$30 a day

This topic was created by mandy
[Thu 20 May, 16:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Do you think I could travel round Spain and Portugal on $US30 a day. Is this really scrimping it or would I be quite comfortable.
Also as I'm travelling alone could anyone tell me of good places to meet other travellers.
Thanks again guys

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 14:26]

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  1. You'll be fine Added by: Jo (kiwi_josee@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 18:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Portugal is cheap. Probably the best place to meet travellers is Pamplona, San fermin festival (Running of the Bulls), San Sebastion and Lagos - but it is more expensive at these places.
    Camping is a good way to meet people, and see if you can hook up with some of the Southern Hemisphere vans - they'll let you hitch a ride with them for a share of expenses.

  2. Hotel/hostel? Added by: Bjoern (bdonnis@iname.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 22:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Staying at hostels/camping and eating for surviving - then
    you will be OK, if you know how to live on a buydget in
    If you want to stay a cheap hotels and eat "slow" food at a
    restaurant once a day: No!
    Remember that both Portugal and Spain are members of the EU
    and this has - fortunetely - made price and salary
    differences between say a Portuguese village and Stockholm
    much smaller than they were.

  3. Have a ball.. Added by: Nikki
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 6:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You'll have a great time. San Sebastien is a great place to
    meet people, especially people headed towards Pamplona or
    Portugal. Check out the little town of Sintra in portugal,
    the local guys at Adegas das Caves (blue bar on the corner
    of main street) are very friendly to female travellers.....
    Seriously they are great, friendly hosts.

  4. Possible but... Added by: Mike
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 14:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think this budget is possible, but it will be rather
    tight. Portugal is cheaper than Spain, thus I would spend
    more time here. It also depends on when you plan to go.
    July? $30 US per day? Not easy. Barcelona? Even tougher.
    Actually, I am leaving for Spain in 12 days. Um, may be I
    will see ya on the road. Mike at

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