This topic was created by christina (
[Wed 19 May, 4:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

i need to know if there is any other way of getting to italy from greece besides the ferry. heard that the ferry ride is gross. is it possible to take buses and trains towards albania and croatia and then finally land up in italy? would also love to drop over in croatia. how long would that take if possible and how much would it cost? enroute, are there internet facilities? i'm 23, so i will be using the eurorail youth thingy which i know will not apply to the albania-croatia route, so what can i do? Email me please.

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 15:32]

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  1. Greek ferry Added by: Mike
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 13:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The ride really is not that bad. Actually, it can be a
    great way to meet other travelers. From a budget point of
    view, this is your best route. The bus from Croatia to
    Athens - which I took years ago when Kosovo was at peace,
    is long and frankly difficult in terms of comfort. At this
    time, I would not take this route. You might want to get a
    sleeping berth on the boat to Greece or better yet, in my
    humble view, consider spending your time in Croatia. good
    luck. For more on trains and Croatia see
    www.footloosetravel. Have a great trip.

  2. MIKE Added by: christina (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 18:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ok, so how do i get to croatia from greece, if i would want to see croatia. is there a boat there? when you took the bus the last time, how long did it take you, how much, and how uncomfortable was it (elaborate). btw, do we need a visa for croatia? thanks so much for your previous info, i hope you are able to answer this too. thanks again!!!

  3. MIKE Added by: christina (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 18:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ok, so how do i get to croatia from greece, if i would want to see croatia. is there a boat there? when you took the bus the last time, how long did it take you, how much, and how uncomfortable was it (elaborate). btw, do we need a visa for croatia? thanks so much for your previous info, i hope you are able to answer this too. thanks again!!!

  4. Nice trip Added by: Nausikaa
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 4:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We took the Superfast III from Ancona, Italy to Patras. It
    takes 19 hours. There are several bars and restaurants and
    a small swimming pool on the ferry. We booked a two-person
    outside cabin (one with a window.) We had a clean, modern
    room with two single beds, and an ensuite toilet,
    washbasin, and shower. The first-class dining room was
    quite nice, with good Greek food. The Adriatic was calm,
    and we spent time on deck, sunning, and meeting other
    travelers. Granted, this trip was not equivalent to a
    luxury cruise, but it was fun and relaxing. If you really
    want to get to Greece, not Croatia, book a cabin, treat
    yourself to dinner in the dining room, and enjoy yourself.

  5. greek ferries Added by: katherine
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 12:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you are going deck class, you'll need a sleeping bag, as
    even in summer it is freezing out there (I didn't have a bag
    and curse that ride to this day), I would even suggest
    thinking about paying for a cabin. Getting from Rome to
    Brindisi (or where ever), and then from Patra to Athens
    (ditto) can also be time consuming.
    I don't want to speak for Mike, but I think he is suggesting
    Croatia instead of Greece (I have heard Croatia is nice, but
    I also love Greece). In the current political climate, I
    can't see any land route from Italy to Greece that is not
    going to make you uncomfortable and send your mother into a
    hissy fit!

  6. i did it once in august Added by: diogenes
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 15:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    and it was a fun trip. patras to brindisi. much better than
    rattling through eastern europe in a train or bus.

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