Dodgy Places

This topic was created by Little
[Sun 13 Dec, 21:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Wheres the worst, scummy dodgy place you've been?

[There are 96 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 15:58]

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  1. . Added by: .
    [Timestamp: Sun 13 Dec, 22:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Germany and Northern Europe

  2. That's easy... Added by: Borealis
    [Timestamp: Mon 14 Dec, 1:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Naples, once you leave the main streets.

  3. Hong Kong Added by: Walrus
    [Timestamp: Mon 14 Dec, 7:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    well, Kowloon in particular.

  4. this is the worst Added by: Colin
    [Timestamp: Mon 14 Dec, 8:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Port Authority Bus Terminal, New York Shitty, USA.

  5. no, this is: Added by: Jasper
    [Timestamp: Mon 14 Dec, 8:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Port Authority? You must have been there YEARS ago. I was
    there probably at its peak of seediness a while back -- and
    I was just there about a year ago and it was like a
    different place: new stores, fewer vagrants, and very, very
    For dirty and way scummy, try Tijuana. I camped out with
    some friends on Rosarito beach and I swear I ended up with
    some kind of UTI after taking a shower in the beach showers.
    Cairo -- near the cemetary where families of the dead live
    inside -- isn't the cleanest of places either.

  6. Jakarta Added by: Spike
    [Timestamp: Mon 14 Dec, 12:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Jalan Jaksa Backpackers in particular

  7. ... Added by: TiffyMay
    [Timestamp: Mon 14 Dec, 17:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Prague .. despite the raves about this place .. out of the
    old town there was human shit in the doorways to some homes
    .. it was really disgusting .. we walked into teh hostel and
    were shown to our dorm .. only to find a group of guys
    shooting up in the corner .. we left pretty fast ... anyone
    else been disapointed by Praha?

  8. Santorini Added by: Pin
    [Timestamp: Mon 14 Dec, 18:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A highly overpriced, touristy, smelly rip off - far past its prime.

  9. Alberquerque Added by: frog
    [Timestamp: Mon 14 Dec, 21:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The only place I've ever been to that I would simply refuse
    to re-visit. Its not so much that its dirty. Its dangerous.
    At least one murder a day while I was there, in a city of
    only 500,000. Plus shitty weather, no decent bars, the
    ugliest population in the world (probably to do with the
    nuclear experiments performed nearby) and plenty of vagrants
    who all look like psycopaths. And thats just the good

  10. Cairo Added by: Moe
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 5:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I must defend the Southern City of the Dead. I was there
    last month and it was pretty neat and tidy ( by Cairo
    standards). At least Cairo is safe - if you don't breath,
    eat or try to cross the road. Actually there is very little
    traffic in the Cities of the Dead and I get the impression
    that the authorities have moved a lot of people out of the

  11. Tetuoan, Morocco Added by: Ann
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 7:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We were there this time last year - we ate tinned food in
    our room so we didn't have to go out. BUT the medina was

  12. majorca Added by: withnail
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 7:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    rotten spanish island, as much fun as a dose of herpes....rotten shit hole......grrrr, christ im angry just thinking about it, may as well have thrown the air fare down the toilet. all round bunch of, close second, Mr, Mr, shoe shine? shoe shine? NO FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!urrgh, hell on earth.............still, nice if you like your shoes REALLY clean or want to eat the equivalent to human faeces all weekend.

  13. Khao San Road Added by: stk
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 9:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    in Bangkok. Especially in monsoon season, when the
    backpackers still insist on wading out to guesthouses that
    have been flooded.

  14. Lisbon Added by: Wendy
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 16:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Not a woman- or minority-friendly place, cheap sleeps look
    like halfway houses

  15. Split Added by: Lena
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 19:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Split, Croatia. You want dirt, spit, garbage, men peeing on
    the streets, filthy grown men harrassing you, then go there.
    (Yeah, yeah, I know about the old Roman "ruins". Not worth

  16. Leeds Added by: uranus
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 23:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Arrive there at ten in the evening on a friday and find out
    that the friend you were supposed to meet gave you an
    address at the other side of England. No, Taunton is not a
    suburb of Leeds... All hostels fully booked because of
    Football. Especially Beston is not a nice place. I felt more
    save in fx. Lima...

  17. Worst??? Added by: jen
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 3:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Puerto Viejo Ecuador, Calcutta India although I loved both those countries, those two cities were the worst. Oh By the way, I really like Khao San Road, Naples and Prague unlike some of the entries above.
    Loei in Thailand is quite horrible too.

  18. Nasty... Added by: Jas
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 5:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I thought that Algeciras, Spain, with its drug dealers and
    one-eyed pirate-looking "just having a drink after stabbing
    a guy to death in the back alley" characters near the port
    was bad until I took the ferry across to Tangiers in
    Morocco. Istanbul is amusingly friendly after seeing these
    human vultures...
    Oh, and the back streets of Marseille, France are pretty
    vile. The only place where I've ever been propositioned by a
    50 year-old MALE hooker... (shiver)
    But I've not done South America or Asia yet, so I know the
    worst is yet to come.

  19. thessalonika Added by: craig
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 9:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    absolute shithole

  20. spoilt for choice really Added by: andy
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 22:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    though I'd go with some previous posters - Tangier is pretty
    grim ( I couldn't make it two doors down the road from my
    hotel without being hassled, literally ) and I thought Cairo
    was pretty grim. The choice of Leeds is interesting, and
    understandable, though in my view incorrect, as there are
    far worse places than Leeds itself within half an hours
    drive. Birmingham merits a mention in many people's eyes. My
    own pick is either Belgrade or Rhyl ( in Wales for those
    fortunate enough to never have heard of it or been there ).

  21. Brum Added by: RK
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 23:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'll second Birmingham - a city seemingly designed on the principle that a scale model of the centre looked OK from above, in the 1960s. Obviously no thought was given to the possibility that human beings might want to go there. But hey, this is going to turn into a rant about user-unfriendly architecture...
    Oh yes, Port Talbot in South Wales is quite grim as well.

  22. Youth Hostel Added by: Brit Chick
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 2:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    in Santa Monica, L.A.
    Terrified for my life by maniac in the bunkbed above me!

  23. Buffalo, NY Added by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 3:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Buffalo is an armpit, Kracow is a dung pile (or was in the
    80's), Sault St Marie (Canada) is a little better. Both
    Marseille and Birmingham are worth a mention. Oporto is dog

  24. Wilcannia, NSW!!!!! Added by: Milo (
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 5:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    although we are talking europe this place has gotta rtae a
    mention, the year I was there they had 10000 convictions in
    the local court, which is funny for a population of less
    than 1000.....

  25. jamaica Added by: koen (
    [Timestamp: Fri 18 Dec, 3:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Negril must be one of the worst,altough Montego bay is
    crappy as well.

  26. BUT... Added by: lele
    [Timestamp: Fri 18 Dec, 11:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  27. Right Spike Added by: redflag
    [Timestamp: Sat 19 Dec, 7:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Jalan Jaksa backpackers is the grossest place I've ever seen, an absolute guarantee of getting sick in about 10 minutes just breathing.

  28. Black Sea.. Added by: Dane
    [Timestamp: Mon 21 Dec, 8:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Romania at the Black Sea.

  29. jalan jaksa too.. Added by: Louise
    [Timestamp: Mon 21 Dec, 15:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey, jalan jaksa for me too, time we were there, about two
    years ago now, it was beautified by men digging up the
    sewers in the street right outside the front door and we
    had to jump over the holes in the ground to even get into
    the hostel... and i got bitten by bed bugs, the only time
    in my year travelling.. AVOID !!

  30. In Italy Added by: Aussie
    [Timestamp: Tue 22 Dec, 16:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Brindisi was pretty dodgy .. just a whole heap people
    wanting to get to other places .. gross pizza, dirty streets
    and dodgy looking travel arrangments to get to Greece .. as
    in bye your ticket on the way down to jump on the ferry ..

  31. Scarborough Added by: Travellor
    [Timestamp: Tue 22 Dec, 16:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Scarborough in UK, Yorkshire. This is one dive of a town ..
    don't bother going here .. there are too many other nicer
    places all around here such as York, Whitby, Robins Hood
    Bay, Harrogate, the Dales ect! Mind you Bridlington, and
    Hull rate pretty close to Scarbs also!

  32. heh heh...*sigh* Added by: Jay (
    [Timestamp: Sun 27 Dec, 19:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm gonna have to say, although I was smiling the whole
    time, that Sofia, Bulgaria is THE most terrifying place
    I've seen (yet). Maybe because of the fact that I was the
    tallest person there and hadn't slept in days and was stood
    up by a friend who lives there and had to wander the
    streets for two days until the initial robbery and
    subsequent escape via train to Kazanlak (a fine turd-
    nest). After dark is a bad time to be in Bulgaria...yikes.
    Second would have to be the bookstore where I worked up
    until a month ago here in North Carolina...robbed thrice,
    stabbed twice and had the old throat slit execution style
    before finally getting a new job. Can you say therapy?!?
    Happy Holidays everyone!

  33. Newark, New Jersey Added by: meggan
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 15:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    not a place to visit--a wasteland where the only redeeming
    feature is the airport (very sleepable couches).
    absolutely nothing is there. and it's dirty nothing.

  34. The Biggest Pit Added by: Paige
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 21:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Antananarivo, Madagascar -- frightening and disgusting and
    depressing. The rest of the country was great.
    And regarding the above dis on the Black Sea -- the Eastern
    end of the Turkish Black Sea coast is one of the greatest
    places on eart

  35. Jamaica and Jakarta Added by: Hans
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 22:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I had to stay some nights in Jalan Jaksa - forget it!
    And Jamaica? Uaaah! overpriced, very aggressive people,
    bagging all time - forget it as well!

  36. Rome Added by: wondering
    [Timestamp: Tue 5 Jan, 16:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    place was fine -it was the seedbag men that concerned me

  37. Yuck Added by: msw
    [Timestamp: Fri 8 Jan, 13:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I admit I haven't traveled much outside of the US due to a
    lack of funds but I would have to say I agree with the
    asessment of Newark, New Jersey. Most of the state is the
    same. Newark, Delaware is pretty bad too. Large eastern US
    cities are pretty noxious. At least when you leave Tijuana,
    you're back in a better place. Most of Baltimore sucks,
    except for a one block radius around the Inner Harbor and
    the new ballparks and little Italy (such good food). Tulsa,
    Oklahoma; Tucumcari, Arizona; and Taneytown, Maryland sre
    some of the worst palces I've been. don't bother having
    them on your itinerary. Ack!- confession of a Baltimore

  38. Amsterdam and New Orleans Added by: Mark
    [Timestamp: Mon 11 Jan, 11:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If the devil thrives anywhere, it is in Amsterdam on New
    Years eve or New Orleans on Mardi Gras

  39. shit hole Added by: chris
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 3:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    nothing beats the 'houbourside backpacker' in sydney
    cremorne. was too filthy for cockroaches even. i wonder if
    this place still exists (been there 3 years ago). does
    anyone know about it?

  40. shit hole Added by: chris
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 3:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sorry for that, here we go again:
    nothing beats the 'harbourside backpacker' in sydney
    cremorne. was too filthy for cockroaches even. i wonder if
    this place still exists (been there 3 years ago). does
    anyone know about it?

  41. TRENTON! Added by: Suep
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 22:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I feared for my life after having taken the wrong exit off
    of a major hightway and ended up in the heart of Trenton,
    New Jersey, USA. It's a mean, gritty, "get me outta here
    alive and I'll call my mom and tell her I love her" kind of
    place. Avoid it at all costs.

  42. Trenton is hell Added by: Suep
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 22:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We ended up in dread Trenton, New Jersey. I feared for my
    life. It's a gritty, nasty, "get me outta here alive and
    I'll call my mom and tell her I love her" kind of place.
    Bottom line: avoid at all costs.

  43. Yechk! Added by: Jeanne
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 18:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hotel Gungor in Istanbul, Turkey--we called it Hotel Grungy. I think the only thing holding it together was the dirt and the little line that had a three watt light bulb
    hanging from it.
    Oh, yeah, there was also this seedy, grotty place on the Nepalese/Indian Border, coming from Katmandu-Calcutta. The place was a dive, all sorts of stains on the wall (I don't what they were) and the people working and staying there were definitely sus. I didn't sleep a wink all night -- held on to the hardest and heaviest thing I had to use as a weapon just in case.

  44. Spoiled for choice Added by: phat! (phat!
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 22:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Most boring: Kuwait. Don't ever go there, there is
    absolutely NOTHING to see and Kuwaitis are a bunch of racist
    religious hypocrites.
    Filthiest: Cairo and Istanbul. Both are absolutely gross.
    In istanbul we saw a man slaughter and prepare a lamb in the
    middle of the street.
    Worst Overall: Midwestern USA. Having gone to school for
    2.5 years in central Illinois, I can say it is the most
    dreary, depressing place on earth. The US east coast isn't
    much better either.

  45. Buffalo is so scary Added by: sah
    [Timestamp: Wed 20 Jan, 0:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This is lovely.
    Santa Monica backpackers - I was woken up by someone
    screaming "yes I know he's got a gun" outside my room only
    to see a troop of flies circling next to my head as I lay
    in my dodgy-double-bunk-bed in a room with 9 scary
    permanent residents.
    Most disgusting place ever - some hostel in Jerantut
    (compulsory stopover if you want to get to Taman Negara in
    Malaysia the cheap way) with piss-and-vomit-soaked
    matresses in a room 2inches wider than the three beds that
    were crammed into it.

  46. That's easy Added by: M.
    [Timestamp: Thu 21 Jan, 16:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Without doubt,
    Anywhere, USA

  47. frank Added by: g
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 5:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    frankfurt, germany, near the main rail station. the
    streets in the area are mildly creepy, but many people
    hanging around and/or operating businesses are high-
    pressure assholes. bar operators wouldn't leave my girl
    friend alone, despite our protests. had to bolt when they
    started to surround us. sharkfurt sucks.

  48. Bangkok Added by: Let me out
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 1:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Khoa San Rd , had stayed at this place before. This time
    given ground floor with own bathroom. Woke up in middle
    of night with something biting me on my chest - hubby turns
    on light and I had 3 cockroaches on me - actually biting!
    No sleep that night. (Moral to story-never accept ground
    floor room.and get room without bathroom.

  49. Salt Lake City Added by: Dostoevsky
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 8:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Everyone is so damned religious. They won't even let you
    screw their daughters.

  50. Ankara, Turkey... Added by: Kate
    [Timestamp: Fri 29 Jan, 3:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...where I died a thousand deaths of boredom although
    Athens airport, I agree somes in a close second for the pure
    depression that they inflict.

    Actually, has anyone ever been stuck in Bombay aiport for 4
    days on a standby ticket. It's not dodgy, just infuriating
    and boredom inducing. If I had some acid, I would have
    taken it and I don't generally do drugs.

  51. pisa Added by: noelle
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 Feb, 18:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    No where have I been more scared than taking a night train
    out of Pisa - and the tower is really not worth the trip

  52. Sooo Bad Added by: Dante Granada
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 Feb, 13:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The worst spot I ever came across in my travels was the
    trash-heap section of the medina in Fez; dying dogs, severed
    goats' heads, unbelievably bad hash, and death threats in
    both official languages (accompanied by a few well-thrown
    stones) from a gang of fundamentalist teenagers. DO NOT GO
    INTO THE MEDINA AT NIGHT. Made Tangiers look like

  53. Anywhere.. Added by: TravelerTrish
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 Feb, 13:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anywhere you have to sleep within the smell of shit or deal
    with bugs in your bed. Everything else is just attitude.

  54. Los Angeles Added by: redglitter nicole
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 10:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    L.A. can burn in hell for all I care. And New Jersey smells.

  55. Another vote for... Added by: Todd
    [Timestamp: Sat 13 Feb, 2:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've gotta add another vote for Tangier. How many times can
    you be harassed, grabbed, yelled at, and solicited before
    you finally throw up your arms and leave? At my count,
    about 250. Fez sounds lovely, though, from the posting

  56. Helwan and London Added by: haatem
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 Feb, 9:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hmmm, my grandmother lives in Helwan, a "suburb" of Cairo
    (now Cairo is so big that it's eaten up its suburbs). Helwan
    used to be one of the nicest places in Egypt, or so I am
    told, but now it's just hell. Yeah, you think the tombs in
    Cairo are bad? At least the people that live there take care
    of them. But Helwan, if it weren't for my grandmother, I'd
    never go there.
    On a similar note, nobody seems to have mentioned London.
    London sucks ass. Ok, yeah, Tower of London, changing of the
    guard, woo-yah...Bullocks. Just walk around near midnight
    ANYWHERE in central London (and any day) and within five
    minutes you will see at least one person lose their lunch
    (or about a gallon of beer) onto the sidewalk and not even
    stop to do it. They just keep walking. I've lived here for
    about six months so far and I see it all the time. Even in
    the underground (subway). You know how many times I saw
    people getting off a train someplace and just throw up on
    the platform? This stuff doesn't happen in very many
    places. In fact, the first time in my life to ever see
    someone throw up in public, in real life, was when I first
    came to London. I was just walking home and this guy
    walking next to me just opens his mouth and spews while
    walking. Doesn't even say or do anything. Just
    BLAAAAAAH...Splash...Yeah, ok, obviously people get drunk
    everywhere, but they don't do it every night and walk around
    leaving parts of their digestive systems on the pavement as
    a matter of habit. I think London's PPPSM (puke puddles per
    square mile) figure is somthing like 1,421. And while it's
    quite amusing the first few times it happens, it gets sick
    really fast. Yich.
    But you know what they say...the weeds are always
    less toxic on the other side of the barbed wire. Anyway,
    sorry if I grossed anyone out.

  57. N'Orleans again Added by: Jennifer (
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 Feb, 13:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I had a super time while I was at Mardi Gras but how glad
    am I that we left before the last night. Things got
    execessively worse the closer it approached. I got
    completely molested, shot in the face with a bb gun while
    in a parade, confronted with a knife when some guy
    pickpocketed me on the bus - I think that's about it.

  58. Another vote for LA Added by: Burn Hollywood Burn
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 Feb, 14:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hell on earth kids.NOTHING will ever beat the Strip on a
    friday night at about midnight.The kids are NOT right in the

  59. London Added by: slinger
    [Timestamp: Sun 21 Feb, 18:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Helwan and London Added by: haatem
    ..."Just walk around near midnight
    ANYWHERE in central London (and any day) and within five
    minutes you will see at least one person lose their lunch
    (or about a gallon of beer) onto the sidewalk and not even
    stop to do it. "...
    So right. I saw a guy step outside a liquor store, throw up
    on the sidewalk, then go right back into the store for more.
    That sight overshadowed all the other good times I had in

  60. esmereldes,Equador Added by: fs
    [Timestamp: Sun 21 Feb, 23:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

  61. In Europe Added by: Rand
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 21:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'd say Piombino in otherwise lovely Tuscany....thank God Elba was a short boat ride away.
    Elsewhere in the world...Marrakech and Morocco in general.

  62. Algeciras Added by: Sara
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 20:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Personally I think Algeciras is the definition of dodgy (by
    the way, my favorite aussie word). I'd rather live in
    Tangier all my life than go back to Algeciras. That said,
    Bucharest is a close second.

  63. Haatem.... Added by: redglitter nicole
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 4:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have to agree with Haatem about drunk people in London
    also, but I saw more people pissing on the streets than

  64. A vision of Hell! Added by: Jane
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 3:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Want a vision of Hell? Then go to Gara de Nord, bucuresti.
    If train stations are a microcosm of the city they're in,
    then this one says it all about Bucuresti: it's unbelievable
    foul, stinky, seedy and revolting!!!

  65. never go there! Added by: Vissi
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 19:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    London, in a youth hotel called THE GENERATOR, it is a
    former prison

  66. never stay there! Added by: Vissy
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 19:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We stayed in THE GENERATOR in London with class. It is a
    former prison. The firealarm will surely wake you nat half
    past five!

  67. Amsterdam Added by: Connie
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 March, 5:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've never been so uncomfortable walking at night in a
    foreign city even with my husband and another couple.
    Scroungy, drugged out vacant-eyed people wandering around,
    the nasty red light district with the women in the windows,
    smelly canals, dirty needles lying around in the park, the
    crime....yuk. I hated it there.

  68. For a scary ride, choose... Added by: Well-travelled
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 March, 15:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Okay, so we took a driving trip across the U.S. Five weeks
    to get from the Pacific N.W. to the northern east coast.
    List o'Scary Places:
    This isn't really scary, but stupid: we arrived in Utah in
    August. Visit Utah during the winter. Arrived in Salt Lake
    City at noon and had to hide out in a Denny's (for the air
    conditioning), while watching our fresh raspberries LIQUIFY
    in the van.
    First really scary place was the entire state of Nevada
    (especially Wells).
    Then there's Glendo, Wyoming. Incredibly beautiful, but the
    people eyeball you like they're searching for new blood.
    You can just tell they don't get many visitors.
    Next on the list-- unless you're white, Missouri's not much
    fun. Lots of visible Ku Klux Klan stuff off the main roads.
    The backwoods of Kentucky, up to the Appalachians. Kentucky
    is possibly one of the most beautiful places on the planet,
    but po'. Scary and po'. All the road signs have been used
    for target practice and the people move slowly out on their
    porches, guns at the ready, and stare while you drive by.
    This was the only place in the whole country where we kept
    our van doors locked the whole time we were there. Kentucky
    is the road kill capital of the U.S. Expect to see
    long-dead bloated cow carcasses on the roadsides.
    Final scary place: Bangor, Maine. For all you Stephen King
    fans-- we know where he gets his material from. Place has
    an eerie feel to it. We just kept driving to the next town.

  69. For a scary ride, choose... Added by: Well-travelled
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 March, 15:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Okay, so we took a driving trip across the U.S. Five weeks
    to get from the Pacific N.W. to the northern east coast.
    List o'Scary Places:
    This isn't really scary, but stupid: we arrived in Utah in
    August. Visit Utah during the winter. Arrived in Salt Lake
    City at noon and had to hide out in a Denny's (for the air
    conditioning), while watching our fresh raspberries LIQUIFY
    in the van.
    First really scary place was the entire state of Nevada
    (especially Wells).
    Then there's Glendo, Wyoming. Incredibly beautiful, but the
    people eyeball you like they're searching for new blood.
    You can just tell they don't get many visitors.
    Next on the list-- unless you're white, Missouri's not much
    fun. Lots of visible Ku Klux Klan stuff off the main roads.
    The backwoods of Kentucky, up to the Appalachians. Kentucky
    is possibly one of the most beautiful places on the planet,
    but po'. Scary and po'. All the road signs have been used
    for target practice and the people move slowly out on their
    porches, guns at the ready, and stare while you drive by.
    This was the only place in the whole country where we kept
    our van doors locked the whole time we were there. Kentucky
    is the road kill capital of the U.S. Expect to see
    long-dead bloated cow carcasses on the roadsides.
    Final scary place: Bangor, Maine. For all you Stephen King
    fans-- we know where he gets his material from. Place has
    an eerie feel to it. We just kept driving to the next town.

  70. Avoid Yoho Added by: Kim
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 March, 18:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't ruin your visit to Salzburg, Austria, by staying at
    YOHO youth hostel. I was there only about six months ago
    and it was one of the worst experiences of my world trip.
    It's run by the most obnoxious, arrogant, ignorant
    loud-mouthed Australians that I've ever come across in my
    entire life, and I'm also Australian! I have never been so
    ashamed of my fellow country people. In fact, my
    experience at this pathetically run hostel had me so mad,
    that I'd cringe every time I crossed an Australian during my
    tour of Salzburg.
    They were the most unfriendly, unhelpful, complete bunch of
    scaggly wankers that I came across, and you'd think being
    Australian and a fellow traveller that they would be more
    helpful. They're scammers looking to rip-off anyone they
    can for a measly buck.
    Here's my story: On checking into the hostel we were
    presented with two tokens. One for the showers and one for
    the laundry. The shower token was around 20 sterling the
    laundry token 50 sterling. To differentiate the difference
    between the two tokens, one token had a hole in the middle.
    Over the screaming music I asked the guy behind the counter
    which token was which. "The one with the hole in it," he
    said, "is the laundry token." So I guess the other token is
    for the shower.
    An hour later ... So into the showers I go and put the token
    without the hole in it into the slot and presto! I have hot
    water and proceed to take my shower.
    Well that night the music blared 'till the wee hours of the
    morning as a bus group of teens partied-up with the rest of
    the drunken staff. I was the on the third floor and could
    swear the music was coming from next door rather than three
    floors down - it was that loud. Anyway, I decided that a
    hostel full of Contiki teens was not to my liking and
    decided to check out the next morning.
    On check-out I handed over my laundry token as I did not get
    the chance to use it - one washing machine for a hostel of
    hundreds, what a joke.
    As I handed over my token to receive my 50 sterling back the
    dumb bitch behind the counter only handed me 20. "This is
    the laundry token," I said. Well, you can only imagine what
    happened next ... "This is the shower token," she answered.
    "But I was told the token with the hole in the middle is the
    laundry token."
    "Well you're wrong."
    "If I'm so wrong, how did the other token, supposedly the
    laundry one, work in the shower."
    Her informative reply: "I don't know, all I know is this is
    the laundry token."
    As this conversation took place, another staff member
    overhearing this from the kitchen decided to come out and
    give his two cents.
    In a rude, smart-arssed voice: "On check-in wouldn't it have
    been the smart thing to ask which was which."
    Well derrrr. This guy obviously did not get that I had used
    whatever fucking token in the shower, the laundry one
    according the dumb bitch behind the counter, and it worked.
    So obviously the token I just handed in had to work the
    washing machine in the laundry, unless they both work no
    matter where you put them, and this was just a total scam.
    This guy obviously came from somebody's arsehole and prided
    himself on being a complete wanker. He's certainly knows
    how to make aussie men look pathetic.
    Anyway, I'm sorry to say that I didn't get the 50 sterling
    back, only 20. I was blatantly ripped-off. And as a budget
    backpacker every penny counts. Talk about a scam.
    But what goes around, comes around.
    I'm just glad that there were witnesses to what happened,
    inlcuding the lovely English couple we shared with. They
    too were pretty shocked. Since then I've heard other
    people's yarns regarding the YOHO hostel from hell.
    Appararently it's staff have a bit of a bad rep. It's just
    unfortunate we had to find out first hand.
    But let this be a warning to all you potential Salzburg
    visitors. It has got to be one of the most beautiful
    plances in Europe to visit, so don't let YOHO ruin it for
    For the aussie staff of YOHO, don't ever come home.

  71. Dirty places.. well Added by: T
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 March, 23:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    London Hostels-----I'd rather sleep in my backyard toilet
    Bari (Italy)--------Dangerous city,Rubbish everywhere,
    degenerate youth, a crime ridden place. Got chased here!
    Split (croatia) have to agree with lena (post # 15) for the
    all the same reasons. It really stunk as well. Got nits
    there too.
    Milan Station.---Just Awful

  72. Townsville, Aus Added by: Penny
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 March, 5:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Have to say Townsville, Australia, was like a mini-LA.
    Found NY pretty scarey as well, my companion got threatened
    with a knife by one of the millions of crack addicts on the
    way to Penn Central St at 6am.
    Further to the above, us Londoners like our beer, and where
    else can you throw up if not on the street! I am not
    ashamed to say I have thrown up on underground platforms
    before... sorry but you're only young once!

  73. Amsterdam Added by: Francis
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 March, 7:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Amsterdam is one of the worst for car theft, not so much
    central Amsterdam, but the suburbs. We had our camper van
    broken into in Amsterdam noord within one hour of us
    arriving there.

  74. Phoenix, Arizona Added by: John (
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 March, 0:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The sun may shine but this is the dullest, most boring city in the world. Apart from the endless fast food joints and shopping malls which all look the same there is absolutely nothing to do!!!
    The best view of the city is in your rear view mirror as you leave. DON'T GO THERE.

  75. Phoenix, Arizona Added by: John (
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 March, 0:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The sun may shine but this is the dullest, most boring city in the world. Apart from the endless fast food joints and shopping malls which all look the same there is absolutely nothing to do!!!
    The best view of the city is in your rear view mirror as you leave. DON'T GO THERE.

  76. Jakarta, Tangier, etc. Added by: Michael
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 March, 16:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1. Jakarta, Indonesia (I'm here right now for the second
    time -- business, not pleasure -- and its probably the
    least interesting and least appealing city I've ever had
    the misfortune of visiting)
    2. Tangier (constant hassle)
    3. Alexandria, Egypt (dead dogs lining the roadside, the
    smelliest, most foul beach I've ever seen)
    4. Johore Bohru, Malaysia

  77. USA, again Added by: Mie
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 2:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yep, try Chigago Gryhound bus station.....pretty
    awfull...especially if you are white and female.....and

  78. Just Returned... Added by: B.C.
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 April, 6:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The "T"'s have it !!! My March, 99 visit to Tangier ties it
    with Tijuana for 'port of entry scumhole' to it's country.
    After the 'helpful' parking lot bandits extract their fee
    out of you for the 'free' parking in the oft mentioned
    Algiciras, no guide book can prepare you for the onslaught
    of pickpocketing,double dealing,panhandling swine,just
    outside the ferry terminal,they will follow you past the
    dead dogs,the filth,and the sick,lame and lazy... Santo
    Domingo,D.R. is another pathetic swill pit, the government
    has done nothing to improve the infrastructure outside the
    hotel area,and the locals,who are very friendly,are mainly
    interested in baseball,merenge,and screwing,in no
    particular order !!!!...what am I saying,thats a plus !!!

  79. Milan STATION Added by: Train Traveller
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 21:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have to agree MILAN STATION
    Seats --- I could not really find anything to sit on while
    waiting for 9 1/2hours. TRAIN STRIKE
    Toilets --- the most FILTHYIEST I have ever seen in my life.
    Coffee --- the worst I have every had to drink.
    Milan I will never miss you.

  80. just europe? Added by: underdog
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 0:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If we are talking just about Europe, I will have to agree
    with Split. Outside Europe- Jo'burg.

  81. New Dehli Added by: Lisa
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 0:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ... three in the mornng kidnapped by a tuk-tuk driver
    sucked pretty bad.....especially if you are alone, white ,
    woman... And they won't take you from point A to B if you
    don't stop in to their brothers rug shop on the way...
    somehow the purpose of having cabs are all together

  82. Tehran Added by: Magic Mark
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 3:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Tehran in 1975 was weird. Street sellers sold chiclets,
    flick knives and knuckledusters...
    Least enjoyable country generally: Philippines, a god-
    forsaken place.
    Most hassle: Morocco gets the gong, but the Medinas were
    the best and the food very good
    Most unhygenic place: Nepal in 1975 - washing the plates in
    the gutter outside the restaurant...
    Cleanest country where everything worked and no hassle:
    Best country to retire to: Australia
    Gross generalisation/sweeping statement, but, best people:
    Kiwis (and I'm not one)

  83. Sofia Added by: S&A
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 April, 2:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    With no doubt, Sofia Airport!

  84. Crappy places! Added by: Brian Klisz (
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 7:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well put my vote in for Naples, what a hell hole!
    Also never stay at Bob's hostel in Paris.
    Genoa train station late at night is quite a shady place.

  85. Damascus nightmare Added by: cecile (
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 1:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Al Alamir hotel in Damascus, the owner will be your
    nightmare, and don't forget the powder for the bed's

  86. #37, Tucumcaris is in NM Added by: Dude (
    [Timestamp: Thu 29 April, 15:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey dipshit, tucumcari is not actually in Arizona as you say
    it is, it is in this whole other state called New Mexico,
    arizona is 400 miles from tucomcari!

  87. Colon Panama takes the cake! Added by: Mike (suck this)
    [Timestamp: Thu 29 April, 15:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you are white you will likely last about two hours in
    colon. WHAT A SHITHOLE! There is nothing there but bars and
    whorehouses, young good-looking Colombian girls kidnapped
    and duped to work in the whorehouses, and drug addicts who
    need your money to live one. take my advise, do not go
    there! If you do, you are looking to die! Even the cops want
    money to help you when you have been robbed!
    Panama rules, Colon Panama suck ass all day!!!!

  88. Andorra Added by: Brxcqqq
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 19:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    without a doubt!

  89. Warts on the planet Added by: Deirdre (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 5:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Genoa, Pogggibonsi, Lyon suburbs, Mallow (in Ireland) and
    UCD campus are about the dreariest places I can think of.

  90. the worst places in this world... Added by: kunio
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 7:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    are India and Vietnam. Especially Varanasi (Benares)/India.
    Very dirty.Streets are full of cow-shit, and that in the
    rainy season, so the streets were covered in shit-paste!
    The people are the worst in this world, even the doctors in
    the hospital cheat, no-one can be trusted. Varanasi is a
    holy place and many hippies go there, but I didn't take
    drugs, so I didn't see holiness, just dirt and dirty people.
    As for Vietnam: people are so nasty, and people actually
    shit on the street in front of everyone, even in big cities
    like Ho Tschi Minh City.

  91. and the winner is... Added by: karin
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 7:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    moscow! -special points for rudeness!
    runner-up would have to be surabaya, indonesia-no.1 for
    didn't think hong kong was so hot either- almost as rude as
    special prize for the most boring and uninspiring place:
    any middle-sized german town on a sunday afternoon!

  92. Milan Added by: TiffyMay
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 15:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Heres another vote, for Milano Station .. I was held at gun
    point in the tourist infomation place .. so my view is
    slighly tainted ... still, it was dodgy.

  93. Newport Added by: anna
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 3:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    newport is hell
    port talbort is a shit hole and merthyr tydfil !!!!
    go to cardiff its beautiful
    p.s don't ever go near bacup

  94. Re: #31 Added by: Anne
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 8:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Scarborough, Ontario isn't so great either.

  95. Berlin, Germany Added by: Augusta
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 8:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Worst social climate I've experienced - people generally
    bad-tempered, rude, and offensive.

  96. MOROCCO! Added by: Ivy
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 15:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Morocco has some beautiful sites but i was seriously frightened sometimes, like in tangiers,i know what you guys mean in those other posts--now imagine what that would be like if you were a white female, 17 years old, 5'3, 100 pounds! sometimes it was funny, men would offer me camels, marriage proposals, jewels. but sometimes it was menacing and scary, i was threatened and followed and in fez a guy grabbed me and tried to kiss me and i had to knee him in the nuts and run!

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