll never be far from a new jar of the nutty stuff.

  39. Eh? Added by: Tony
    [Timestamp: Mon 16 Nov, 13:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What the fuck is the matter with you people? If you don't
    like it, then don't eat the bloody stuff.

  40. Whaaaaaaaat???? Added by: RenΘe
    [Timestamp: Tue 17 Nov, 2:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I LOVE nutella !!!!
    But what is all this other stuff you guys are all talking
    What is marmite, vermite, vegemite, whatever???????

  41. uurrgghh ! Added by: heidi
    [Timestamp: Tue 17 Nov, 3:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    marmite stinks and makes me wanna yack !!!!

    [Timestamp: Wed 18 Nov, 18:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  43. The marmite problem..... Added by: Kickstart
    [Timestamp: Fri 20 Nov, 15:22 Tasmanian Standard Time] that it has the look and consistency of axle grease, and no real aroma. Food and drug laws force the maker to admit that it is yeast-derived. A child forced to eat the stuff has most of the elements needed to win a child abuse case.

  44. The sweet pear syrup stuff from belgium! Added by: ji
    [Timestamp: Sat 21 Nov, 1:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You should try the pear syrup stuff from belgium, it's so
    sweet (much sweeter than honey)! I'm definitely an aussie
    vegemite kid!!!

  45. Nutella forever! Added by: elena
    [Timestamp: Sat 21 Nov, 8:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    OK lads, now:
    - NUTELLA IS ITALIAN, an someone pointed out, a GREAT tradition of the area close to Turin, was created by Mr. Ferrero who had a tiny factory of sweets and was actually trying to make torrone (another Italian sweet with hazelnuts) but kept the honey and sugar for too long on the flame, torrone came out dark and he (Italian wit) decided to use it to sweeten a choch cream and sell the latter. It was such a success that the factory grew very bigger and bigger and created new products such as Kinder, Ferrero Rocher, Pocket Coffee and Mon Cherie... Is NOT owned by Nestle' but by the Ferrero family.
    - Marconi (GUGLIELMO MARCONI) is italian!!!!
    - a booklet about Nutella, written in Latin, a weird English and other improbable languages was written by Cassini and is available in Italy for 1000 lire: title is NULELLA NUTELLAE... a MUST!
    have fun, and... buon appetito!

  46. Nato Added by: jes
    [Timestamp: Mon 23 Nov, 17:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You reakon Nutella's bad. Go to japan and try NATO. I can
    guarantee you'll be sick!!

  47. Inventions (response to#31) Added by: me
    [Timestamp: Fri 27 Nov, 1:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Great Irish Inventions:
    Whiskey, while the rest of Europe copied the Arabians in
    trying to discover Alchemical secrets we took just one
    piece of Alchemical equipment and put it to more serious
    use, distilling Whiskey (triple distilled for Irish
    Irish Coffee, a further development on the same theme.
    Ejector seats for jet planes.
    Cat's eyes (those shiny things on roads).
    An encryption system not covered by US/NATO armament rules
    (ha ha it's great being neutral).
    Modern Democracy, I'm not sure of this one, but I can't
    think of a county that had universal suffrage, (not
    counting countries that claimed to but had Jim Crow laws
    etc.) for all it's territories.
    Less good inventions:
    The Horizontal Mortar,
    The Titanic,
    The Britanic (sister ship, sank, rarely mentioned),
    RTE Television.

  48. A couple of things. Added by: The Creator (Creator@heaven.god)
    [Timestamp: Fri 27 Nov, 11:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I created the water.
    I created the man and woman.
    I forgot to create respect for everyone.

  49. snippets Added by: scissors
    [Timestamp: Sun 29 Nov, 11:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    me............cream crackers, pneumatic tyres and Riverdance, for which extraditions will be sought a few decades from now.
    The pity of Nutella is that once the jar is started there is no stopping. Talking of which, did you hear of Jason the brown-nosed reindeer - just like Rudolph but he can't stop.

  50. EXCUSE ME? Added by: Mpont
    [Timestamp: Mon 30 Nov, 9:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella is awesome. Even here in PUERTO RICO is a best
    seller. Love the stuff! Adios! :-)

  51. Peanut butter and grape jelly Added by: wendy
    [Timestamp: Mon 7 Dec, 20:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    never mind Nutella-it's ok if your four years old or with
    the taste buds of a four year old..But the grosses, just
    the grossest spread ever for toast has to be this american
    stuff which is peanut butter sort of swirled through with
    grape jelly, very very sickly grape jelly. You only need to
    try this stuff once in a life time.

  52. vegemite vs Nutella Added by: Claudia
    [Timestamp: Tue 8 Dec, 22:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella is defenitely the winner, it's brilliant. And it
    think it's actually GERMAN.
    My worst nightmare is vegemite or marmite, I lived in the UK
    for quite a few years and got used to quite a lot of English
    food (cooked breakfast, lemon curd, porridge), but marmite
    and vegemite are just disgusting, how can somebody eat this

  53. It is Italian, you mean Added by: Julius Caesar
    [Timestamp: Thu 10 Dec, 0:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella is from Italy, without any doubts. Made by Ferrero,
    an Italian company (factories all over Europe though), still
    owned by the founder's descendants. Great stuff.

  54. interesting sex toy... Added by: Sarbear (
    [Timestamp: Fri 11 Dec, 22:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    All the debate about Nutella! Who cares where it is from,
    all I have to say on the matter is that it is the best and
    cheapest sex toy on the planet and my fiance and I love it!
    It is also exceptionally good on a fresh tartine of
    boulangerie bread. However, I do love lashings of Vegemite
    on my toast, being the blonde Aussie girl that I am!

  55. love em all Added by: joey
    [Timestamp: Sat 12 Dec, 2:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't knock peanut butter altogether. I used to hate it
    but when you team it up with Nutella, it's yummy... Europe
    meets america. I know you're probably sceptical about this
    because I've told a few people about this theory and they
    never believe me but anyone who tries it, loves it. By the
    way, Marmite is heaven and very nutritious.

  56. Nutty for Nutella Added by: Catherine
    [Timestamp: Mon 14 Dec, 19:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    God, I fucking love Nutella. There's nothing like settling
    down in front of the TeeVee with a big ol' jar of the brown
    ambrosia and eating it straight up. Forget the baguette
    bit- you don't need it!
    By the way- yes, panforte from Siena is repulsive.
    Absolutely foul.

  57. IT'S CANADIAN, DAMMIT!!! Added by: Jas
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 6:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm telling all of you, it was invented in Canada, is most
    loved in Canada, and is BEST in Canada!!!!
    ...we were talking about hockey, right?
    FYI, I love Veggie, Marmie and Nuttie. They rule! It's the
    bread that sucks! :)

  58. Fluffernutters Added by: Rapunzel
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 8:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Has anyone mentioned marshmallow fluff? With peanut butter
    you get a "fluffernutter sandwich".

  59. Yum, Yum Added by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 5:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella on hot toast...yum. Nutella on crepe's ...yum, yum.
    I'm gonna try the nutella/peanut butter mix, Joey. But that
    vegemite, marmite and promite stuff is just plain indecent.
    It's 100% brewers waste.

  60. Perfect Sandwich Added by: Dazed
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 9:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella, Fluff, and White Wonder Bread.
    Different strokes for different folks....

  61. Marshmallow Fluff??? (re #58) Added by: Kerrie
    [Timestamp: Mon 21 Dec, 15:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Huh? - Marshmallow Fluff? Do I even WANT to know what this
    BTW - I love Vegemite, peanut butter AND Nutella - not at
    the same time though. My husband (also Australian) hates
    all three.. I guess it takes all kinds to make the world
    go around..

  62. couldn'd do it Added by: Rebekah
    [Timestamp: Tue 22 Dec, 6:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Back again from ITA, this one a business trip. I looked
    real hard at those little individual Nutella packets, but
    couldn'd do it. Not for breakfast, anyway.

  63. in defense of peanut butter Added by: peanutbuttery
    [Timestamp: Tue 22 Dec, 14:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Peanut butter is the best substance since nutella. On
    celery, on bananas, on bread . . . it's versatile, filling,
    and yummy. #36, #51--you'd rather have vegemite? Fools!
    Nutella rocks my world, and peanut butter is the best. and
    let me give it up for mayonaisse. this is not a spread to
    eat alone, but on a turkey sandwich it can't be beat.

  64. Okay... Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Sun 27 Dec, 10:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    #1 Bell was Canadian
    #2 Marconi was Italian, but made his inventions and
    discoveries in Canada
    #3 Nutella is the best thing in the world as far as spreads
    #4 It is an amazing sex toy, along with chocolate mousse
    #5 It is Italian
    #6 Panforte is amazing stuff!! How could anyone possibly
    #7 Sienna made me spew without food....don't ask!
    #8 Pear syrup stuff is great
    Now what really isn't all that great is that berry spread
    from our Newfie realatives in the east! Great god those jam
    thingies are terrible! They spell like a fart when you open
    them and taste like olestra after the digestive system has
    dealt with it! Ugh!*shiver* But, you know, some people like
    that stuff, so hey- "each to his own....", right? Please
    don't think I'm awful!

  65. stay away from penut butter. Added by: sooze
    [Timestamp: Mon 28 Dec, 4:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I can't believe anyone could hate nutella. I also can't
    believe they don't have nutella in some places in the
    world. How could this be?! If there's one thing the world
    needs, it's more nutella. Try dipping fruit in it like a
    chocolate fondue. According to the jar i have here, nutella
    is made in NSW, australia by ferrero. Of course, it's
    probably owned by some european (italian or german)
    company. I have no opinion on vegemite, marmite or promite
    but did you know they only make penut butter with fungi-
    diseased penuts? now, that's what i call disguisting.

  66. What?! Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Mon 28 Dec, 10:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Fungi diseased peanuts? You're kidding. How did you find
    that out? EEEEeeeewwwwwww, childhood....memories.....quickly
    becoming........nightmares! Ahhhhhhh!! Well, they make
    luncheon meat out of, and I quote off the label, "animal
    parts, pig's bits, horse pieces, beef....". No joke. I'm
    reading it off my friend's package. I try to warn her, but
    she doesn't want to hear it because she loves the stuff so
    much! I agree with the Nutella bit. It's inhumane to deprive
    people of this chocolatey wonder. Once the world has
    Nutella, we shall all be one. Nutella for world peace.
    pS-I meant "smell", not "spell".

  67. eh? Added by: Vito
    [Timestamp: Mon 28 Dec, 15:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Leave the pistol, take the connoli

  68. yummy yummy in my tummy Added by: ryan
    [Timestamp: Tue 29 Dec, 4:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's a sad sad day to hear that someone in the world doesn't
    like nutella. Only with the power of the chocolately
    goodness can mankind truly be saved. ---
    Vegemite, on the other hand, is quite obviously God's
    punishment for the Aussies for being so stupid. About this
    there can be no debate.

  69. :) Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 4:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hehehehe!! I like your opinion on vegemite Ryan! I have
    never had the experience of tasting vegemite, but I have
    taken a whiff. It's not that bad when you smell it...I'll
    just have to take everyone's word for it. I cannot
    understand how someone could find Nutella unpleasant either.
    Vito, what do you mean? Are you talking about the Italian
    dessert? What's pistol?

  70. Goat cheese and other delicacies Added by: Eats most anything
    [Timestamp: Thu 31 Dec, 9:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The 'disgusting brown cheese' from Norway is goat cheese
    mixed with brown sugar, and it's really quite good! Slice
    it thin, bring to room temperature, and enjoy on your
    favorite cracker. It's not the sort of thing you eat an
    ounce at a time. My Norwegian friend likes to spread
    strawberry jam on top of the goat cheese. Never tried that
    I bought my panforte in Sienna, Italy, home of panforte.
    It is very good, but very, very rich. The secret to
    enjoying panforte is to cut yourself a tiny chunk about 1/4
    of an egg large and enjoy with hot tea or coffee.
    Neither of these foods is meant to be consumed in big,
    Paul Bunyan portions. I don't know what Nutella is, but I
    get the impression is is also a 'less is more' food. Take
    your cue from the locals as to how to enjoy the food. I am
    sure I would not enjoy Norwegian goat cheese if I tried to
    eat an 'American size' portion.
    Peanut butter is an American icon, but even so, I have to
    concede peanuts are subject to toxic fungi, no doubt about
    it. Aflatoxins or something like that. It's not a
    particularly healthful food because of the high fat
    content and the fungal toxins (but try a peanut butter and
    banana sandwich for that true American gastronomic
    Now if you want a TRULY DISGUSTING, REVOLTING food, try
    anchovies YECCCH!
    brewer's yeast YECCHH!
    liver Yechhh!
    organs Yeccch!
    oysters Gag me with a spoon!
    soft crabs Wins the 'too ugly to eat' award
    raw meat particulary disgusting
    meat disgusting
    raw eggs death to mayonnaise (raw eggs included)
    mountain oysters wins 'too disgusting to ponder' award

    Bon appetite!

  71. Food of the Gods Added by: Cool it Francis
    [Timestamp: Fri 1 Jan, 3:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella on a croissant...Food of the Gods? You be the
    judge. Better than any pain au chocolat I ever tasted to
    be sure.

  72. ... Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Fri 1 Jan, 10:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Happy New year everyone!!! Don't eat something you won't
    like, stick to the best for the new year!

  73. Viva Vegemite Added by: Vege mite
    [Timestamp: Sat 2 Jan, 16:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Check out for some great and
    interesting (if not corny) facts on vegemite.

  74. e allora? Added by: pamela
    [Timestamp: Mon 4 Jan, 0:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    after all this...WHERE does Nutella come from? As for
    disgusting things has anybody ever tried "coloquinte" (I
    don't even know how to spell it!) syrup, it tastes like bath
    foam, with a smell of pine...bleah!

  75. Happy little vegemite! Added by: Bec
    [Timestamp: Mon 4 Jan, 19:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We're happy little vegemites as bright as bright can be
    We all enjoy our vegemite for breakfast lunch and tea
    Because we love our vegemite, we all adore our vegemite it
    puts the rose in every cheek.
    Vegemite all the way. Nutella sucks, its like fairy bread
    (hundreds and thousand on buttered bread) yuko! But I like
    peanut butter yes please peanut butter not cheese!

  76. Nutella Babies Added by: Lipgloss
    [Timestamp: Tue 5 Jan, 3:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anyone ever tried Jelly Babies covered in Nutella ???
    Ps: Marmite: Love it or hate it , but I reckon there is no
    in between... ( I persoally belong to the latter yuck)

  77. How about...? Added by: Me
    [Timestamp: Wed 6 Jan, 2:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The debate is great!!! I have been conducting a survey over
    the past two years of Crunchy vs Smooth peanut butter -
    Crunchy is winning hands down. I wonder how crunchy
    Nutella would go?

  78. Nutella Added by: DrugDrake
    [Timestamp: Wed 6 Jan, 8:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Personally, I like to have sex with nutella. it smells
    better on the skin than peanut butter. Nutella also works
    better for wanking.

  79. Yum Added by: Nutty
    [Timestamp: Wed 6 Jan, 8:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  80. nutella, pb Added by: peter (
    [Timestamp: Fri 8 Jan, 4:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    peanut butter: smooth all the way. "eats almost anything:"
    nutella is NOT necessarily a less-is-more: i seen it
    slathered on bread, bananas, apples, lion bars, everything.
    i also seen chicks get fugly big in less than three months.
    all the rest of you, debating the origins, etc. of nutella,
    get a life! i am a fan o' the knowledge, but what the heck?
    send me some nutella flavored gelato, and i'm gone. lots of
    good memories! hasta.

  81. Slurrp Added by: Mark
    [Timestamp: Mon 11 Jan, 11:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Man, Nutella rules, and you can find it in the U.S. in
    Military commisarries. I think I am going to have to buy
    some and lather it all over my Fiancee....nutrious is all
    senses....As for peanut much sodium. The
    grossest has to be blood pudding in England.

  82. ARE YOU MAD Added by: Jo
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 0:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella is gorgeous. The thing I can't stand is Peanut
    Butter, I can't believe how people can eat it. By the way
    where do you live because you can get Nutella in England -
    just go into any Sainsbury's

  83. History. Added by: A man.
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 17:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This topic is a legend: keep on, I wanna show it to my son
    in 2020.

  84. inventions Added by: jane
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 15:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella wins - can't stand Marmite tho' I wish I could cos
    it's bloody good for you. And how many of us have had that
    traumatic 'can't leave the table til they're gone'
    experience with Brussels sprouts? Ergggggggggh!!!!!!!!!
    British inventions:
    The walkman(Cambridge), manufactured for great profit by
    Bungee jumping (Clifton Bridge), operated for great profit
    by AJ Hackett-
    Sparkling wine (apparently), profitably monopolised by the
    Conclusion, full marks for creative thinking, zero for
    business sense.
    And I would like to humbly apologise to the world for

  85. you Added by: me
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 15:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    peanut butter on a warm tortilla rules! no jelly though!!
    nutella is ok
    veg,mar, are disgusting
    wireless communication was invented by nikola tesla in 1893,
    several years ahead of marconi. tesla was serbian and
    invented or predated just about everything in the twentiest
    century that we use. read about him. he rocks!
    june 21, 1943"unites states reports: cases adjudged by the
    unites states supreme court" volume number 320; marconi
    wirless telegraphy co. of america vs. unites states, pp.
    disgusting food: sucking the eyeballs out of deep fried fish
    peace to you all!!!

  86. Bread Spreads Added by: K from Canada
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 14:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't like bread spreads, but my brother loves them. We
    have a cupboard full of Nutella, Fluff(#61:it's just
    marshmellow in a jar), Caramello(caramel spread), and an
    interesting concoction of swirled peanut butter and
    chocolate called PB Max.
    I don't like Fluff on bread, but if anyone's interested in a
    really nice fruit dip, just mix Strawberry Philadelphia
    Cream cheese with Fluff.

  87. hmmmmm... Added by: ali (
    [Timestamp: Thu 21 Jan, 13:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    nutella rules, no competition there.As for fairy bread,
    don't knock rocks.
    All you freaks who don't like are missing
    something incredible.Stuff the marmite& promite
    though...pathetic tryhards that they are, trying to mimic
    vegemite!!! Nothing comes close.

  88. I can't live without it Added by: carloag+ (
    [Timestamp: Fri 22 Jan, 7:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What can I say about nutella?Here in Italy we can't "be"
    without it.It is like a kind of Holland smoke and you have
    got to put it on the bread becouse it gives you NRG and it
    is like beer for Germans or wine for French.
    So you'd better to take your beer and wine that here in
    Italy,we party with "NUTELLA"!!!

  89. Nutella Added by: Betty
    [Timestamp: Sat 23 Jan, 8:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've always been intrigued by the stuff, now I have to go
    out and buy some. Yes it's available in Canada, at about
    five dollars a jar.
    Peanut butter is gross. I only use it in peanut sauce when I
    make a stir-fry, but some people love it! A friend says when
    she went to Europe the first time she spent half a day's
    budget on a miniscule jar of the stuff and treasured it.
    All the mites (mar, vege, pro) - never tried 'em, but they
    look gross too.

  90. STINK FINGER Added by: A-TRAIN
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 Feb, 18:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    VEGEMITE RULES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  91. STINK FINGER Added by: A-TRAIN
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 Feb, 18:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    VEGEMITE RULES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  92. More from a US American Added by: Lala
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 18:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've never heard of this stuff called "Nutella." Judging
    from the posts in here it's pretty popular in Europe.
    Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, was US
    American, but was born in Scotland. If you don't believe
    me, you can verify it (in a dictionary) like I did.
    Peanut butter was invented by the American George Washington
    Carver (no relation to the president). He was a really cool
    black guy who was born when slavery still existed ... he was
    a botanist and chemist. When I was a kid they always used
    to tell us that he came up with LITERALLY hundreds and
    hundreds of uses for peanut butter and the sweet potato
    (also known as yams). Weird, though ... they would never
    TELL us what those other uses were, so to this day I don't
    Peanut butter is not bad. Just about every US American
    child grows up eating it. Peanut butter and
    (especially grape) jelly sandwiches are almost like a
    childhood staple. Peanut butter and honey sandwiches are
    also good if you don't use TOO much honey.
    All of you people saying Peanut Butter is disgusting -
    haven't you ever eaten the following candy bars:
    Butterfinger, Twix, Snickers, Reese's Pieces (is that
    chocolate or peanut butter?), or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups?

    One of the least appealing foods I've eaten are these Indian
    dessert things. I went to an Indian wedding and there was a
    big stack of them; they look like donut holes, so I asked my
    friend to snag me a few. They LOOK like donut holes, but
    they are soggy with some kind of syrupy oil. I picked it up
    and oil was running down my hand. I took a bite and it was
    like biting into oil encased in very fluffy bread. GROSS!
    I don't know what those things are called, but be on guard!
    Whatever you do, don't eat popcorn mixed with Brewer's
    Yeast! It looks like normal popcorn but ALL you taste is
    Brewer's Yeast (and that stuff is nasty). A lot of
    health-conscious people eat it, but it's grooooooss.

  93. Cheese Whiz Added by: Barney
    [Timestamp: Thu 11 Feb, 23:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    That cheese in a can stuff , called Cheese whiz, I think, is
    dreadful stuff. I mean cheese is not supposed to go in cans.

  94. Spam Added by: Lala
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 12:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm surprised no US Americans here have mentioned SPAM.
    It's a best-selling food, actually, but everyone makes jokes
    about it being nothing but compressed chicken lips and pig
    Cheez Whiz is pretty nasty.

  95. mmmmm Added by: skalar
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 Feb, 9:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Pretzels dipped in Nutella...mmmmmmm...

  96. Nutella/Nusfit Added by: haatem (
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 Feb, 8:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Man, you don't know what you're talking about...Nutella is
    the proverbial marrow to be sucked from the bone of life.
    'Tis the king of spreads, may its nutty chocolatiness
    never cease to smother my tastebuds. (Um, those were some
    really silly metaphors, but who cares.) Actually, looking at
    all the posts here, Nutella should just make a link to this
    place from their web site if they have one. Major
    Nutella-plugging going on!

  97. Go Nutella Go! Added by: Teena (
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 Feb, 16:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't know what some of you guys are talking about, but I
    think that Nutella is the bomb!!!!!Just by the spoon full!!
    Lick that baby clean!

  98. marmite reeks Added by: yedgar
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 Feb, 17:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    NUTELLA is ok once in a while but it's doesn't strike me as being truly foreign since it's
    been sold in canada for as long as i can remember. but what's with this MARMITE shite? i
    mean honestly. it's seems to be popular among my friends who spent some of their
    childhood in britain and, judging by its disgusto-factor, i suppose it truly can only be
    appreciated by the hearty brits. for those of you unfamiliar with this stuff, i believe it is
    some sort of yeast spread that comes in a small dark brown jar. it's horrifically salty and
    bitter and i can't fathom what the appeal of this shit might be! as for post #92 by lala, that
    delectable indian dessert you're so not fond of is called GULAB JAMUN. i think this stuff is
    just heavenly. true, it is a supersaturatedly sweet and syrupy dessert, but after a fiery
    indian curry meal, it's just the thing to soothe the palate. PEANUT BUTTER is great,
    especially with sliced bananas on sliced bread. it's also good with jam, any canadian or
    american will concur. one of my favourite novelty treats is the breadsticks w/chocolate
    spread (similar to nutella) that come from italy and spain. FRUITTELLA are wicked chewy
    candy sensations from the netherlands. they're from the same company that makes
    MENTOS! and what about those polish-made SESAME SNAPS? yummy! i know this is
    supposed to be about foods that make us want to spew, but who cares? CHEESE IN
    TUBES is pretty grotesque, but i have to admit that i used to devour CHEEZ WHIZ as a
    child, especially the mexican flavour. french-canadians love MAYONNAISE, especially on
    their fries. they also seem to really enjoy COLESLAW, which i find a bit bland and
    uninspiring. PROCESSED MEATS are scary, particularly that ham with macaroni and
    cheese bits. what is that? and what's with everyone going on about how great nutella is
    for your sex life? please. i never understand people who like to go on about their sexual
    practices. it's seems to be a lot of blowing one's own horn. blowing

  99. blowing... Added by: yedgar
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 Feb, 17:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    something anyways...

  100. No bread please Added by: Joel
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 Feb, 10:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella is good - just dont put it on bread!!!

  101. Vegemite Added by: PeterVenkman (
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 Feb, 20:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Yedgar, Marmite is VEGEMITE. You know, Men At Work.
    ...."vegemite sandwich"... and all that. You have to spread
    it thin and then I think it's good. Nutella is actually
    *Italian* but everyone who spends some time in Europe thinks
    it's from whatever country they lived in. Just ask, it's a
    neat-o party game. Anyway, there's a better version in
    German called Nuss (nut) something or rather that comes in a
    flimsy plastic cup thingy and is made by Zantis. I wont'
    blaspheme Nutella but Zantis' stuff is like Nutella 2.0.
    That is all (I have to get back to work).

  102. VOTE1 FOR NUTELLA! Added by: LAALAA
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 Feb, 22:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am a chocoholic from perth and we have had nutella here
    for as long as I remember so for all of you northern
    hemisphere people, NUTELLA IS EVERYWHERE!!!!

  103. chicha and fried guinea pig Added by: kathy (
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 19:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was in Cuzco, Peru on Christmas Eve and had a great time
    in the Plaza but was unwise enough to try home-brewed
    chicha.It's made by chewing up corn then spitting it into a
    pitcher and adding water...didn't find out how it was made
    until later, of course.I saw but did not eat a deep-fried
    guinea pig. This vendora had a whole pile of them in a
    bowl, so pitiful, they fry them whole and you should see
    them with their little fried heads and poor little ratty
    fried feet.I live in Alaska and the Eskimos eat some truly
    scary stuff. A great delicacy is "stinky heads." You dig a
    hole on the beach above the tide line and fill with fish
    heads. Then you cover it up for a month or so and when you
    come back you have a liquified pit of horror and people
    actually eat it. You can do the same thing with little fish
    called hooligan which I believe are actually smelt. And
    then of course there is seal oil. Raw, frozen whitefish
    dipped in seal oil is a miracle cure for a hangover, I've
    been told. For that gourmet touch you can doll-up your seal
    oil with Tabasco sauce and Worcestershire sauce.Yummers.

  104. Whow Added by: Rand
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 22:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This topic has been going since october...kinda impressive. Talk about bad food...I'd mention a two things I got in Colombia. "Tripa", and "chontaduros". The first is called tripe in English I think, and it's basically cow stomach I think...ewww...all gele like substance and barely any taste to it at all. Chontaduro is a fruit that's dried and salted...and that's exactly what it tastes like...all dried up and salted big time...yuck

  105. sprinkles Added by: Sara
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 20:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My favorite is the way the dutch eat those crazy sprinkles
    (or whatever you want to call them, chocolate or colored
    pieces that you usually put on ice cream) on their bread
    with butter for breakfast. I had a dutch roommate who made
    fun of my not so healthy eating habits while he was
    slurping this crazy concoction down 24/7.

  106. Nutella Added by: Chiara (
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 22:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I might understand your disgust for Nutella, though I do
    not share it, but please do not say it is French: Ferrero,
    who invented it, is still one of the very few, genuine
    Italian makes not bought over again by Japanese, French,
    Swiss or whatever, and it comes from Alba, north west

  107. The Battle Added by: Condiment Warrior
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 Feb, 2:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If a jar of Nutella and a jar of Vegimite got into a fist
    fight, who do you think would win?
    I'd put my money on the Vegimite. Nutella seems a little
    soft around the edges.

  108. Cheez Whiz Added by: Gourmet
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 22:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Having been subjected only yesterday to my first experience
    of Cheez Whiz by my Canadienne neighbour, I have to say
    that it reaches a new bottom as it were.
    Bright orange in colour and with the taste and consistency
    of semi-congealed wallpaper paste. Apparently one uses it
    to boost the chemical count of another Canadian delight
    called Kraft Dinner.
    I assume that the probably mix it with maple syrup too.
    Hard to beat I'd say.

  109. seems like Added by: pk
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 16:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    seems like nutella is the only fuckin food on earth!

  110. Eat Nutella Straight From Jar Added by: Like Nutella
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 March, 5:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is better to just eat it from the jar.

  111. Mmm...Nutella. Added by: Me
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 March, 14:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella's good and has been available in Canada as long as
    I can remember. We used to get a cheap knock-off variety
    around here too.
    As for disgusting, I have to say that I CAN'T STAND WINE
    GUMS! Everyone else I know loves them. Even just the smell
    of them makes me queasy.
    Cheez Whiz, at best, is repellent. There's nothing more
    sickening than the coating of grease (or wax or whatever the
    hell it's made of) it leaves on the roof of your mouth.
    (Celery with Cheez Whiz was a favourite snack of most of my
    friends when I was a kid. Blurgh.)
    never tried any of the -mites...but my friend Rachel misses
    Marmite terribly when she can't find it here.

  112. Pear syrop, discuting? You kidding? Added by: Louloute
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 March, 23:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How is possible to prefer vegemite to Pear syrop, soo good. I cannot smell vegemite, it drive me really mad!
    Nutella? Not to bad.

  113. NUTELLA ROCKS!!!!!! Added by: American Traveler
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 March, 11:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Are you insane?!! Nutella is potentially one of the best
    gifts given by God to his people! I'm from San Francisco
    and I can't think of a better spread for a perfect slice of
    SF Sour Dough!!!

  114. but.. Added by: I'm no chef...
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 March, 3:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I recently discovered the yumminess of nutella and banana
    on pita bread. Good breakfast. Mm.

  115. Yo,freaks Added by: Marius Lien (
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 March, 4:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Jesus God, I love Americans.

  116. You have all made me very hungry Added by: thor
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 21:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm now going straight to the fridge to get the Nutella and
    eat it buy the spoonful. Nothing compares.

  117. my first taste Added by: justin (
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 March, 5:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    of nutella was in switzerland. i couldn't believe that for
    19 years of my life there was such an amazing unit out
    there that i was unaware of. when i went to buy some when
    i got home i realized that it was artificially flavored.
    ohh, the taste buds had been tricked, lied too.
    i could not enduldge in such a treat.
    however, i have a new staple at every meal, tahini...ummm.

  118. SMUGGLING NUTELLA Added by: Liza
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 March, 19:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When my little country Slovenia was still a part of
    Yugoslavia Nutella wasn't available in our supermarkets,
    but we travelled to Italy to buy it and smuglled it back
    (among other stuff), for a while we had a travelling
    restrictions, you had to pay to cross the border and my
    parents refused to do so, so what I missed the most was
    Nutella. Now we get every foreign brand in our supermarkets
    Nutella is still my favourite. I recently came back from a
    month in West Africa which is my favourite part of the
    world, but I craved Nutellla and the first thing I ate was
    half a jar of Nutella straight up, no bread, but when I
    eat it with bread I also put margerine underneath , yes a
    total bomb, but of course it's not my every day diet, still
    I could live on that stuff.

  119. try some Added by: d
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 March, 7:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    rocky mountain oysters

  120. vegimite Added by: casp
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 20:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    vegimite rules. all you people who think it's gross have no

  121. vegemite Added by: cathsta ( no fixed address)
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 March, 4:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    vegemite is the best - spread 2cms thick on a fresh slice of bread. it is an aquired taste and when that taste is aquired, you can't have too much. What is disgusting is the spreads that have come over here to Oz - peanut butter and jelly in the one jar - this must be from the US. I've got to say though - oreos and hershey's peanut butter cups absolutely rule. nutella (whoever made it) is pretty good stuff too.

  122. vegemite Added by: cathsta ( no fixed address)
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 March, 4:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    vegemite is the best - spread 2cms thick on a fresh slice of bread. it is an aquired taste and when that taste is aquired, you can't have too much. What is disgusting is the spreads that have come over here to Oz - peanut butter and jelly in the one jar - this must be from the US. I've got to say though - oreos and hershey's peanut butter cups absolutely rule. nutella (whoever made it) is pretty good stuff too.

  123. crazy habits Added by: :)
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 March, 12:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    for the record: i'm a huge fan of nutella, crunchy peanut
    butter is ok, crunchy nutella with hazelnut bits would rock
    my world if those ferrero people had thought of making it,
    and the rafaello coconut truffle things they make are very
    yummy too.
    as far as disgusting: those salty licorice bits that the
    dutch are so fond of and which made me puke the first time i
    tried one, cheez whiz is gross and i've never touched it,
    thank god, fat free cheese tastes rotten as well, british
    cuisine as a whole sucks ass (and tastes like it).
    but some things that sound disgusting are not so bad. i
    tried (brace yourself) fried brains during my travels in
    eastern europe. i didn't know what it was at the time and
    thought it tasted just fine. the point being that everyone
    should be a bit more open and not judge foods before you try
    them (some exceptions apply such as that rotten fish head
    concoction someone mentioned, you need good medical
    insurance to try that kind of thing)

  124. Good stuff!!! Added by: Juliane (
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 April, 10:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm an exchange student from Germany in Alabama and I think
    it was about last December when I was pretty homesick.
    But then I found Nutella in Wal-Mart and suddenly my world
    became brighter. It remindes me of home and it's the only
    thing that can cheer me up. Long live Nutella!!

  125. Self-centered Added by: Maude
    [Timestamp: Sat 3 April, 8:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm pissed off of americans who just spit on everything
    that comes from outside... i'm talking to Mick #6. and by
    the way Nutella is available in north america, too.
    sometimes i'm ashame of being an american myself

  126. food Added by: fast
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 April, 6:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutoka is even better than Nutella !

  127. switz Added by: witz
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 April, 6:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hΣsch dini ovo hⁿt scho cha ? Appenzell rules !

  128. ambassador to vegemite? Added by: Cuke (
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 2:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    First off, nutella is a godsent - anyone who debates that is
    obviously off their rocker... Completely looneytunes...
    So here's my plead - I am no more than a poor, starving art
    student in NYC and I have not come across this australian
    bounty which is Vegemite. So can you mail me some? Please -
    if it's all you claim it is, let me spraed the word (no pun
    intended)... The US is counting on me!
    -Cucumber Jones

  129. nutella Added by: aussiegirl
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 23:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I know that by the time you have waded through all of the
    messages you will be enthralled by my discovery that Ferrero
    Nutella is even MADE in AUSTRALIA, where of course Vegemite,
    now a Brittish company, is the most popular spread.
    Yes, Nutella is the BEST in bed.

  130. fluffernutters Added by: michelle
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 16:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As a kid my mom was a strange, yet creative cook who liked to
    make us grilled peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches.
    Sounds sickly, smells funky--but ohhhh sooo goood! Just like
    making a grilled cheese sandwich only much better. I've
    turned many a friend and family on to this curious treat. I
    just can't quite take cheescake or anything that even smells
    like it. I like the "fluffernutters" name, so don't mind if I
    borrow it?! Thanks!

  131. Kid's packs Added by: Kat
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 17:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Haven't read all the messages - 130 posts is just too many, but in Australia you can literally buy nutella in kids lunch packs, where you peel off the lid and it comes with a little plastic spoon for eating straight. I can remember having it for lunch in primary school (many moons ago).
    As for vegemite, amongst my Australian friends, it's just a hangover cure (it's chock full of vitamin B) to use when you run out of Berocca (a very groovy Australian Vit B supplement that you can dissolve in water and drink when your abused stomach can't handle anything else - an awesomely powerful hangover cure) - basically a spoonful of vegemite before you go to bed means a headache free morning after... (doesn't mean it has to taste good)

  132. Es Good. Added by: HUNGry
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 4:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I could survive. Then maybe some horseradish in between
    servings just to get the whole flavor. No?

  133. Food Bigots Added by: omnivore
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 23:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nutella is utterly, utterly blissful stuff, especially
    spread on an equally utterly, utterly blissful man.
    I love peanut butter. And marshmallow fluff. And goat's
    cheese. And you can't make chocolate mousse, lime & cilantro
    mayonnaise, caesar salad dressing, or rouille without raw
    eggs. So there.
    In the fourteenth century in England, they used to eat SWEET
    pigeon-and-fish pies with lashings of rosewater and honey.
    The ancient Romans had a sauce called garum, which was the
    liquid drained from fermented dried fish.
    I loathe vegemite, but my partner loves it. I don't care as
    long as he rinses his mouth before he kisses me!
    Why are is everyone getting so uppity about something that
    is obviously and literally just a matter of taste???

  134. lite stuff Added by: Fervent
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 0:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Really gross things:
    *low-fat processed cheese slices (plastic!!!)
    *skim milk
    *sugar substitutes (there is NOTHING wrong with sugar)
    *boiled milk
    *dealcoholized wine (yes, it exists...sadly)
    *mixing any perfectly good liquor with softdrinks (if it's
    good enough to drink, it's good enough to drink on its own.
    If it's not good enough to drink on its own, why bother?!?)
    *The Worst Thing Ever: hearing some deluded woman order a
    "weak, soy milk Ecco (coffee substitute) latte" at a cafe.

  135. nutella is sooooo good! Added by: Dude (eat me
    [Timestamp: Thu 29 April, 15:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I love Nutella, I first ate it 7 years ago while in Germany
    and ever since I have had it shipped to me in America. now
    it is quite common to find here and is gaining popularity. I
    love it! Germans and Hazlenuts both ROCK!!!!!!

  136. Nuts & Brown Stuff Added by: Vicky
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 1:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Because I like Nutella,
    I accidentally ate
    Half a jar within an hour
    And gained a stone in weight!
    Marmite on the other hand
    Is better for my health,
    So I always keep a jar of both
    Sitting on my shelf!

  137. vegemite...for dogs? Added by: kunio & karin
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 8:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    kunio: as the only japanese adding to this thread i say:
    nutella i like!
    but vegemite is not food, it stinks. this smell is like a
    vitamin tablet for dogs.
    i recommend to eat natto.
    karin: watch what you're saying about stinking vegemite,
    kunio: natto is very healthy. it stinks terrible but tastes
    karin: oh yeah? - actually, my food drug is salty licorice
    from scandinavia; i would maybe even kill for it!
    kunio: uuugggghhh!
    karin: tomorrow you there will be vegemite toast for
    breakfast! and licorice for dessert.
    kunio: it is better to eat dog food.
    karin: pedigree pal or chappi ? - bow wow!
    kunio: i mean : dog meat!
    karin: yumm yumm!

  138. Parisian digs Added by: Patty
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 14:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Looking for a moderate hotel in Paris, around July 7, for 2
    nights. Need 2 triple/double rooms, preferably not more than
    $100.00 US. A good location is important, but it would be
    nice if it had a bit of character also. Anyone have any
    ideas???? Thanks!

    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 20:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    is the best tasting substance on earth spread on fresh toast
    with alien butter

  140. Please Added by: Mew
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 14:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Could Lonely Planet please eliminate this topic? I'm sick
    of seeing it. Thanks.

  141. Happy Little Vegemites Added by: jackie
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 16:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There is only one thing that rules when you are travelling
    and are 1000kms away from home. VEGEMITE!
    It always reminds me of home, especially when I get alittle
    Were all Happy Little Vegemites, as bright as bright can be.
    We all enjoy our Vegemite for Breakfast, Lunch & Tea.

  142. freaks Added by: anna
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 4:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i cant believe i just read 141 messages on the merits of
    did you know it has been scientifically tested and you can
    live on marmite and bread indefinately
    just a little thought: put a snickers bar in the microwave
    and dip a banana in it, looks like poo but tastes divine

  143. Nuts for Nutella Added by: Ozzie Bird
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 11:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When I am desperate for a choc bar I just dip a spoon into
    the Nutella and before you know it the whole jar is gone
    Vegimite and I will travel to Europe and the USA together
    in Nov and expect to create much interest among the natives!

  144. Vegemite and Monkeys... Added by: Elmsaafir
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 13:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've never had the stuff, me being a Yank and all, but I
    read a selection of a book in which, while on safari, the
    usual vegemite bashing was going on. The Aussies, in an
    attempt to defend their beloved spread, gave some to the
    mooching monkeys, who picked it up, sniffed it, and
    scampered off as if burned!! I'll try it when I get to you drink beer with it? Sounds as if I may
    need some...

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