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This topic was created by Scholasticly Inclined
[Wed 19 May, 3:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi, Sorry if you feel like I am taking up space but I need
help. I am trying to locate a school in Europe for post-
Graduate studies. Preferably in Public Relations and/or
Marketing, but if that is totally out of the question,
photojournalism. I know they are opposite ends of the
spectrum but I am seriously seeking a school. The only
real requirement is that it is English speaking. If the
school is in or around the Netherlands that would be ideal
but not required. Again sorry if you think I am taking up
space, but I need to start somewhere. Any info you can
pass along or info as to where I can find it is most
appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 14:05]

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  1. Coincidence Added by: ALine (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 14:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi there... it's seems we are just looking for the
    samething except for the fact that I want to go to England.
    I have found many nice sites and info.. if you want you can
    mail me and I will tell you more.

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