This topic was created by Dean
[Tue 25 May, 15:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi! I'm an Australian guy living in London, and have not set
foot OUT of the place in over a year! I'm planning a trip to
France and Spain, and have been told that Aussies DEFINITELY
don't need a visa any more. The company I was booking
through had not heard that visa requirements had been
abolished. I'd like to hear from any Aussie who has
successfully entered France AND Spain without a visa. I've
been given the number for the consulates, but they're rip
off 0891 numbers! bastards!! Do I need a visa any more, or

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 1:00]

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  1. visa Added by: Louise
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Derek, I am also heading to Spain and France in July, and
    the guy I booked with at Ansett said the visa reqirements
    have been scrapped. I have no more information than that,
    but I was surprised to find that out.
    I checked through some of the consulate web sites to get
    more info but they were not much help.
    Why dont you visit one of the consulates in London, (I'm
    assuming they are there!), sometimes face-to-face dealings
    are the best.

  2. visa Added by: Louise
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Woops, sorry. I called you Derek not Dean!

  3. No need for visa's Added by: Oriane
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I haven't been yet but am planning to travel through France
    and Spain later on this year and I am pretty sure that you
    don't need a visa for either country. When I travelled last
    (1995) I needed one but things have changed. My boyfriend is
    on the move through europe at the moment and hasn't needed
    one and has had no problems with authorities.
    I checked the visa situation for Spain and France in the new
    lonely planet guide for Europe (a great purchase) and it
    says that citizens of Australia can enter both countries
    for up to three months (or 90 days) without a visa. So
    you'll be fine.
    Happy travelling from a fellow aussie!!!!!

  4. No need for visa's Added by: Oriane
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think the thorn tree is stuffing up a bit - I just posted
    a message to tell you that you don't need a visa for either
    country - citizens of Australia can enter France for up to
    three months without a visa and for Spain, 90 days (pretty
    much the same deal!!!) I got this info from the 1999 edition
    of the Lonely Planet Europe guide so it I assume that it is
    correct. Anyway, when I loged back onto the site the message
    hadn't been registered. Oh well. Since I am a fellow aussie
    and will also be travelling to these places soon I thought I
    would be helpful and write it again!!! My boyfriend has been
    travelling through europe for the past five months and
    although he hasn't been to Spain he has worked his way
    through France with no hassle without a visa.
    Happy travelling - enjoy your time of from London.

  5. no, no, no and no. Added by: katherine
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 1:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You absolutely do not need a visa for France and Spain any
    more. I have travelled visa free through France several
    times, and Spain once over the last 12 months, and have had
    no problems whatso-ever. The only time I had to explain my
    self was LEAVING France throught the Eurostar terminal at
    Gare du Nord.

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