Paris in a hurry!...

This topic was created by Azul (
[Wed 19 May, 22:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hello everybody, I'm a mexican girl that is going to paris
because our company send us..I'm traveling with another
friend, we would like to ask the fellow travelers how is
the whether in paris, we are leaving in june 7 we just have
like 8 or 9 are the hostelss good choice we have a
small budget but are dying to know such beautiful
city..also please is it good to buy some kind of pass for
train or metro?..what places near there are beautiful, or
should we spent all 8 days in paris?..
thanks so much!

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 6:00]

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  1. Paris has Plenty Added by: mark gason (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have neen to Paris many times,
    I have never bought a metro pass finding that I prefer to do an enormous amount of walking, every street is a site, full of beauty. An economical way to buy metro tickets is to ask for a "Carnet Dix" which is just a packet of ten one trip tickets, you can share them, works out much cheaper than single tickets.
    You could easily spend 8 days in Paris, one very nice day trip is to the Palace at Versailles. Pack a picnic lunch or shop at he wonderful market in town before walking up to the Palace. Gardens are huge and beautiful. Its easy to get a train from Paris, spend the the day and get back for dinner.
    Staying in hotels in paris is not nearly as bad as you might think, especially if you are sharing rooms, hostels tend to be inconveniently located. You save money and have more freedom by staying right in the center in a hotel. The hotel Henri 4 is right on ile de la Cite, the little Island in the Seine riverl, its a little basic, but nothing could be more central (same island as Notre dame) Look it up, should be in most guide books, if not lonely planet, lets go. You can send a couple of days money ahead with a postcard, they send one back confirming.
    Paris on a budget is quite possible.
    Im sure others can tell you of plenty of favourite spots.
    have fun, mark
    oh should be quite pleasant weatherwise in june

  2. Paris... Added by: Al
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If it's your first time in Paris you should have no trouble
    to spend 8 days within the city. There are some truly fine
    museums, a vibrant - albeit expensive - nightlife,
    incredible sights and those friendly Parisians that all
    speak English (NOT!) :)
    In my opinion it's well worth it to buy a weeks (or even a
    month) pass for the metro. You need a passport foto to
    obtain such a card.But buy a regular one and don't let them
    suck you in with some "Tourist-" or "Visitors Pass Shit"
    which essentially offers the same, but is grossly
    overpriced. Another option is to buy carnets (10 metro
    tickets at once) which should be about half price compared
    to the regular fare.
    If you're on a tight budget Paris is a tad of a problem,
    since it's a rather expensive city. Especially night-life,
    entertainment and food (if you like good food) can be a
    problem. If you do a lot of sightseeing on foot or by metro,
    don't let yourself get sucked in to the usual tourist
    rip-offs, can refrain from a visit to the top of the Eiffel
    tower and eat where the locals eat (or buy your food) you
    should be able to manage.

  3. various Added by: Bjoern (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Weather: should be fine, but being Europe (western wind
    belt) away from Med coast you can expect anything except
    snow (on this time of the year).
    If you have 8-9 days without work to do I would definetely
    visit places outside Paris - to visit a capital only is in
    all countris different from visiting the country in general:
    Best choises IMHO (for short and easy trips): Loire valley
    (to see castles - wine etc) or maybe Mont St Michel.
    Hotel Les Argonauts, rue de la Huchette is another VERY
    centrally located hotel. Double room with bath was FF 410 a
    year or 2 ago. You can find this as well as answers to many
    of your other questions on the net - or mail me.

  4. I agree Added by: FloridaSailor (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 3:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I lived in Paris for three years so it's my second home.
    Yes, you can easily spend 8 days in the city and not see it
    all, I didn't see it all in three years. There are at least
    60 museums alone. Buy the carnet (CAR-NAY) of Metro
    tickets, forget about the pass if only there for eight days.
    Stay somewhere central. See Jim's grave. Visit the
    Catacombs. Ride ALL the metros...some are above-ground at
    least part of the way, go over the Seine. Go to the
    Bastille. Go to La Defense. Go to the open air markets.
    Take me with you.

  5. Paris Added by: Que onda chavas...
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 6:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Paris es carisimo. No se les ocurra tomar cafe en Champs
    Elysees porque les va a salir carisimo. Si quieren comer
    rico y barato les recomiendo una creperia que se llama Le
    Vieux Journal en Rue Vavin, cerca del metro con el mismo
    nombre. Son las crepas dulces y saladas mas deliciosas de
    Paris y nada caras, en comparacion de lo demas.
    Les recomiendo que vayan a un supermercado y compren queso,
    pan, fruta, ondas para tomar etc. y si quieren sentarse un
    rato solamente pidan un cafecillo.
    Para comer pueden lanzarse a los tianguis donde a veces
    tambien venden comida barata.
    Hay un restaurante chino cerca de la St. Denis, cerca de la
    Porte de Saint Denis.
    Le Jardin des Plantes es un lugar tranquilo para comer y
    pasearse un rato y ahi mismo se encuentra el Museo de
    Historia Natural muy siglo XIX. No se pierdan el Museo
    Pueden hacer un tour de los talleres de los pintores de
    finales del XIX y principios del XX. No se pierdan el
    cementerio de Pere Lachaise.
    Si quieren mas informacion comprense el Pariscope, es como
    un Tiempo Libre y ahi viene casi todo.
    Si hablan frances ya la hicieron, si no, esperen un poco de
    broncas porque los franceses son hiper mamones. No esperen
    que todo mundo hable ingles, ni que por ser mexicanas las
    van a tratar bien, asi que aguas.
    El metro es chido, pero un poco apestoso... los franchutes
    Paris es muy lindo, si tienen lana, si no es un poco
    decepcionante, no se vayan con la finta.
    Pasensela chido

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